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  • 中文名:胡柯
  • 出生地:湖南
  • 出生日期:1978年
  • 畢業院校:四川美術學院




2010年 黃桷坪新銳藝術家年度提名展(501當代藝術館 重慶)
2009年 重慶黃桷坪國際藝術節“中國情境‘重慶驛站”當代藝術大展(重慶 501當代藝術館)
108春季藝術沙龍 (重慶 108藝術空間)
我們2009——黃桷坪年度藝術展(重慶 獨兆全寒立映像空間)
“各自話語”——首屆西部當代藝術交流大展(重慶 長安當代美術館)
第35屆日本AJAC藝術年展暨亞洲當代藝術家邀請展(日本 東京都美術館)
中國新銳畫家大獎優秀作品回顧展(上海 多倫現代美術館)
領升-2009中國美術批評家提名展(北京 當代藝術館)
第35屆日本AJAC展重慶巡迴展(重慶 四川美術學院美術館)
2008年《時代 印象》中國當代雕塑交流邀請展 (深圳)
科隆國際藝術博覽會 (德國 科隆)
創造力即美德 (藝術景上海)
藝術狂熱朵多糠項-中國當代新銳藝術展 (上淚棵道海)
2007年 “青澀創想計畫”大學生年度提名展 銅獎(北京 今日煮希駝美術館)
“張婕&胡柯作品展”(藝術景 北京)
科隆國際藝術博覽會 (德國 科隆)
變形記-新銳雕塑家8人展 (成都循少 藍色空間畫廊)
501當代藝術館 第一回藝術大展(重慶 501當代藝術館)
第三屆宋莊藝術節“形跡”展 (宋莊 凹凸藝術空間)
“夢之精靈 ”群展(重慶 講廈悼501當代藝術館)
中國藝術到紐約 (美國 藝術景紐約)
2002年 “實驗的藝術”重慶美術館開館系列展抹歡宙永(重慶 重慶美術館)


北京 今日美術館(2007年)
Hu Ke
1978 Born in Hunan, China.
2005 Bachelor’s Degree, Sculpture department, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,Chongqing ‚China.
2009 “Chinese Situation-Chongqing Station” contemporary Exhibition,the international art festival of Huangjueping,Chongqing.
The Spring artistic Sharon of 108,Chongqing.
“Respective words”—- The first exchange of the Western Contemporary Art Exhibition, Chang’an Contemporary Art Museum,Chongqing.
The 35th AJAC Japan Art Exhibition and Asian Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists ‚Tokyo Art Museum,Japan.
“Lingsheng”-nomination exhibition of China art critics, Beijing Contemporary Art Museum,China.
The 35th AJAC Japan Art Exhibition and Asian Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, tour exhibition,Chongqing,China.
2008 “Time-impression” ‚contemporary Sculptors Exhibition, Exposition of Shenzhen.
Cologne Art Exposition , Cologne , German.
“The creativity is a moral excellence”, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai.
“The Frantic Art”, the Chinese new sharp contemporary Exhibition, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai.
2007 “The Youth of Creates Plan”, The Exhibition of annual nomination University students, The copper rewards, Today Art Museum.
ZhangJie&HuKe, Artworks Exhibition,ArtSceneWarehouse, Beijing, China.
Cologne Art Exposition , Cologne , German.
“Distortion”—-New Emerging 8 Sculptors Exhibition, Blue color space Gallery, Chengdu, China.
The first art Exhibition, 501 contemporary Art Museum , Chongqing. “Shape trace”, the Third Art Festival in SongZhuang, Concave-convex Art Space, SongZhuang, Beijing.
“Fairy of the dream” Exhibition, 501 contemporary Art Museum , Chongqing.
The Chinese Art goes to New York, Art Scene Warehouse New York, United States.
2002The 7th Sdutent Exhibitions, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China.
“Experimental artistic education” Series Exhibitions, Chongqing Museum, China.
Today art Museum ‚Beijing,China.(2007)
2009 “Chinese Situation-Chongqing Station” contemporary Exhibition,the international art festival of Huangjueping,Chongqing.
The Spring artistic Sharon of 108,Chongqing.
“Respective words”—- The first exchange of the Western Contemporary Art Exhibition, Chang’an Contemporary Art Museum,Chongqing.
The 35th AJAC Japan Art Exhibition and Asian Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists ‚Tokyo Art Museum,Japan.
“Lingsheng”-nomination exhibition of China art critics, Beijing Contemporary Art Museum,China.
The 35th AJAC Japan Art Exhibition and Asian Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, tour exhibition,Chongqing,China.
2008 “Time-impression” ‚contemporary Sculptors Exhibition, Exposition of Shenzhen.
Cologne Art Exposition , Cologne , German.
“The creativity is a moral excellence”, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai.
“The Frantic Art”, the Chinese new sharp contemporary Exhibition, Art Scene Warehouse, Shanghai.
2007 “The Youth of Creates Plan”, The Exhibition of annual nomination University students, The copper rewards, Today Art Museum.
ZhangJie&HuKe, Artworks Exhibition,ArtSceneWarehouse, Beijing, China.
Cologne Art Exposition , Cologne , German.
“Distortion”—-New Emerging 8 Sculptors Exhibition, Blue color space Gallery, Chengdu, China.
The first art Exhibition, 501 contemporary Art Museum , Chongqing. “Shape trace”, the Third Art Festival in SongZhuang, Concave-convex Art Space, SongZhuang, Beijing.
“Fairy of the dream” Exhibition, 501 contemporary Art Museum , Chongqing.
The Chinese Art goes to New York, Art Scene Warehouse New York, United States.
2002The 7th Sdutent Exhibitions, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing, China.
“Experimental artistic education” Series Exhibitions, Chongqing Museum, China.
Today art Museum ‚Beijing,China.(2007)


