2006.09-2010.07 石家莊鐵道大學 本科;
2010.09-2013.07 北京工業大學 碩士;
2016.09-2021.12 西南交通大學 博士;
2022.01-2024.04 上海交通大學 博士後;
2024.05-至今 西南交通大學 副研究員
1. 獲批2022年成都市產業建圈強鏈人才計畫(30萬)資助.
2. 獲批2022年上海交通大學晨星博士後激勵計畫(4萬)資助.
3. 複雜地層大型掘進機高性能刀盤刀具材料與工藝關鍵技術,2021年四川省科技進步一等獎(排名5).
4. 移動式大型鋼軌銑磨車高性能刀具關鍵技術與套用,2022年教育部科技進步二等獎(排名7).
5. 掘進機刀盤及特粗硬質合金刀具設計製造關鍵技術,2019年中國有色金屬工業科技進步一等獎 (排名12).
6. 2017年第三屆“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽全國銀獎(排名7)和四川省金獎(排名4).
7. 2022年第八屆“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽全國銅獎和四川省金獎(指導老師,排名4).
1. 國家重點研發計畫項目子任務(2017-2021):長壽命、高可靠掘進刀具研究及其產業化(2017YFB0305905-4, 100.8萬)
2. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助(2023-2024):雷射熔覆超強韌鎳銅基陶瓷塗層異質界面匹配構築與裂紋抑制機理(2023T160412,18萬)
3. 中國博士後科學基金面上資助(2022-2023):盾構機滾刀雷射熔覆鎳基碳化鎢塗層裂紋調控及強韌化機制(2022M712029,8萬)
4. 四川省科技支撐計畫項目(2016-2018):大型盾構機用關鍵耐磨材料及刀具研究(2016GZ0263, 200萬元)
5. 四川省科技成果轉移轉化示範項目(2022-2023):複雜地層大型掘進機高性能刀具關鍵技術及其產業化(2022ZHCG0057, 60萬元)
6. 2022年先進焊接與連線國家重點實驗室開放課題(AWJ-24M06,5萬元)
1. Dengwen Hu, Yan Liu*,Hui Chen*, Mengchao Wang;Microstructure and wear resistance of Ni-based tungsten carbide coating by laser cladding on tunnel boring machine cutter ring. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 404: 126432. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.4)
2. Dengwen Hu, Yan Liu*, Hui Chen*, Mengchao Wang, Jin Liu;Microstructure and properties of in-situ synthesized Ni3Ta-TaC reinforced Ni-based coatings by laser cladding. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 405: 126599. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.4)
3. Dengwen Hu, Yan Liu*, Hui Chen, Jin Liu, Mengchao Wang, Lin Deng;Microstructure and properties of Ta-reinforced NiCuBSi + WC composite coating deposited on 5Cr5MoSiV1 steel substrate by laser cladding. Optics and Laser Technology, 2021, 142: 107210. (SCI,中科院2區,IF: 5.0)
4. Dengwen Hu, Yan Liu*, Hui Chen, Jin Liu, Mengchao Wang;Effect of TiC addition on the microstructure and properties of Ni3Ta–TaC reinforced Ni-based wear-resistant coating. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(16): 23194-23202. (SCI,中科院2區, IF: 5.2)
5. Dengwen Hu*, Zhuguo Li, Hui Chen, Yan Liu, Qiang Fang, Weimin Long;Effect of vanadium addition on the microstructure and properties of NiCuBSi-WC60 composite coatings deposited by laser direct deposition. Materials Characterization, 2023, 199: 112746. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 4.7)
6. Hu Dengwen *, Deng Lin *, Li Zhuguo, Chen Hui, Liu Yan, Fang Qiang, Sun Junhao; Microstructure and properties of Ni-based VC and TiVC2 composite coatings fabricated in situ by laser direct deposition. Ceramics International, 2024, 50(8): 13802-13811. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.2)
7. 胡登文, 劉艷*, 陳輝*, 王夢超;Q960E鋼雷射熔覆Ni基WC塗層組織及性能研究. 中國雷射, 2021, 48(06):239-245.(EI, IF: 2.487)
8. Qilin Yang, Yan Liu*, Dengwen Hu*, Hui Chen, Wei Zhang, Effect of Sc on the microstructure and mechanical properties of direct laser-deposited/Al-Cu-Mg-Sc composite coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 474: 130103. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.4)
9. Wei Zhang, Yan Liu*, Dengwen Hu*, Hang Lv, Qiling Yang, Experimental and numerical simulation studies of the flow characteristics and temperature field of Fe-based powders in extreme high-speed laser cladding, Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 170: 110317 (SCI,中科院2區,IF: 5.0)
10. Yongsheng Zhao, Ying Wu, Dengwen Hu*, Yuhua Cai, Yan Liu, Hui Chen*.Study of microstructure and mechanical properties and residual stresses of 24CrNiMo steel prepared by selective laser melting and laser melting deposition. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 28, 4764-4777.(SCI,中科院1區,IF: 6.4)
11. Yongsheng Zhao, Xu Cui, Hui Chen*, Dengwen Hu*, Yan Liu, Chenggang Ding; Effect of laser direct metal deposition process on the microstructure and mechanical properties and temperature and stress fields of 24CrNiMo. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2024, 1: 38. (SCI,中科院4區, IF: 1.6)
12. Lijun Wang*, Hui Chen, Zhenlin Zhang, Yan Liu, Ying Wu, Dengwen Hu*, Renwei Zhu;Atomic insights on nanoindentation-induced plastic-deformation behavior of tetrahedral amorphous carbon film. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, 473: 129978. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.4)
13. Qiang Fang, Yan Liu*, Dengwen Hu*, Yongsheng Zhao, Junye Li, HuiChen; Effect of Ni on the microstructure and properties of laser cladding 316L+410 composite stainless steel coatings. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2024, 478: 130465. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 5.4)
14. Jin Liu, Xinyi Xiong, Yan Liu, Hang Lv, Ying Wu, Dengwen Hu*, Hui Chen*;Fabrication and evaluation of Ti6Al4V /NiCrBSi bimetallic structure with Nb/Cu bilayer by laser melting deposition. Materials Characterization, 2024, 212: 113962. (SCI,中科院1區, IF: 4.7)
15. Hu D W , Yue M*, J.H.Zuo, R.Pan, D.T.Zhang, W.Q.Liu, J.X.Zhang, Z.H.Guo, W.Li; Structure and magnetic properties of bulk anisotropic SmCo5/α-Fe nanocomposite permanent magnets prepared via a bottom up approach. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 538(173-176). (SCI,中科院2區, IF: 6.2)
1. 胡登文, 陳輝, 劉艷, 馬彥龍, 謝韶. 耐磨Cr8Mo2SiV鋼件及製備方法和用於Cr8Mo2SiV鋼的Ni基耐磨合金粉, ZL 201811105398.X.
2. 胡登文, 陳輝, 劉艷, 王夢超, 劉晉. 鎳基耐磨合金粉以及在鋼基材表面熔覆耐磨塗層的方法, ZL 202110009430.X.
3. 胡登文, 陳輝, 周磊, 江超, 劉艷, 朱忠尹. 一種盾構機邊刮刀感應釺焊方法, ZL 201610506829.8.
4. 胡登文, 陳輝,吳影,王夢超,劉艷,朱忠尹,苟國慶. 一種含鈷類硬質合金銑刀的退磁處理方法, ZL 201510995743.1.
5. 陳輝,胡登文, 劉艷, 吳影, 張振林, 李海舟, 趙永勝; 劉晉. 高速列車制動盤雷射熔覆Co基塗層製備方法, ZL 202210768603.0.
6. 胡登文,李鑄國,馮珂,孫軍浩,焦偉;鎳基碳化鎢複合合金粉及其套用以及鎳基碳化鎢複合塗層的製備方法,ZL 2022 1 1630368.7.