胡照林,博士, 工業工程與物流管理系,香港科技大學。
2008-2011 哲學博士 香港科技大學
2004-2008 理學學士 浙江大學
2011.11至今 講師,同濟大學經濟與管理學院管理科學與工程系,中國上海
2011.10 訪問學者,清華大學經濟管理學院經濟系,中國北京
1. Hu, Z., Cao, J., L. J. Hong. Robust simulation of global warming policies using the DICE model. Under the third round review of Management Science.
2. Hu, Z., L. J. Hong, L. Zhang. A smooth Monte Carlo approach to joint chance constrained programs. In Revision with IIE Transactions.
3. Sun, L., L. J. Hong, Z. Hu. Optimization via simulation using Gaussian process-based search. To be submitted to Operations Research.
4. Hong, L. J., Z. Hu, L. Zhang. CVaR approximation to VaR constrained programs: A remedy. In preparation.
5. Sun, L., L. J. Hong, Z. Hu. 2011. Optimization via simulation using Gaussian process-based search. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, forthcoming.
6. Hu, Z., Cao, J., L. J. Hong. 2010. Robust simulation of environmental policies using the DICE model. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 1295-1305.
1. CVaR approximation to chance constrained program: What is lost and how to recover it? The Second POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, China, Jan 2011.
2. A kriging based tradeoff between exploration and exploitation, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA, Nov 2010.
3. Robust simulation of environmental policies, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX,USA, Nov 2010.
4. Robust simulation of environmental policies using the DICE model, The Third International Annual Conference of The Overseas Chinese Scholars Association in Management Science and Engineering (OCSAMSE), Beijing, China, Jul 2010.
1. 助教,2010 秋冬,EEMT 512 Operations Management
2. 助教,2011 春夏,2010 春夏,IELM 313 System Simulation
3. 助教,2009 秋冬,IELM 320 Facilities Layout and Material Handling
4. 助教,2008 秋冬,IELM 341 Global Supply Chain Management
5. 助教,2008 秋冬,IELM 311 Engineers in Society
1. 香港科技大學研究生獎學金, 2008 年9 月-2011 年8 月
2. 浙江大學陳省身獎學金,基地班獎學金等
1. INFORMS Student Member
2. Staff for 2009 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science, IELM, HKUST
3. Staff for The Fourth International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, December, 2007, Hangzhou, China