



  • 作者:(美國)希爾曼等編
  • ISBN:9787117051064
  • 頁數:429
  • 定價:81.0
  • 出版社:人民衛生出版社
  • 出版時間:2002-10
  • 裝幀:平裝
Hematology in Clinical Practice,Third Edition,is writ-ten specifically for clinicians-students,residents in training,primary care internists or family practition-ers,and clinical hematologists/oncologyists.It is a prac-tical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of the most common disorders of red bolld cells.white blood cells,and hemostasis.Each disease state is discussed in terms of the underlying pathophysiology,clinical fea-tures that suggest the diagnosis,the use of state-of-the-art laboratory tests in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the condition,and current management strategies,For the student,specific chapters discuss a systematic approach to the workup of a patient with hematologic disease,providing a foundation for clini-cal training.
We would like ot thank James McArthur and John Boller of the University of Washington's Health Sci-ences Center for Educational Resources for the colorphotographs selected from the American Society of Hematology National Slide Bank; Catherine Hartung for the artwork; and Jacqueline Hedlund for her edito-rial assistance.


