


  • 中文名:良知復興運動
  • 時間:20世紀80年代後
  • 背景:搖滾明星依舊層出不窮
  • 歌曲:《四海一家》


英國歌壇的義舉,美國歌唱界自然不落人後,由黑人歌手哈利貝拉方提(Harry Belafonte)提出建議,之後獲得眾大牌歌手的鼎力支持,由昆西瓊斯(Quincy Jones)擔任製作人,在1985年2月28日,45位當紅歌星雲集洛杉磯的錄音室,灌錄了「四海一家」(We are the world)這首義賣單曲。
「四海一家」這首歌是由萊納李奇和邁克兒. 傑克遜合寫,兩人費了四天的時間寫曲,萊納先完成一部分,麥可看到後靈感大發,一夜之間就把全曲寫好。之後他們又花了兩個半小時作詞,為了普遍推廣此曲,歌詞也力求簡單易學。單曲完成後推出問世,受到的歡迎難以想像,短短數周便賣出八百萬張單曲.英美歌壇有了這兩次成功的經驗,認為可以為非洲災民做的更多,於是由英國的鮑伯蓋朵夫繼續擔任召集人,籌劃英美兩地歌星馬拉松式的援非慈善演唱會,演唱會定名為「Live Aid」,在英國倫敦的溫布利體育館和美國費城的甘迺迪體育館舉行,兩邊接力進行長達十小時的義演。這場演唱會除了吸引爆滿的現場觀眾,還經由七個人造衛星,傳送到全球一百六十幾個國家。負責穿針引線的鮑伯蓋朵夫還因此獲得諾貝爾和平獎的提名。
1986 Michael 因「 We Are The World 」而獲得第28屆格萊美頒獎典禮的四項大獎。


There comes a time  When we head a certain call  When the world must come together as one  There are people dying  And it's time to lend a hand to life  The greatest gift of all  We can't go on  Pretneding day by day  That someone, somewhere will soon make a change  We are all a part of  God's great big family  And the truth, you know love is all we need  [Chorus]  We are the world  We are the children  We are the ones who make a brighter day  So let's start giving  There's a choice we're making  We're saving our own lives  It's true we'll make a better day  Just you and me  Send them your heart  So they'll know that someone cares  And their lives will be stronger and free  As God has shown us by turning stone to bread  So we all must lend a helping hand  [Chorus]  We are the world  We are the children  We are the ones who make a brighter day  So let's start giving  There's a choice we're making  We're saving our own lives  It's true we'll make a better day  Just you and me  When you're down and out  There seems no hope at all  But if you just believe  There's no way we can fall  Well, well, well, well, let us realize  That a change will only come  When we stand together as one  [Chorus]  We are the world  We are the children  We are the ones who make a brighter day  So let's start giving  There's a choice we're making  We're saving our own lives  It's true we'll make a better day  Just you and me


