2019, 香港中文大學(深圳)經管學院金融學教授
1. “Life is Too Short? BereavedManagers and Investment Decisions”, with Clark Liu, Johan Sulaeman, and EricYeung, Review of Finance, Forthcoming.
2. “The Role of ExternalRegulators in Mergers and Acquisitions: Evidence from SEC Comment Letters”,with Tingting Liu, Erin Towery, and Jasmine Wang, Review of Accounting Studies,Forthcoming.
3. “Is the Chinese Anti-CorruptionCampaign Authentic? Evidence from Corporate Investigations” with John Griffin,and Clark Liu, Management Science, Forthcoming.
4. “Unique Bidder-TargetRelatedness and Synergies Creation in Mergers and Acquisitions”, with TingtingLiu, Zhongjin (Gene) Lu, and Fengrong Wei, 2022, Journal of Corporate Finance73, 1-20.
5. “Patent Quality,Firm Value, and Investor Underreaction: Evidence from Patent ExaminersBusyness”, with Xuan Tian and Xintong (Eunice) Zhan, 2022, Journal of FinancialEconomics 143, 1043-1069.6. “Expectation Management inMergers and Acquisitions” with Jie (Jack) He, Tingting Liu, and Jeffry Netter,2020, Management Science 66, 1205-1226.
7. “The Convergenceand Divergence of Investors’ Opinions around Earnings News: Evidence from aSocial Network”, with Robert Giannini, and Paul Irvine, 2019, Journal of FinancialMarkets 42, 94-120.
8. “NonlocalDisadvantage? An Examination of Social Media Sentiment”, with Robert Giannini,and Paul Irvine, 2018, Review of Asset Pricing Studies 8, 293-336.
9. “Price Impact orTrading Volume: Why is the Amihud (2002) Measure Priced?” with Xiaoxia Lou,2017, Review of Financial Studies 30, 4481-4520.
10. “Can ManagersUse Discretionary Accruals to Ease Financial Constraints? Evidence fromDiscretionary Accruals Prior to Investment”, with James Linck and JeffryNetter, 2013, Accounting Review 88, 2117-2143.
11. “InstitutionalInvestor Participation and Stock Market Anomalies”, 2013, Journal of BusinessFinance and Accounting 40, 695-718.
12. “LocalReligious Beliefs and Mutual Fund Risk-Taking Behaviors”, with Johan Sulaemanand Eric P. Yeung, 2012, Management Science 58, 1779-1796. Lead Article.
13. “Examining theDark Side of Financial Markets: Do Institutions Trade on Information fromInvestment Bank Connections?” with John Griffin and Selim Topaloglu, 2012,Review of Financial Studies 25, 2155-2188.
14. “Who Drove andBurst the Tech Bubble?” with John Griffin, Jeffery Harris, and Selim Topaloglu,2011, Journal of Finance 66, 1251-1290.
15. “Default Risk,Shareholder Advantage, and Stock Returns”, with Lorenzo Garlappi and Hong Yan,2008, Review of Financial Studies 21, 2743-2778.