



  • 書名:自然科學系列(第二冊)
  • 作者:周岐靈
  • ISBN:9787544606929
  • 頁數:105
  • 定價:23.00元
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008-5


《自然科學系列(第2冊)》主要內容:該叢書由外教社從美國著名出版機構麥格勞一希爾(McGraw Hill)公司引進,語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,是一套既注重培養學生英語閱讀能力,又致力開闊他們視野的拓展型叢書。整套書編寫理念先進,編排設計科學,難度逐級遞升,既適合外國語學校及外語特色學校初二至高三年級的學生使用,也適合普通中學同等水平的學生使用。


邀游知識天地 學習地道英語
該叢書由外教社從美國著名出版機構麥格勞一希爾(McGraw Hm)公司引進,語言地道,知識面廣,信息量大,是一套既注重培養學生英語閱讀能力,又致力開闊他們視野的拓展型叢書。整套書編寫理念先進,編排設計科學,難度逐級遞升,既適合外國語學校及外語特色學校初二至高三年級的學生使用,也適合普通中學同等水平的學生使用。


1 A The History of Space Travel
1 B Neil Armstrong: First Person on the Moon
2 A What Is a Botanist?
2 B Do Plants Feel Pain?
3 A Lakes and Rivers
3 B Cleaning Up Rivers
4 A How Flight Is Possible
4 B Helicopters: Form and Function
5 A Earth's Layers
5 B Making a Model of Earth's Layers
6 A The Nobel Prizes
6 B Doctors Without Borders
7 A The Organs of the Body
7 B The Importance of Water in the Body
8 A Technology for People with Hearing or Visual Impairments
8 B Learning Sign Language
9 A The Importance of Vitamins and Minerals
9 B The Truth About Vitamin C
10 A Gymnastics: A Sport of Balance
10 B Training to Be a Gymnast
11 A Growing Plants from Seeds— Guaranteed!
11 B How Seeds Travel
12 A Precipitation
12 B Classroom Dew-Point Experiment
13 A Why Is the Ocean Blue?
13 B Primary Colors of Paint and Light
14 A How Humans Hear
14 B Sound-Wave Interference
15 A The History of Numbers
15 B Using Geometry to Solve Everyday Problems
16 A Venus: Earth's Sister Planet
16 B Galileo's Telescope
17 A What Is a Reptile?
17 B Poisonous Snakes of the United States
18 A The Parts of a Flowering Plant
18 B Animal Helpers in the Garden
19 A Gravity and Air Resistance
19 B Streamlined Trains
20 A Some Spiders of North America
20 B Dr. Charles Turner, Zoologist
21 A Plants and Animals in Ponds
21 B What Is an Ecosystem?
22 A Computer Memory and Storage
22 B From Punch Cards to DVDs
23 A Signs of Spring
23 B Joseph's Nature Journal
24 A Stone, Brick, and Concrete
24 B Building the Brooklyn Bridge
25 A The Tropical Rainforest Biome
25 B Saving the Rain Forest
Answer Key
Reading Rate
Comprehension Score
Comprehension Skills Profile

