- 中文名:胡楚雄
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:精密機電測控
- 任職院校:清華大學
2013.04-至 今,清華大學機械系機電所,教師,助理研究員、助理教授、準聘副教授、長聘副教授、長聘教授
[1] C. Hu*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhu, M. Zhang and H. Liu. Performance Oriented Precision LARC Tracking Motion Control of a Magnetically Levitated Planar Motor with Comparative Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(9): 5763-5773.
[2] C. Hu*, Z. Hu, Y. Zhu and Z. Wang. Advanced GTCF Based LARC Contouring Motion Control on an Industrial X-Y Linear-Motor-Driven Stage with Experimental Investigation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2016.2574298: 1-11.
[3] C.Hu*, Y. Zhu, Self-Calibration of Two-Dimensional Precision Metrology Systems, New Trends and Developments in Metrology, 2016, pp. 185-210.
[4] M. Li, Y. Zhu, K. Yang, C. Hu*, and H. Mu. An Integrated Model-Data Based Zero Phase Error Tracking Feedforward Control Strategy with Application to an Ultra-Precision Wafer Stage, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2016.2562606: 1-10.
[5] M. Li, Y. Zhu, K. Yang, C. Hu*. A Data-Driven Variable-Gain Control Strategy for an Ultra-Precision Wafer Stage with Accelerated Iterative Parameter Tuning, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2015, 11(5): 1179-1189.
[6] Y. Jiang, Y. Zhu, K. Yang, C. Hu*, D. Yu. A Data-Driven Iterative Decoupling Feedforward Control Strategy with Application to an Ultra-Precision Motion Stage, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015, 62(1): 620-627.
[7] J. Yang, Y. Zhu, W. Yin, C. Hu*, K. Yang, H. Mu. LFT Structured Uncertainty Modeling and Robust Loop-Shaping Controller Optimization for an Ultra-precision Positioning Stage, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(12): 7013-7025.
[8] C. Hu, B. Yao* and Q. Wang. Performance-Oriented Adaptive Robust Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems Preceded by Unknown Dead Zone With Comparative Experimental Results, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2013, 18(1): 178-189.
[9] C. Hu*, Y. Zhu, J. Hu, D. Xu and M. Zhang. A Holistic Self-Calibration Approach for Determination of Three-Dimensional Stage Error, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2013, 62(2): 483-494.
[10] C. Hu*, Y. Zhu, J. Hu, D. Xu and M. Zhang. An on-axis self-calibration approach for precision rotary metrology stages based on an angular artifact plate, Measurement Science and Technology, 2013, 24(8): 085007: 1-10.
[11] C. Hu*, Y. Zhu, J. Hu, M. Zhang and D. Xu. A Holistic Self-Calibration Algorithm for X-Y Precision Metrology Systems, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2012, 61(9): 2492-2500.
[12] C. Hu*, B. Yao, Q. Wang, Z. Chen and C. Li. Experimental Investigation on High-Performance Coordinated Motion Control of High-Speed Biaxial Systems for Contouring Tasks, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2011, 51(9): 677-686.
[13] C. Hu*, B. Yao and Q. Wang. Global Task Coordinate Frame-Based Contouring Control of Linear-Motor-Driven Biaxial Systems with Accurate Parameter Estimations, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011, 58(11): 5195-5205.
[14] C. Hu*, B. Yao and Q. Wang. Adaptive Robust Precision Motion Control of Systems with Unknown Input Dead-Zones: A Case Study With Comparative Experiments, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011, 58(6): 2454-2464.
[15] C. Hu, B. Yao* and Q. Wang. Integrated Direct/Indirect Adaptive Robust Contouring Control of A Biaxial Precision Gantry With Accurate Parameter Estimations, Automatica, 2010, 46(4): 701-707.
相關研究發表論文70餘篇,其中30餘篇論文發表於IEEE Transactions系列、Automatica等國際SCI期刊。出版英文學術專著1 部(1章)。申請國家發明專利近30項,授權10餘項。IEEE Senior Member,中國機械工程學會高級會員
2012 Best Mechatronics Paper Award from ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division
2011 Best Student Paper Finalist at American Control Conference