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  • 中文名:胡晉川
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:北京大學,中國科學院微生物研究所
青年研究員 復旦大學,生物醫學研究院/上海市第五人民醫院,(2018.1-今)
研究助理 美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校,(2017.6-2017.12)
博士後 美國北卡羅萊納大學教堂山分校,(2012.6-2017.5)
博士 中國科學院微生物研究所,(2004-2012)
學士 北京大學,生命科學學院,(2000-2004)
課題組利用生化方法和高通量測序技術研究染色質環境中的DNA損傷與修復,主要包括紫外線和抗癌藥物順鉑等造成的DNA加合物損傷以及相應的核苷酸切除修復。課題組長鬍晉川在2015年諾貝爾化學獎得主Aziz Sancar教授實驗室做博士後期間,主導開發了Damage-seq和XR (eXcision Repair) -seq方法,分別是目前唯一能以單鹼基解析度檢測人類基因組上各種DNA加合物損傷位置和核苷酸切除修復發生位置的高通量測序方法。在此基礎上,本課題組將圍繞DNA複製與轉錄對核苷酸切除修復的影響、DNA損傷修復與染色質狀態變化的相互作用、修復與癌症基因組突變發生的聯繫以及修復與順鉑抗藥性的關係等問題開展研究。
(1)Jinchuan Hu, Wentao Li, Ogun Adebali, Yanyan Yang, Onur Oztas, Christopher P. Selby & Aziz Sancar. Genome-wide mapping of nucleotide excision repair with XR-seq.Nature Protocols, 2019,14(1):248-282.
(2) Yanyan Yang,Ogun Adebali,Gang Wu,Christopher P. Selby,Yi-Ying Chiou,Naim Rashid,Jinchuan Hu,John B. Hogenesch, andAziz Sancar. Cisplatin-DNA adductrepairof transcribed genes is controlled by two circadian programs in mouse tissues.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2018,115(21):4777-4785.
(3)Jinchuan Hu, Christopher P Selby, Sheera Adar, Ogun Adebali, Aziz Sancar. Molecular mechanisms and genomic maps of DNA excision repair in Escherichia coli and humans. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017, 292(38):15588-15597.
(4)Jinchuan Hu, Ogun Adebali, Sheera Adar, Aziz Sancar. Dynamic maps of UV damage formation and repair for the human genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017, 114(26): 6758-6763.
(5)Jinchuan Hu, Sheera Adar. The cartography of UV-induced DNA damage formation and DNA repair. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2017, 93 (1): 199-206.
(6)Jinchuan Hu, Jason D Lieb, Aziz Sancar, Sheera Adar. Cisplatin DNA damage and repair maps of the human genome at single-nucleotide resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113(41): 11507-11512.
(7) Sheera Adar,Jinchuan Hu, Jason D Lieb, Aziz Sancar. Genome-wide kinetics of DNA excision repair in relation to chromatin state and mutagenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016, 113(15): E2124-E2133.
(8)Jinchuan Hu, Sheera Adar, Christopher P Selby, Jason D Lieb, Aziz Sancar. Genome-wide analysis of human global and transcription-coupled excision repair of UV damage at single-nucleotide resolution. Genes & Development, 2015, 29(9): 948-960.
(9)Jinchuan Hu, Jun-Hyuk Choi, Shobhan Gaddameedhi, Michael G Kemp, Joyce T Reardon, Aziz Sancar. Nucleotide excision repair in human cells: fate of the excised oligonucleotide carrying DNA damage in vivo. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 288(29): 20918–20926.
(10)Jinchuan Hu, Li Guo, Kangyun Wu, Bing Liu, Shiwei Lang, Li Huang. Template-dependent polymerization across discontinuous templates by the heterodimeric primase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 40(8): 3470-3483.


