主要論文有“The Options for Radio and Television Industry in China under the Impact of Globalization and Commercialization” (ICA’s 52nd Annual Conference,Seoul,Korea. July 15-19,2002)、“The Post-WTO Restructuring of the Chinese Media Industries and the Consequences of Capitalization”,見《Javnost/The Public》 (Journal of The European Institute for Communication and Culture. 2003,Vol. 10. 4)等。共發表成果近300多萬字。
發表英文論文多篇,主要有“The Post-WTO Restructuring of the Chinese Media Industries and the Consequences of Capitalization”(Javnost/The Public, Journal of The European Institute for Communication and Culture, Vol. 10. 4, 2003, SSCI)、“Ambiguities in Communicating with the World: the “Going-out” Policy of China's Media and Its Multilayered Contexts”(Chinese Journal of Communication, Issue 1, 2012, SSCI)、“Globalization, social reform and the shifting paradigms of communication studies in China”(Media, Culture & Society, Vol. 35, Issue 1, 2013, SSCI)、“Retrospection, Prospection and the Pursuit of an Integrated Approach for China’s Communication and Journalism Studies”(Javnost- The Public, Vol. 20. 4, 2014, SSCI)等。