Nicknamed 'the Scubster', the 3.5 meter-long one-man yellow submarine has of the fancy gadgets from fictional spy James Bond.這艘酷似小說中詹姆斯·邦德別致的小發明的3.5米長單人黃色小艇被命名為“the Scubster”。
Powered by twin propellers connected to a pedal belt, the mini-sub can reach speeds of 8 km an hour (5 mph) if its pilot is in good shape, and can reach depths of 6 meters (20 ft).這艘潛水艇由兩個連線於腳踏板鏈條的螺旋槳所驅動。如果它的駕駛員足夠強壯的話,它可以達到8千米的時速(5m/s),同時可以下潛至水下6米(20英尺)。
The vessel managed an hour under water in the Mediterranean waters off the Cote d'Azur this week and is entirely controlled by hand or pedal. Hermetically sealed, the passenger breathes with a mask and a bottle of oxygen.本周這艘潛艇在地中海蔚藍的海岸下呆了一個小時,期間它完全由手動操作,或者說完全由螺旋槳驅動。期間她完全與水隔絕,通過面罩和氧氣罐呼吸。
Whether it will have commercial success remains to be seen, but Rousson believes it may capture the attention of an emerging high-end market of yacht owners with 'pocket submarines'.這艘潛艇能否獲得商業利潤還有待觀察。但是羅森相信它會吸引新興的高端遊艇市場中想擁有自己潛水艇的客戶的注意。
'And if it doesn't take off, I'll race it,' said the 40-year old from Nice, who plans to take part in the 2011 International submarine race in the United States.“如果它不能吸引人們的注意,我將會讓它參加比賽。”40歲的羅森在尼斯說道。他打算參加2011年在美國舉辦的世界潛水艇大賽。