- 中文名:船證
- 外文名:無
- 製作費:出口商或船方
- 語言:用英文製作
1. 船籍證明(Certificate of Registry )用於證明船舶所屬國籍。
2. 貨櫃船隻證明(Certificate of Container Vessel)。進口商或銀行在契約/信用證中規定產品須裝貨櫃船並出具相應證明的,可由受益人自行製作並加蓋有關簽發人的印章,也可在運輸單據上加以註明。
3. 船級證明(Confirmation of Class)。有的信用證規定提供英國勞合社船級證明,如“Class certificate certifying that the shipment is made by a seaworthy vessel which are classified 100 A1 issued by Lloyds or equivalent classification society”,勞合社的船級符號為LR,標記100A1,100A表明該船的船體和機械設備是依據勞氏標準和規定製造的,I表示船舶的配備如船錨、錨鏈和繩子等處於優越和有用的狀態,對這樣的要求我們常常應予以知足。國際上有名的船級社有英國勞合社、德國船級社(GL)、挪威船級社(DNV)、法國船級社(BV)、日本海事協會(NK)、美國船級社(ABS)等。
4. 船齡證明。有些國家/地域來證規定裝載產品的船舶的船齡不得超越15年,受益人必需要求船代或船公司出具載貨船隻的船齡證明書(Certificate to evidence the ship is not over 15 years old或is under 15 years of age),這樣的要求首要目的在於制止運用老齡船,維護產品運輸安全。
1. 貨裝具備船舶證明。如信用證要求:“A certificate from the shipping company or its agent stating that goods are shipped by APL”(意思是要求出口方供應由船公司或其代理出具的貨裝美國總統汽船公司的證明)。
2. 航程證明(Certificate of Itinerary)。首要闡明航程中船舶停靠的口岸,一些阿拉伯國度開來的信用證中,往往要求在提單上隨附聲明一份,明確船籍、船名、船東及途中所經口岸次序,出口方須按要求籤發此類證明並按證明中所述行駛、操作船舶。
此外船證還包括進港證明、運費已交收條、口岸費用單(port charges documents)、裝卸準備就緒通知書(NOR)和裝卸時間具體記錄等,因為政治緣由,巴基斯坦和印度互不答應吊掛對方國旗的船舶泊岸,巴基斯坦口岸還不承受來自南非、韓國、以色列和中國台灣的船舶,如要求出具回響證明的,出口方必需供應。
1. 班輪公會證明(Conference Line Certificate)。信用證規定產品須裝班輪公會船隻時,向銀行所交單據中應包含船公司或船代出具的證明。例1,信用證要求“A certificate issued by the carrier,shipping Co or their agents certifying that shipment has been effected by conference line and/or regular line vessels only covered by institute classification clause to accompany the documents. 其意思是由承運人、船公司或他們的代理簽發證明,證明產品已裝運在契合倫敦協會船級條目的班輪公會船隻或定期船上,該船證隨單據提交。例2,某信用證要求“Shipping company\'s certificate stating that the carrying vessel has entered P&I Club and should be attached with the original documents”其要求船證應明確載貨船舶繫船東保賠協會成員並應隨附正本證明。
2. 黑名單證明。典型的是阿拉伯國度所要求的抵抗以色列證明(Certificate of Boycott Israel)。其常常規定為:The vessel carrying the goods is not Israeli and will not call on any Israeli ports while carrying the goods and that the vessel is not banned entry to the port of the Arab States for any reasons whatever under law and the laws and regulations of such Sates allowed(船上所裝產品為非以色列原產,船不經停任何以色列口岸,船隻可依法自由進入阿拉伯國度法律和規則所允許進出的口岸)。
3. SMC、DOC和SOLAS。也有人稱其為船/港保全符合證書)是按照國際安全管理規則(ISM)的規定載貨船舶應在船上擁有的必要證書。我國海事局按ISM的規章發給船公司DOC,船舶則可獲SMC,如船公司沒有相應證書,那么就不能按信用證要求來出具此類證明。信用證中的一般要求是:“The carrying vessel should comply with the provisions of the (ISM) Code which necessiates that such vessel must have on board, copies of the two (SMC and DOC)valid Certificates and copies of such certificate must be presented with the original documents.”也可體現為“Certificate issued,signed and stamped by the owner/carrier/ master of the carrying vessel holds valid ISM certificate and ISPS (International Shipping And Port Security Safety Code《國際船舶和港口設施保全規則》)”;SOLAS指的是《1974年國際海上人命安全公約》(簡稱SOLAS公約)。“9·11”事件後國際海事組織於2002年12月召開締約國大會通過對SOLAS公約的修正案,並在2004年7月1日起開始實施。按上面有關規定,船舶應持有“安全管理證書”正本,其船名與國籍證書一致,所載公司名稱與“符合證明”中的公司名稱相一致。
1. 某信用證中要求:Certificate from the shipping agents issued at the port of shipment stating that cargo and/or interests are carried by a mechanically self propelled seaworthy vessel classified under Lloyd\'s register of shipping as 100A1 or equivalent provided such vessels are not over fifteen years of age or over fifteen years but not over twenty five years of age and have established and maintained a regular pattern of trading on an advertised schedule to load and unload at specific ports or equivalent.船證由船代在裝港製作,明確產品系由英國勞合社或其它相應機構確認的100A1級、機械驅動、適航的船舶運輸,船齡應15年以下,或能按預先發布的船期表在特定口岸繼續按期投入裝卸貨品的貿易運營的,船齡也可在15年以上25年以下。證明內容以證內文字及船舶的實際狀況加以敘說即可。
2. A certificate from the shipping company or their agent stating that the goods are shipped on vessels:
-that are exempted from the \"solas\" convention certificatin requirement and is not required to have a certificate of conformity to the ISM code or that have a current ISM code certificate if the carrying vessel is subject to \"solas\"
-covered by the institution classification clause.
-that are allowed by the Arab authorities to call at arabian ports and not scheduled to call at any israel port during its voyage to the U.A.E.
-under 15 years of age.