Liangjian Hu, Xuerong Mao, Liguo Zhang, Robust Stability and Boundedness of Nonlinear Hybrid Stochastic Differential Delay Equations, IEEE Transactions On Automatic Control, 2013, 58(9): 2319-2332
Minghui Song,Liangjian Hu, Xuerong Mao, Khasminskii-type theorems for stochastic functional differential equations,Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B,2013, 18(6): 1697-1714
Liangjian Hu, Xuerong Mao, Yi Shen, Stability and boundedness of nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential delay equations, Systems & Control Letters 62 (2013) 178–187.
Liangjian Hu, Juanjuan Zhao,A Stochastic Lotka-Volterra System and Its Asymptotic Behavior,in System Simulation and Scientific Computing,Communications in Computer and Information Science 326,Proceedings of International Conference, ICSC 2012, Shanghai, China, October 27-30, 2012,Part I,pp 440-450,(EI Accession number:20124515650094)
A. Gray, D. Greenhalgh, L. Hu, X. Mao, and J. Pan, A Stochastic Differential Equation SIS Epidemic Model, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 2011, 71(3): 876-902
Zengfeng Tian, Liangjian Hu, David Greenhalgh,Perturbation analysis of fuzzy linear systems, Information Sciences, 2010, 180: 4706–4713.
Wensheng Shen, Leigh Little, Liangjian Hu, Anti-diffusive methods for hyperbolic heat transfer, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2010, 199: 1231-1239
Liangjian Hu, Aina Yang, Fuzzy model-based control of nonlinear stochastic systems with time-delay, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009, 71(12): 2855-2865.
Liangjian Hu, Xuerong Mao, Almost sure exponential stabilisation of stochastic systems by state-feedback control, Automatica, 44(2), 2008, 465-471
Yongsheng Ding, Min Xu, Liangjian Hu, Asymptotic Behavior and Stability of a Stochastic Model for AIDS Transmission, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 204(1), 2008: 99-108