1、 Wenke Zang,Xiyu Liu, Web Users Clustering Analysis based on AFSA, The 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Application, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. EI.
2、 Wenke Zang,Xiyu Liu, The CEMS Research Based On Web Service, The 2011 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, Wuhan.EI.
3、 Wenke Zang,Guangchen Wang,A Generative Concept Design Model Based On Parallel Evolutionary Strategy, Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design,Shanghai,China,EI.(Accession number: 20111513907672)
4、 Xiaohui Zhao,Wenke Zang*, A Collaborative Network Office System Oriented to Web Service, The 2010 2nd International Conference on Networking and Digital Society,Wenzhou,China,EI(Accession number:20102813073751)
5、 Liu Qiang,Zang Wenke,Multi-objective Optimization on Supply Chain based on Stochastic Flow Network,2010 International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation,EI(Accession number:20103413169964)
6、 Qiang Liu,Qingzhen Zhao,Wenke Zang,Study on multi-objective optimization of flow allocation in a multi-commodity stochastic-flow network with unreliable nodes,J Appl Math Comput(2008) 28:185-198,EI(Accession number: 20083311448558)