



  • 中文名:脾氣虛證4種造模方法的比較研究
  • 外文名:Comparative Study on Four Methods of Establishing Animal Model of Spleen-qi Deficiency Syndrome
作者: [1]廣州中醫藥大學中藥學院,廣東廣州510006 [2]廣州中醫藥大學方劑學專業研究生,廣東廣州510006
作者機構: SHI Xuguang, WANG Mingyu, WU Meiyin, HUANG Manting (1School of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine , Guangzhou 510006 Guangdong, China; 2. Graduates Majoring in Chinese Herbal Prescription, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine , Guangzhou 510006 Guangdong, China)
題名、責任者附註: 施旭光(1965-),男,教授
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:R256.3
期刊收錄: 3;CAS;CSA;BDHX2011;CSA- ProQeust;ZGKJHX
作者簡介: 20130422
來源: 廣州中醫藥大學學報, Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2013,002
標識號: ISSN:1007-3213CN:44-1425/R
中文關鍵字: 脾氣虛證 澱粉酶 血液 肌酸激酶 血液 疾病模型,動物 大鼠
英文關鍵字: Spleen-qi deficiency syndrome ; Amylase/blood ; Creatine kinase/blood ; Disease models, animal ; Rats
中文摘要 【目的】比較不同造模方法的實驗結果,篩取最接近中醫證候的有效的脾氣虛證造模方法。【方法】選用SD大鼠分別採用酒醋硝黃飼料法、酒硝黃灌胃法、大黃灌胃法和利血平法複製脾氣虛證模型,造模成功後,比較各模型組與正常對照組大鼠的體質量、脾指數、胸腺指數以及血清肌酸激酶(CK)與澱粉酶(Ams)活性之間的差異,篩選出最科學可行的造模方法。【結果】與正常對照組比較,餵飼酒醋硝黃飼料組大鼠的體質量、脾指數、胸腺指數、血清肌酸激酶與澱粉酶活性均顯著降低(P〈0.05),其他3組各項指標均有不同程度降低。【結論】酒醋硝黃飼料法為本研究4種造模方法中最理想、有效、接近中醫脾氣虛證候的大鼠模型的造模方法。
英文摘要 [Objective To find out an effective method for the establishment of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome animal model, which is mostly close to the symptoms of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome in traditonal Chinese medicine. Methods Four methods were used to establish rat models of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome, and the SD rats were fed with mixed forage containing liquor, vinegar, mirabilite and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, intragastric administration of liquor, mirabilite and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, intragastric administration of Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, and subcutaneous injection of reserpine, respectively. After the modeling, body weight, spleen index, thymus index and the activities of serum ereatine kinase (CK) and amylase in model rats were observed and compared with the normal rats. Results Compared with the normal rats, body weight, spleen index, thymus index and the activities of CK and amylase were significantly decreased in the model rats induced by mixed forage feeding (P 〈 0.05 ) , and were also decreased to various degrees in the model rats induced by the other three methods. Conclusion It is suggested that feeding with mixed forage containing liquor, vinegar, mirabilite and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei should be a most scientific, feasible and effective method for the the establishment of animal model of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome.]


