Continuing the story of the original film, Sara (Izabella Miko) follows her dream and becomes a student at Juilliard. As she is excels and becomes a star pupil, Sara becomes torn between her love for traditional ballet and her passion for the urban street rhythms of hip-hop, complicated further by her new love, hip-hop musician Miles (Columbus Short). When pushed to make a choice, will she follow the path of the tried and true or will she take a risk and dance into uncharted territory
hip-hop街舞節奏之間。而她的新愛hip-hop 音樂家Miles的出現,使情況更加的複雜。當要去被迫作出選擇時,她是會跟隨傳統穩當的道路?還是會冒險在未知的領域內起舞?