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  • 中文名:胡紅剛
  • 畢業院校:德國康斯坦茨大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物化學與分子生物學、細胞生物學
  • 任職院校北京交通大學理學院



1985/09 – 1989/07,北京大學套用化學專業 學士學位
1995/10 – 2001/08,德國康斯坦茨大學 生物學專業學士+碩士學位
2001/09 – 2005/03,德國康斯坦茨大學分子遺傳學專業 博士學位


1989/07 – 1993/08,鐵道科學研究院金屬及化學研究所 實習生,研究實習員
2001/10 – 2005/03,德國康斯坦茨大學分子遺傳學研究所 科研雇員(博士生)
2005/04 – 2006/04,德國康斯坦茨大學分子遺傳學研究所 科研助理(博士後)
2006/06 – 目前, 北京交通大學理學院 講師,副教授


  • 生物化學與分子生物學
  • 細胞生物學







  1. Guo Y.F., Zhang L.S., Liu Y.J.,Hu H.G., Li J., Tian Q., Yu, P., Zhang F., Yang T.L., Guo Y., Peng X.L., Dai M., Chen W., Deng H.W., Suggestion of GLYAT gene underlying variation of bone size and body lean mass as revealed by a bivariate genome-wide association study.Human Genetics, 2013.132(2): 189-199.
  2. Zhang L.S.,Hu H.G., Liu Y.J., Li J., Yu P., Zhang F., Yang T.L., Tian Q., Zheng Y.P., Guo Y., and Deng H.W.,A follow-up association study of two genetic variants for bone mineral density variation in Caucasians.Osteoporos Int, 2012.23(7): 1867-75.
  3. Sun W.M., Dai X.X., Zheng Y.P., Wang J.W., Hou L.L., Du J., andHu H.G.*,On-column refolding purification of DT389-hIL13 recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli.Protein Expression and Purification, 2011.75(1): 83-88. (*Corresponding author)
  4. Zhang Y., He J.S., Wang X., Wang J., Bao F.X., Pang S.Y., Yin F.,Hu H.G., Peng X.L., Sun W.M., Zheng Y.P., Hou L.L., and Hong T., Administration of Amyloid-beta(42) Oligomer-Specific Monoclonal Antibody Improved Memory Performance in SAMP8 Mice.Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 2011.23(3): 551-561.
  5. Hou L.L., Du J., Wang J.W., Liu Y.F., Sun W.M., Zheng Y.P., Zhang L.S.,Hu H.G., Dai X.X., Guan W.J., Ma Y.H., and Hong T.,Expression of IL-13R alpha 2 in liver cancer cells and its effect on targeted therapy of liver cancer.Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology,2010.136(6): 839-846.
  6. Fu Y.H., Lv R.J., Jin L.R., Lu Q.A., Shao X.Q., He J.S., Wu L.W., Zhang L.S., andHu H.G.,Association of apolipoprotein E polymorphisms with temporal lobe epilepsy in a Chinese Han population.Epilepsy Research, 2010.91(2-3): 253-259.
  7. Ding K.J., Sun W.M., Zhang H.Y., Peng X.L., andHu H.G., Dependence of zeta potential on polyelectrolyte moving through a solid-state nanopore.Applied Physics Letters, 2009.94(1).
  8. Hua Y.,Hu H.G.*, Peng X.L., Progress in studies on the DEK protein and its involvement in cellular apoptosis.Sci China Ser C-Life Sci, 2009, 52(7): 637-642 (*Corresponding author)
  9. Hu H.G., Baack M., and Knippers R., Proteins of the origin recognition complex (ORC) and DNA topoisomerases on mammalian chromatin.BMC Mol Biol, 2009, 10: 36
  10. Hu H.G., Scholten I., Gruss C., and Knippers R., The distribution of the DEK protein in mammalian chromatin.Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2007, 358: 1008-14.
  11. Hu H.G., Illges H., Gruss C., and Knippers R., Distribution of the chromatin protein DEK distinguishes active and inactive CD21/CR2 gene in pre- and mature B lymphocytes.Int Immunol, 2005, 17: 789-96.
  12. Waldmann T., Scholten, I.Kappes F.,Hu H.G., and Knippers R., The DEK protein--an abundant and ubiquitous constituent of mammalian chromatin.Gene, 2004, 343: 1-9
  13. 郭海紅,楊辛,郭芳,胡紅剛*DEK蛋白的真核表達純化及其活性檢測中國生物工程雜誌,2011, 31(12): 1-9(*通訊作者)
  14. 華穎,胡紅剛*,彭向雷DEK蛋白C末端DNA結合域的原核表達、純化及其與DNA的結合活性中國生物工程雜誌, 2009, 29(8): 14-18(*通訊作者)
  15. 胡紅剛,陳珊珊.表皮生長因子受體III型變異體(EGFRvIII)多克隆抗體的製備及其特異性.北京交通大學學報, 2009, 33(3): 99-102.


  1. 柯屾,胡紅剛,晏瓊,紀豐民,丁克儉,侯玲玲,成喜雨,田甜. 鎘毒猛於虎-我國鎘污染損害人體健康初探. 華夏出版社, 2013.09.


