
胡理 ,男,湖南人,博士,現為中國科學院心理研究所,研究員,博導,PI。


  • 中文名:胡理
  • 性別:男
  • 籍貫:湖南
  • 職業:教授 、博士生導師,PI


2016-今 中國科學院心理研究所 研究員 博導 PI
2011-2017西南大學 教授 疼痛課題組PI
2011-2011 倫敦大學學院(UCL) 訪問學者
2010-2011 香港大學 醫學院 研究助理
2009-2010 牛津大學 訪問學者


2007-2010 香港大學&牛津大學 聯合培養博士 生物醫學工程
2005-2007 天津大學 碩士 檢測技術及自動化裝置
2001-2005 天津大學 本科 自動化


本人擅長腦神經信號的數據處理和挖掘技術。當前主要採用腦電、功能磁共振、局部場電位、單細胞記錄和生物反饋記錄等技術研究疼痛的心理生理學機制,探索客觀準確的疼痛測量方法,開發有效的鎮痛策略。目前,已獲得國家自然科學基金(2項)和世界疼痛研究協會(IASP)國際合作基金等多個項目的資助,並在Nature Communications、Journal of Neuroscience (2篇)、NeuroImage (8篇)、Human Brain Mapping和Pain等國際高水平雜誌上發表了50餘篇學術論文。
Topic Editor of Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience


2015-2018 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (31200856)
2013-2015 國家自然科學基金青年項目 (31471082)
2013-2015 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(新教師類)
2013-2015 重慶市自然科學基金一般項目
2013-2015 中國科學院心理研究所心理健康重點實驗室開放課題(重點項目)
2013-2015 中國博士後科學基金第五批特別資助(2012T50697)
2013-2014 重慶市博士後科研項目特別資助(XM20120034)
2013-2015 西南大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目(重大培育項目:SWU1409105)
2011-2013 西南大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目(重點項目:SWU1109010)


2013-今 倫敦大學學院(UCL)名譽高級研究員(Honorary Senior Research Associate)


2012-2013 Awardee of 2012 IASP Developed-Developing Collaborative Research Grant offered by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP).


1. Tu, Y.H., Zhang, Z.G., Tan, A., Peng, W.W., Hung, Y.S., Moayedi, M., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L., 2015. Independent cortical networks predict the perception of forthcoming stimuli. Human Brain Mapping, accepted.
2. Hu, L., Xia, X.L., Peng, W.W., Su, W.X., Luo, F., Yuan, H., Chen, A.T., Liang, M., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Was It a Pain or a Sound? Across-species Variability in Sensory Sensitivity. Pain, accepted.
3. Hu, L., Zhang, L., Chen, R., Yu, H.B., Li, H., Mouraux, A., 2015. The primary somatosensory cortex and the insula contribute differently to the processing of transient and sustained nociceptive and non-nociceptive somatosensory inputs. Human Brain Mapping, accepted.
4. Zhang, L., Peng, W.W., Chen, J., Hu, L., 2015. Electrophysiological evidences demonstrating differences in brain functions between nonmusicians and musicians. Scientific Report, accepted.
5. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Multiple linear regression to estimate time-frequency electrophysiological responses in single trials. NeuroImage, 111: 442-453.
6. Mancini, F., Beaumont, A.L.,Hu, L., Haggard, P., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Touch inhibits subcortical and cortical nociceptive responses. Pain, accepted.
7. Moayedi, M., Liang, M.,, Sim, A.L., Hu, L., Haggard, P., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Laser Evoked Vertex Potentials Predict Defensive Motor Actions. Cerebral Cortex, accepted.
8. Matre, D., Hu, L., Viken, L.A., Hjelle, I.B., Wigemyr, M., Knardahl, S., Sand, T., Nilsen, K.B., 2015. Experimental sleep restriction facilitates pain and electrically induced cortical responses. Sleep, accepted.
9. Zhao, C., Valentini, E., Hu, L., 2015. Functional features of crossmodal mismatch responses. Experimental Brain Research, 233 (2): 617-629.
10. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Liu, H.T., Luk, K.D.K., Hu, Y., 2015. Single-trial detection for intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials monitoring. Cognitive Neurodynamics, accepted.
11. Jia, H.B., Peng, W.W., Hu, L., 2015. A novel approach to identify time-frequency oscillatory features in electrocotical signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, accepted.
12. Tang, D.D., Hu, L., Lei, Y., Li, H., Chen, A.T., 2015. Frontal and occipital-parietal alpha oscillations distinguish between stimulus conflict and response conflict. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9: 433.
13. 蔡敏敏, 郭曉麗, 唐丹丹, 胡理, 雷射誘發疼痛的神經電生理特徵及其套用. 科學通報, 已錄用。
14. 陳睿;唐丹丹;胡理 2015. 基於神經生理學的疼痛測量. 心理科學, 已錄用。
15. 胡理,羅層,陳軍 2015. ICD-11 慢性疼痛分類. 中國疼痛醫學雜誌(翻譯稿),已錄用。
16. 靳晴晴,唐丹丹,彭微微,胡理 2015. 幻肢痛病理機制研究進展. 生理科學進展, 已錄用。
17. 湯藝,唐丹丹,彭微微,胡理 2015. “以通鎮痛”:條件性疼痛調節. 科學通報, 已錄用。
1. Hu, L., Cai, M.M., Xiao, P., Luo, F., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. Human Brain Responses to Concomitant Stimulation of Aδ and C Nociceptors. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (34): 11439-11451.
2. Hu, L., Xiao, P., Zhang, Z.G., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. Single-trial time-frequency analysis of electrocortical signals: baseline correction and beyond. NeuroImage, 84: 876–887.
3. Hu, L., Valentini, E., Zhang, Z.G., Liang, M., Iannetti, G.D., 2014. The primary somatosensory cortex contributes to the latest part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive somatosensory stimuli in humans. NeuroImage, 84: 383–393.
4. Peng, W.W.*, Hu, L.*, Zhang, Z.G., Hu, Y., 2014. Changes of spontaneous oscillatory activity to tonic heat pain. Plos One, 9(3), e91052.
5. Zhao, K., Gu, R.L., Wang, L., Xiao, P., Chen, Y.H., Liang, J., Hu, L., Fu, X.L., 2014. Voluntary Pressing and Releasing Actions Induce Different Senses of Time: Evidence from Event-Related Brain Responses. Scientific reports, 10.1038/srep06047.
6. Tu, Y.H., Hung, Y.S., Hu, L., Huang, G., Hu, Y., Zhang, Z.G., 2014. An automated and fast approach to detect single-trial visual evoked potentials with application to brain-computer interface. Clinical Neurophysiology, 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.03.028.
7. Tan, J.F., Zhao, Y.F., Wu, S.S., Wang, L.J., Hitchman, G., Tian, X., Li, M.,Hu, L., Chen, A.T., 2014. The temporal dynamics of visual working memory guidance of selective attention. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00345.
8. Zhao, Y., Tang, D.D.,Hu, L., Zhang, L., Hitchman, G., Wang, L., Chen, A.T., 2014. Concurrent working memory task decreases the Stroop interference effect as indexed by the decreased theta oscillations. Neuroscience, 262: 92-106.
9. Yu, H.B., Hu, J., Hu, L., Zhou, X.L., 2014. The voice of conscience: Neural bases of interpersonal guilt and compensation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10.1093/scan/nst090.
1. Huang, G.*, Xiao, P.*, Iannetti, G.D., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, L., 2013. A novel approach to predict subjective pain perception from single-trial laser-evoked potentials. NeuroImage, 81:283-293.
2. Hu, L., Zhao, C., Li, H., Valentini, E., 2013. Mismatch responses evoked by nociceptive stimuli. Psychophysiology, 50(2):158-173.
3. Hu, L., Peng, W.W., Valentini, E., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, Y., 2013. Functional features of nociceptive-induced suppression of alpha band electroencephalographic oscillations. The Journal of Pain, 14(1):89-99.
4. Zhang, L., Peng, W.W., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, L., 2013. Distinct features of auditory steady-state responses as compared to transient event related potentials. Plos One, 10.1371/journal.pone.0069164.
5. Tang, D.D.*, Hu, L. *, Chen, A.T, 2013. The Neural Oscillations of Conflict Adaptation in the Human Frontal Region. Biological Psychology, 93(3):364-72.
6. Liang, M., Mouraux, A., Hu, L., Iannetti, G.D., 2013. Primary Sensory Cortices Contain Distinguishable Spatial Patterns of Activity for Each Sense. Nature Communications,4:1979.
7. Caty, G., Hu, L., Legrain, V., Plaghki, L., Mouraux, A., 2013. Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence for nociceptive dysfunction in CRPS. Pain, 154(11): 2521-2528.
8. Valentini, E., Betti, V., Hu, L., Aglioti, S.M., 2013. Hypnotic modulation of pain perception and brain activity triggered by nociceptive laser stimuli. Cortex, 49(2):446-462.
9. Meng, J., Jackson, T., Chen, H., Hu, L., Yang, Z., Su, Y.H., Huang, X.T., 2013. Pain perception in the self and observation of others: an ERP investigation. NeuroImage, 72:164-173.
10. Tang, D.D., Hu, L., Li, H., Zhang, Q.L., Chen, A.T, 2013. The neural dynamics of conflict adaptation within a look-to-do transition. Plos One, 8(2), e57912.
11. Chen, J., Zhang Y.X., Zhong J., Hu, L., Li, H., 2013. The primacy of the individual versus the collective self: Evidence from an event-related potential study. Neuroscience Letters, 535:30-34.
12. Wang, W.Y., Hu, L., Cui, H.Y., Xie, X.B., Hu, Y., 2013.Spatio-temporal measures of electrophysiological correlates for behavioral multisensory enhancement during visual, auditory and somatosensory stimulation: A behavioral and ERP study. Neuroscience Bulletin, 29(6):715-724.
1. Zhang, Z.G.*, Hu, L.*, Hung, Y.S., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2012. Gamma-band oscillations in the primary somatosensory cortex – a direct and obligatory correlate of subjective pain intensity. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(22):7429-7438.
2. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Hu, Y., 2012. A Time-Varying Source Connectivity Approach to Reveal Human Somatosensory Information Processing. NeuroImage, 62:217-228.
3. Valentini, E.*, Hu, L.*, Chakrabarti, B., Aglioti, S.M., Hu, Y., Iannetti, G.D., 2012. The primary somatosensory cortex largely contributes to the early part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive stimuli. NeuroImage, 59(2):1571-81.
4. Peng, W.W.*, Hu, L.*, Zhang, Z.G., Hu, Y., 2012. Causality in the association between P300 and alpha event-related desynchronization. Plos One, 7(4), e34163.
5. Wang, W. Y.*, Hu, L.*, Valentini, E., Xie, X.B., Cui, H.Y., Hu, Y., 2012. Dynamic characteristic of multisensory facilitation and inhibition. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 6(5):409-419.
6. Hatem, S.M., Hu, L., Ragé, M., Gierasimowicz-Fontana, A., Plaghki, L., Bouhassira, D., Attal, N., Iannetti, G.D., Mouraux, A., 2012. Automated single-trial assessment of laser-evoked potentials as an objective functional diagnostic tool for the nociceptive system. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(12):2437-45.
7. Meng, J., Hu, L., Shen, L., Yang, Z., Chen, H., Huang, X.T., Jackson, T., 2012. Emotional primes modulate the responses to others’ pain: an ERP study. Experimental Brain Research, 220(3-4):277-286.
1. Hu, L., Liang, M., Mouraux, A., Wise, R.G., Hu, Y., Iannetti, G.D., 2011. Taking into account latency, amplitude and morphology: improved estimation of single-trial ERPs by wavelet filtering and multiple linear regression. Journal of Neurophysiology,106(6):3216-29.
2. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Hung, Y.S., Luk, K.D.K., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, Y., 2011. Single-trial detection of somatosensory evoked potentials by probabilistic independent component analysis and wavelet filtering. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122, 1429-1439.
3. Yuan, J.J. , Meng, X.X., Yang, J.M., Yao, G.H., Hu, L., Yuan, H., 2011. The valence strength of unpleasant emotion modulates brain processing of behavioral inhibitory control: neural correlates. Biological Psychology, 89(1):240-51.
4. Gao, X., Deng, X., Chen, N.J., Luo, W.B., Hu, L., Jackson, T., Chen, H., 2011. Attentional biases among body-dissatisfied young women: An ERP study with rapid serial visual presentation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 82:133-142.
1. Hu, L., Mouraux, A., Hu, Y., Iannetti, G.D., 2010. A novel approach for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio and detecting automatically event-related potentials (ERPs) in single trials.NeuroImage 50, 99-111.
2. Wang, H.X., Hu, L., Wang, J., Li, L., 2009. An image reconstruction algorithm of EIT based on pulmonary prior information. Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. China 4(2): 121–126.
3. Hu, L., Wang, H.X., Zhao, B., Yang, W.Q., 2007. A Hybrid Reconstruction Algorithm for Electrical Impedance Tomography. Measurement Science and Technology 18(3): 813-818.
1. Tu, Y.H., Zhang, Z.G., Tan, A., Peng, W.W., Hung, Y.S., Moayedi, M., Iannetti, G.D., Hu, L., 2015. Independent cortical networks predict the perception of forthcoming stimuli. Human Brain Mapping, accepted.
2. Hu, L., Xia, X.L., Peng, W.W., Su, W.X., Luo, F., Yuan, H., Chen, A.T., Liang, M., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Was It a Pain or a Sound? Across-species Variability in Sensory Sensitivity. Pain, accepted.
3. Hu, L., Zhang, L., Chen, R., Yu, H.B., Li, H., Mouraux, A., 2015. The primary somatosensory cortex and the insula contribute differently to the processing of transient and sustained nociceptive and non-nociceptive somatosensory inputs. Human Brain Mapping, accepted.
4. Zhang, L., Peng, W.W., Chen, J., Hu, L., 2015. Electrophysiological evidences demonstrating differences in brain functions between nonmusicians and musicians. Scientific Report, accepted.
5. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Mouraux, A., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Multiple linear regression to estimate time-frequency electrophysiological responses in single trials. NeuroImage, 111: 442-453.
6. Mancini, F., Beaumont, A.L.,Hu, L., Haggard, P., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Touch inhibits subcortical and cortical nociceptive responses. Pain, accepted.
7. Moayedi, M., Liang, M.,, Sim, A.L., Hu, L., Haggard, P., Iannetti, G.D., 2015. Laser Evoked Vertex Potentials Predict Defensive Motor Actions. Cerebral Cortex, accepted.
8. Matre, D., Hu, L., Viken, L.A., Hjelle, I.B., Wigemyr, M., Knardahl, S., Sand, T., Nilsen, K.B., 2015. Experimental sleep restriction facilitates pain and electrically induced cortical responses. Sleep, accepted.
9. Zhao, C., Valentini, E., Hu, L., 2015. Functional features of crossmodal mismatch responses. Experimental Brain Research, 233 (2): 617-629.
10. Hu, L., Zhang, Z.G., Liu, H.T., Luk, K.D.K., Hu, Y., 2015. Single-trial detection for intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials monitoring. Cognitive Neurodynamics, accepted.
11. Jia, H.B., Peng, W.W., Hu, L., 2015. A novel approach to identify time-frequency oscillatory features in electrocotical signals. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, accepted.
12. Tang, D.D., Hu, L., Lei, Y., Li, H., Chen, A.T., 2015. Frontal and occipital-parietal alpha oscillations distinguish between stimulus conflict and response conflict. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9: 433.
13. 蔡敏敏, 郭曉麗, 唐丹丹, 胡理, 雷射誘發疼痛的神經電生理特徵及其套用. 科學通報, 已錄用。
14. 陳睿;唐丹丹;胡理 2015. 基於神經生理學的疼痛測量. 心理科學, 已錄用。
15. 胡理,羅層,陳軍 2015. ICD-11 慢性疼痛分類. 中國疼痛醫學雜誌(翻譯稿),已錄用。
16. 靳晴晴,唐丹丹,彭微微,胡理 2015. 幻肢痛病理機制研究進展. 生理科學進展, 已錄用。
17. 湯藝,唐丹丹,彭微微,胡理 2015. “以通鎮痛”:條件性疼痛調節. 科學通報, 已錄用。


