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胡超權,吉林大學材料學院,教授,博士生導師,工學博士。長期從事硬質薄膜、光學薄膜、半導體薄膜、相變薄膜和新型防護塗層的研究。目前,在相關領域的國際期刊上發表SCI論文近50篇,其中以第一/通訊作者發表SCI學術論文20多篇,包括1篇Light Sci. Appl. (IF=14.098,物理1區) ,2篇Acta Mater.(IF=5.301,工程技術1區),2篇Scrip. Mater.(IF=3.747,冶金工程1區),1篇J. Phys. Chem. C(IF=4.536,化學2區),2篇Appl. Phys. Lett.(IF=3.411,物理2區),2篇Appl. Surf. Sci(IF=3.387,膜1區)等。一篇文章被J. Phys. D評為年度30篇 “leading articles”之一。申請了國家發明專利8項,已獲得4項授權。主持承擔了2項國家自然科學基金、1項國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項、1項技術開發項目和1項吉林大學科學前沿與交叉學科創新項目。作為主要參加人參與了2項國家自然科學基金和1項“863”項目的研究工作。1個參與的項目獲得吉林省科學技術進步一等獎。


  • 中文名:胡超權
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教授、博士生導師
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學


2015-至今,吉林大學 教授
2014-2015,新加坡南洋理工大學 訪問學者 (合作導師:Sam Zhang 教授)
2010-2015,吉林大學 副教授
2007-2010,哈爾濱工業大學 博士後(合作導師:韓傑才、朱嘉琦教授)
2007-2010,吉林大學 講師
2004-2007,吉林大學 博士 (導師:鄭偉濤教授)
2001-2004,吉林大學 碩士 (導師:鄭偉濤教授)
1999-2004,吉林工程技術師範學院 助教
1995-1999,吉林大學 學士


過渡族金屬化合物依靠高熔點、高硬度、耐磨損、耐腐蝕以及優異的光電性質在許多領域有重要套用。我們製備了氮化鉿等薄膜並通過一系列實驗與理論計算的組合開展了四個方面的研究:(i) 薄膜生長動力學;(ii)缺陷與相變辨認;(iii)光反射與電導性質調製;(iv)耐久紅外反射鏡塗層研製。相關結果已發表在Light Sci. Appl., Acta Mater., Scr. Mater. , J. Phys. Chem. C. , Appl. Phys. Lett.國際知名刊物上,獲得了1項中國發明專利授權,2項國家自然科學基金項目資助。
碳化鍺、類金剛石等碳基薄膜是一類很有發展前景的紅外增透保護塗層材料。我們對其開展了六個方面的研究:(i)鍵合結構;(ii)熱穩定性;(iii)光透射和吸收特性;(iv)力學性質;(v)摻雜改性;(vi)多層增透保護膜設計與製備。此外,還開展了鍺銻碲等相變薄膜材料的研究。相關結果已經發表在J. Mater. Chem. C,Scr. Mater.Appl. Phys. Lett.等國際知名刊物上,授權了2項中國發明專利,並獲得了1項國家863項目資助。


(1)國家自然科學基金面上項目,2016.01-2019.12,76萬, 負責人
(3)國家重大科學儀器設備開發專項, 2012.10-2017.09,80萬,負責人


在相關領域的國際期刊上發表SCI論文近50篇,其中以第一/通訊作者發表SCI學術論文20多篇,包括1篇Light Sci. Appl. (IF=14.098,物理1區,光學1區) ,2篇Acta Mater.(IF=5.301,工程技術1區,冶金工程1區),2篇Scrip. Mater.(IF=3.747,工程技術2區,冶金工程1區),1篇J. Phys. Chem. C(IF=4.536,化學2區),2篇Appl. Phys. Lett.(IF=3.411,物理2區),2篇Appl. Surf. Sci(IF=3.387,工程技術2區,膜1區)等。
(50) Chao Li, Chaoquan Hu*, Jianbo Wang, Xiao Yu, Zhongbo Yang, Jian Liu, Yuankai Li, Chaobin Bi, Xilin Zhou and Weitao Zheng, Understanding phase-change materials with unexpectedly low resistance drift for Phase-change memories, J. Mater. Chem. C (2018) In press (IF=5.256)
(49) Chaoquan Hu*, Jian Liu, Jianbo Wang, Zhiqing Gu, Chao Li, Qian Li, Yuankai Li, Sam Zhang, Chaobin Bi, Xiaofeng Fan and Weitao Zheng, New design for highly durable infrared-reflective coatings, Light: Sci. Appl. (2018) 7, e17175. (IF=14.098)
(48) X. Yu, Y. Zhao, C. Li, C. Q. Hu*, L. Ma, S. H. Fan, Y. Zhao, N. Min, S. P. Tao, and Y. L. Wang, Improved multi-level data storage properties of germanium -antimony-tellurium films by nitrogen doping, Scr. Mater. 141 (2017), 120–124. (IF=3.747)
(47) J. Gao, Y. Zhao, Z. Q. Gu, S. Zhang, M. Wen, L. L. Wu, W. T. Zheng, and C. Q. Hu*, Improving electrical conductivity and wear resistance of hafnium nitride films via tantalum incorporation, Ceram. Int. 43 (2017), 8517–8524. (IF=2.986)
(46) C. Q. Hu*, Y. K. Li, C. B. Bi, L. D. Sun, S. Zhang, R. Q. Sun, L. L. Wu, W. T. Zheng, Surface roughening transition induced by phase transformation in hafnium nitride films, Surf. Coat. Technol. 320 (2017), 414–420. (IF=2.589)
(45) Z. Liu, F. Huang, H. H. Huang, S. Zhang, K. Zhang, W. T. Zheng, and C. Q. Hu*. Combined effect of ion bombardment and nitrogen incorporation on structure, mechanical and optical properties of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 films, Vacuum,141 (2017), 32–40.(IF=1.530)
(44) L. N. Yang, K. Zhang, M. Wen, Z. P. Hou, C. Gong, X. C. Liu, C. Q. Hu, X. Q. Cui, and W. T. Zheng, Highly hard yet toughened bcc-W coating by doping unexpectedly low B content, Sci. Rep. 7 (2017), 1–8. (IF=4.259)
(43) P. F. Yu, K. Zhang, H. Huang, M. Wen, Q. Li, W. Zhang, C. Q. Hu, and W. T Zheng, Oxygen vacancies dependent phase transition of Y2O3 films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 410 (2017), 470–478. (IF=3.387)
(42) K. Zhang., X. Wang, P. Y. Zheng, K. K. Huang, C. Q. Hu, S. H. Feng, M. Wen, and W. T. Zheng, The investigation of magneto-transport properties of PtSb2 single crystal synthesized by sb-flux method, J. Alloys Compd. 694 (2017), 935–938. (IF=3.133)
(41) Z. Q. Gu, H. H. Huang, S Zhang, X. Y. Wang, J. Gao, L. Zhao, W. T. Zheng, and C. Q. Hu*, Optical reflectivity and hardness improvement of hafnium nitride films via tantalum alloying, Appl. Phys. Lett. 109 (2016), 232-102. (IF=3.411)
(40) C. Q. Hu*, Y. Tian, J. B. Wang, S. Zhang, D. Y. Cheng, Y. Chen, K. Zhang, W. T. Zheng, Structural evolution and optical properties of hydrogenated germanium carbonitride films, Vacuum, 129 (2016) 23-30. (IF=1.530)
(39) Z. Q. Gu, J. F. Wang, C. Q. Hu*, X. B. Zhang, J. C. Dang, S. Zhang, J. Gao, X. Y. Wang, H. Chen, W. T. Zheng, Ion-bombardment-induced reduction in vacancies and its enhanced effect on conductivity and reflectivity in hafnium nitride films, Appl. Phys. A 122 (2016), 1–10. (IF=1.455)
(38) Z. Q. Gu, C. Q. Hu*, H. H. Huang, S. Zhang, X. F. Fan, X. Y. Wang, W. T. Zheng, Identification and thermodynamic mechanism of the phase transition in hafnium nitride films, Acta Mater. 90 (2015), 59–68. (IF=5.301)
(37) C. Q. Hu*, X. B. Zhang, Z. Q. Gu, H. H. Huang, S. Zhang, X. F. Fan, W. Zhang, Q. Wei, W. T. Zheng, Negative effect of vacancies on cubic symmetry, hardness and conductivity in hafnium nitride films, Scrip. Mater. 108 (2015), 141–146. (IF=3.747)
(36) C. Q. Hu, L. Qiao, S. Zhang, Q. Wei, Z. Q. Gu, M. Wen, K. Zhang, Q. N. Meng, W. T. Zheng, Hardness and optical gap enhancement of germanium carbon films by nitrogen incorporation, Thin Solid Films, 584 (2015), 208–213. (IF=1.879)
(35) C. Q. Hu, Y. Tian, W. T. Zheng, A review of corrosion-protective transition metal nitride coatings, Innovat. Corro. Mater. Sci, 5 (2015), 2-9.
(34) S. Wang, K. Zhang, T. An, C. Q. Hu, Q. N. Meng, Y. Z. Ma, M. Wen, W. T. Zheng, Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of HfCx films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci. 327 (2015), 68-76. (IF=3.387)
(33) Z. Q. Gu, C. Q. Hu*, X. F. Fan, L. Xu, M. Wen, Q. N. Meng, L. Zhao, X. L. Zheng, W. T. Zheng, On the nature of point defect and its effect on electronic structure of rocksalt hafnium nitride films, Acta Mater. 81(2014), 315-325. (IF=5.301)
(32) C. Q. Hu, Z. Q. Gu, J. B. Wang, K. Zhang, X. B. Zhang, M. M. Li, S. Zhang, X. F. Fan, W. T. Zheng, Nature of tunable optical reflectivity of rocksalt hafnium nitride films, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (2014), 20511-20520. (IF=4.536)
(31) M. Wen, H. Huang, K. Zhang, Q. N. Meng, X. Li, L. W. Kong, C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, The AlN layer thickness dependent coherent epitaxial growth, stress and hardness in NbN/AlN nanostructured multilayer films, Surf. Coat. Technol. 235 (2013), 367-375. (IF=2.589)
(30) C. Q. Hu, F. F. Meng, M. Wen, Z. Q. Gu, J. Y. Wang, X. F. Fan, W. T. Zheng, Relationship between dielectric coefficient and Urbach tail width of hydrogenated amorphous germanium carbon alloy films, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101(2012), 042109. (IF=3.411)
(29) S. M. Wang, H. W. Tian., Q. N. Meng, C. M. Zhao, L. Qiao, Y. F. Bing, C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, Y. C. Liu, Field emission properties of vertically aligned thin-graphite sheets/graphite-encapsulated Cu particles, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (2012),6930-6937. (IF=3.387)
(28) Q. N. Meng, M. Wen, C. Q. Hu, S. M. Wang, K. Zhang, J. S. Lian, W. T. Zheng, Influence of the residual stress on the nanoindentation-evaluated hardness for zirconium nitride films, Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2012), 3250-3257. (IF=2.589)
(27) K. Zhang, M. Wen, Q. N. Meng, C. Q. Hu, X. Li, C. Liu, W. T. Zheng, Effects of substrate bias voltage on the microstructure, mechanical properties and tribological behavior of reactive sputtered niobium carbide films, Surf. Coat. Technol. 212 (2012), 185-191. (IF=2.589)
(26) K. Zhang, M. Wen, Q. N. Meng, Y. Zeng, C. Q. Hu, C. Liu, W. T. Zheng, Structure, mechanical property, and tribological behavior of c-NbN/CNx multilayers grown by magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2012), 4040-4045. (IF=2.589)
(25) C. Q. Hu, L. Qiao, H. W. Tian, X. Y. Lu, Q. Jiang, W. T. Zheng, Role of carbon in the formation of hard Ge1-xCx thin films by reactive magnetron sputtering, Phys. B Condens. Matter, 406 (2011), 2658-2662. (IF=1.405)
(24) C. Q. Hu, Y. H. Wang, L. F. Guo, W. T. Zheng, Reactive magnetron sputtering of germanium carbide films at different substrate temperature, J. Harbin Inst. Technol. 17 (2011), 427-430.
(23) M. Wen, H. W. Tian, C. Q. Hu, Y. Zeng, Q. N. Meng, K. Zhang, W. T. Zheng, T. An, G. T. Zou, Modulation periodicity dependent structure, stress, and hardness in NbN/W2N nanostructured multilayer films, J. Appl. Phys. 109 (2011), 123525. (IF=2.068)
(22) Q. N. Meng, M. Wen, C. Q. Qu, C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, Preferred orientation, phase transition and hardness for sputtered zirconium nitride films grown at different substrate biases, Surf. Coat. Technol. 205 (2011), 2865-2870. (IF=2.589)
(21) C. Q. Hu, B. Zheng, J. Q. Zhu, J. C. Han, W. T. Zheng, L. F. Guo, Increasing sp3 hybridized carbon atoms in germanium carbide films by increasing the argon ion energy and germanium content, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010), 135103. (IF=2.678)
(20) J. L. Qi, X. Wang, W. T. Zheng, H. W. Tian, C. Q. Hu, Y. S. Peng, Ar plasma treatment on few layer graphene sheets for enhancing their field emission properties, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010), 055302. (IF=2.678)
(19) Y. D. Su, C. Q. Hu, M. Wen, C. Wang, D. S. Liu, W. T. Zheng, Effects of bias voltage and annealing on the structure and mechanical properties of WC0.75N0.25 thin films, J. Alloys Compd. 486 (2009), 357-364. (IF=3.133)
(18) T. An, M. Wen, L. L. Wang, C. Q. Hu, H. W. Tian, W. T. Zheng, Structures, mechanical properties and thermal stability of TiN/SiNx multilayer coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering, J. Alloys Compd. 486 (2009), 515-520. (IF=3.133)
(17) C. Q. Hu, J. Q. Zhu, W. T. Zheng, J. C. Han, Annealing effects on the bonding structures, optical and mechanical properties for radio frequency reactive sputtered germanium carbide films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009), 3552-3557. (IF=3.387)
(16) Y. D. Su, C. Q. Hu, C. Wang, M. Wen, D. S. Liu, W. T. Zheng, Stress induced preferred orientation and phase transition for ternary WCxNy thin films, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009), 8164-8170. (IF=3.387)
(15) M. Wen, C. Q. Hu, Q. N. Meng, Z. D. Zhao, T. An, Y. D. Su, W. X. Yu, W. T. Zheng, Effects of nitrogen flow rate on the preferred orientation and phase transition for niobium nitride films grown by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009), 035304. (IF=2.678)
(14) M. Wen, Q. Meng, C. Q. Hu, T. An, Y. D. Su, W. X. Yu, W. T. Zheng, Structure and mechanical properties of delta-NbN/SiNx and delta'-NbN/SiNx nano-multilayer films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering, Surf. Coat. Technol. 203 (2009), 1702-1708. (IF=2.589)
(13) L. Xu, C. Wang, C. Q. Hu, Z. D. Zhao, W. X. Yu, W. T. Zheng, Effects of bonding structure from niobium carbide buffer layer on the field electric emission properties of a-C films, J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009), 074318. (IF=2.068)
(12) L. Xu, C. Wang, C. Q. Hu, Z. D. Zhao, W. X. Yu, W. T. Zheng, Field electron emission enhancement of amorphous carbon through a niobium carbide buffer layer, J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009), 014302. (IF=2.068)
(11) Y. D. Su, C. Q. Hu, C. Wang, M. Wen, W. T. Zheng, Relatively low temperature synthesis of hexagonal tungsten carbide films by N doping and its effect on the preferred orientation, phase transition, and mechanical properties, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A Vacuum, Surfaces, Film, 27 (2009), 167-173. (IF=1.374)
(10) T. An, M. Wen, C. Q. Hu, H. W. Tian, W. T. Zheng, Interfacial fracture for TiN/SiNx nano-multilayer coatings on Si(111) characterized by nanoindentation experiments, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 494 (2008), 324-328. (IF=3.094)
(9) M. Wen, C. Q. Hu, C. Wang, T. An, Y. D. Su, Q. N. Meng, W. T. Zheng, Effects of substrate bias on the preferred orientation, phase transition and mechanical properties for NbN films grown by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering,J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008), 023527. (IF=2.068)
(8) L. Xu, C. Wang, C. Q. Hu, W. X. Yu, Z. D. Zhao, W. T. Zheng, Field electron emission enhancement of amorphous carbon through a niobium buffer layer, J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008), 114314. (IF=2.068)
(7) J. Q. Zhu, C. Z. Jiang, X. Han, J. C. Han, S. H. Meng, C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, Multilayer antireflective and protective coatings comprising amorphous diamond and amorphous hydrogenated germanium carbide for ZnS optical elements, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008), 3117-3122. (IF=1.879)
(6) C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, J. J. Li, Q. Jiang, H. W. Tian, X. Y. Lu, J. W. Liu, L. Xu, J. B. Wang, Ge1-xCx double-layer antireflection and protection coatings, Appl. Surf. Sci, 252 (2006), 8135-8138. (IF=3.387)
(5) C. Q. Hu, L. Xu, H. W. Tian, Z. S. Jin, X. Y. Lv, W. T. Zheng, Effects of radio frequency power on the chemical bonding, optical and mechanical properties for radio frequency reactive sputtered germanium carbide films, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 39 (2006), 5074-5079. (IF=2.678)
(4) C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, H. W. Tian, L. Xu, Q. Jiang, Effects of the chemical bonding on the optical and mechanical properties for germanium carbide films used as antireflection and protection coating of ZnS windows, J. Phys.-Condens. Mat. 18 (2006), 4231-4241. (IF=2.588)
(3) J. Q. Zhu, J. C, Han, C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, X. Han, S. H. Meng, Design and realization of the combined amorphous diamond and amorphous germanium carbide films as antireflective and protective coatings, J. Infrared Millim. W. 25 (2006), 451-454. (IF=0.267)
(2) C. Q. Hu, W. T. Zheng, B. Zheng, J. J. Li, Z. S. Jin, X. M. Bai, H. W. Tian, Q Jiang, X. Y. Wang, J. Q. Zhu, S. H. Meng, X. D. He, J. C. Han, Chemical bonding of a-Ge1-xCx : H films grown by RF reactive sputtering, Vacuum, 77 (2004), 63-68. (IF=1.374)
(1) J. J. Li, W. T. Zheng, Z. S. Jin, T. X. Gai, G. R. Gu, H. J. Bian, C. Q. Hu, Thermal stability of magnetron sputtering amorphous carbon nitride films, Vacuum, 72 (2003), 233-239. (IF=1.374)


(7)胡超權,劉健,鄭偉濤 “一種新型銀引入氮化鉿膜高紅外反射耐久材料”2017.02.09,中國發明專利,201710071240.4,申請中
(6)胡超權,李倩,鄭偉濤 “一種新型銀基於氮化鉿的高紅外反射耐久多層膜材料”2017.02.09, 中國發明專利,201710071194.8,申請中
(5)胡超權,鄭偉濤,顧志清 “一種提高岩鹽結構氮化鉿膜性能的方法” 2016.10.10,中國發明專利,201610883676.9,申請中
(4)胡超權,鄭偉濤,顧志清. 一種具有立方磷化釷單相結構的氮化鉿膜及其製備方法,2017.04.25,中國發明專利,201510003705.3,已授權
(3)胡超權,鄭偉濤,孟芳芳. “一種含氮的鍺碳合金膜材料及其製備方法”,2014.12.10,中國發明專利,ZL 201110433092.9,已授權
(2)鄭偉濤,亓鈞雷,胡超權,王欣, “定向排列碳納米管與碳包覆鈷納米顆粒複合物及其製備方法” ,2010.08.25,中國發明專利,ZL 200810051180.0,已授權
(1)鄭偉濤, 胡超權, 田宏偉, “一種ZnS紅外視窗增透保護膜及其製備方法”, 2007.03.14,中國發明專利,ZL 200510016737.3,已授權


