


  • 中文名:胡文瑄
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:礦床學
  • 任職院校:南京大學










<!--[if !supportLists]-->
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1、含油氣盆地溶蝕型流體類型判識標誌、水-岩作用機理與溶蝕型儲層成因模式,自然基金重點項目(41830425),302萬,2019-2023
6、深層白雲岩儲層形成機理與模式,國家油氣重大專項“十二五”(2008ZX05-05-02 -07HZ),2011-2015
2、深埋白雲岩儲層水-岩反應機理與儲集空間形成條件( 41072091/D0207)自然基金面上項目(2011-2013)
4、深層白雲岩儲層形成機理與模式(2008ZX05-05-02 -07HZ)國家油氣重大專項“十二五”(2011-2015)
11、國家重點基礎研究發展規劃項目(973)國際合作課題:濟陽坳陷幔源物質和能量傳輸對油氣成藏影響研究(編號2004CB720503)(30萬, 2005-2006)
17、國家科技部基礎研究發展規劃項目(973)第9課題: 中國典型疊合盆地深部流體與淺部流體相互作用及其成藏效應(G1999043309),2000-2004。
28、油氣二次運移過程中流體相態轉變規律及控制因素研究(960007-04-03-(10))。 1996-1997。
29、中石油勝利油田公司課題:禹城地區低熟油烴源岩有機-黏土複合體研究及生排烴能力評價(9737JS) 。1997-1998。
32、國家黃金集團公司課題:湖南黃金洞礦區金礦成礦規律和找礦預測 (93-95-30) 。1993-1995。
33、中國有色金屬工業總公司課題:浙江西部地區石炭系層控銅礦形成規律及找礦預測 (91-D-29),1991~1994。


1. Kang, X., Hu, W *., Cao, J., Wu, H., Xiang, B., Wang, J. (2019). Controls on reservoir quality in fan-deltaic conglomerates: Insight from the Lower Triassic Baikouquan Formation, Junggar Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 103, 55-75.
2.Yang S., Hu, W *., Wang X., Jiang B., Yao S., Sun F., Hunag Z., Zhu F. (2019). Duration, evolution, and implications of volcanic activity across the Ordovian-Silurian transition in the Lower Yangtze region,South China. Earth and Planitary Scince Letters , 518, 13-25.
3. Liao, Z., Hu, W *., Cao, J., Wang, X., Hu Z. (2019). Petrologic and geochemical evidence for the formation of organic-rich siliceous rocks of the Late Permian Dalong Formation, Lower Yangtze region, southern China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 103, 41-54.
4.Liu, Y., Hu, W *., Cao, J., Wang, X., Zhu, F., Tang, Q., Gao, W. (2019). Fluid–rock interaction and its effects on the Upper Triassic tight sandstones in the Sichuan Basin, China: Insights from petrographic and geochemical study of carbonate cements. Sedimentary Geology , 389, 121-135.
5. Hu, Z., Hu, W*., Liu, C., Sun, F., Liu, Y., Li, W. (2019). Conservative behavior of Mg isotopes in massive dolostones: From diagenesis to hydrothermal reworking. Sedimentary Geology , 381, 65-75.
6. Zhang w., Hu, W ., Borjigin T. , Zhu F., (2019), Pore characteristics of different organic matter in black shales: A case study of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology , 103, 41-54.
7. Hu, G., Yang, R., Wang, L., Hu, W., Cao, J. (2019). Hydrocarbon potential and depositional environment of the Lower Cretaceous black mudstones and shales in the coastal Guangdong Province, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 99, 92-106.
8. Zhang, B., Yao, S., Hu, W., Ding, H., Liu, B., Ren, Y. (2018). Development of a high-productivity and anoxic-euxinic condition during the late Guadalupian in the Lower Yangtze region: Implications for the mid-Capitanian extinction event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 531, 108630.
1. Hu, W*., Kang, X., Cao, J., Wang, X. L., Fu, B., Wu, H. (2018). Thermochemical oxidation of methane induced by high-valence metal oxides in a sedimentary basin. Nature Communications, 9(1), 5131.
2.Hu, W*., Wang, X., Zhu, D., You, D., Wu, H. (2018). An overview of types and characterization of hot fluids associated with reservoir formation in petroliferous basins. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 36: 1359 – 1375.
3. Kang, X., Hu, W *., Cao, J., Jin, J., Wu, H., Zhao, Y., Wang, J. (2018). Selective dissolution of alkali feldspars and its effect on Lower Triassic sandy conglomerate reservoirs in the Junggar Basin, northwestern China. Geological Journal, 53(2), 475-499.
4.Liao, Z., Hu, W*., Fu, X., Hu, Z. (2018). Geochemistry of upper Permian siliceous rocks from the Lower Yangtze region, southeastern China: implications for the origin of chert and Permian ocean chemistry. Petroleum Science, 1-15.
5.Liu, Y., Hu, W *., Cao, J., Wang, X., Tang, Q., Wu, H., Kang, X. (2018). Diagenetic constraints on the heterogeneity of tight sandstone reservoirs: A case study on the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin, southwest China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 650-669.
6. Zhu, F., Hu, W*., Cao, J., Sun, F., Liu, Y., Sun, Z. (2018). Micro/nanoscale pore structure and fractal characteristics of tight gas sandstone: A case study from the Yuanba area, northeast Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 98, 116-132.
7. Zhu, F., Hu, W*., Cao, J., Liu, B., Liu, Y., and Chang, C. (2018). Probe material choice for nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry (NMRC) measurements of the nano-scale pore size distribution of unconventional reservoirs. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 37(1), 412-428.
8. You, D., Han, J., Hu, W*., Qian, Y., Chen, Q., Xi, B., Ma, H. (2018). Characteristics and formation mechanisms of silicified carbonate reservoirs in well SN4 of the Tarim Basin. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 36(4), 820-849.
9. Chang, C., Hu, W*., Fu, Q., Cao, J., Wang, X., Wan, Y., Yao, S. (2018). Characteristics and formation processes of (Ba, K, NH4)-feldspar and cymrite from a lower Cambrian black shale sequence in Anhui Province, South China. Mineralogical Magazine, 82(1), 1-21.
10. Jiao, K., Yao, S., Zhang, K., Hu, W., Cao, J. (2018). The evolution of nanopores and surface roughness in naturally matured coals in South China: An atomic force microscopy and image processing study. Fuel, 234, 1123-1131.
11. Zhang, B., Yao, S., Wignall, P. B., Hu, W., Ding, H., Liu, B., Ren, Y. (2018). Widespread coastal upwelling along the Eastern Paleo-Tethys Margin (South China) during the Middle Permian (Guadalupian): Implications for organic matter accumulation. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 97, 113-126.
12.Zhu, D., Meng, Q., Liu, Q., Zhou, B., Jin, Z., Hu, W. (2018). Natural enhancement and mobility of oil reservoirs by supercritical CO2 and implication for vertical multi-trap CO2 geological storage. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 161, 77-95.
13. Cao, J., Yang, R., Hu, G., Hu, W., Yao, S., Xie, X., Yao, S., Gao, J. (2018). Hydrocarbon potential of the Lower Cretaceous mudstones in coastal southeastern China. AAPG Bulletin, 102(2), 333-366.
14. Liu, Y., Qiu, N., Hu, W., Li, H., Shen, F., Yao, Q. Temperature and pressure characteristics of Ordovician gas condensate reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, northwest China. AAPG Bulletin, accepted.
15. Cao, J., Hu, W., Wang, X. (2018). Special Issue: Advances of petroleum exploration and geology research in West China's petroliferous basins. Energy Exploration and Exploitation,36(4), 559-567.
1. Wu, H., Hu, W*., Tang, Y., Cao, J., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Kang, X. (2017). The impact of organic fluids on the carbon isotopic compositions of carbonate-rich reservoirs: case study of the Lucaogou Formation in the Jimusaer Sag, Junggar Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 2017, 85, 136-150.
2. Chang, C., Hu, W*., Wang, X., Yu, H., Yang, A., Cao, J., Yao, S. (2017). Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the lower to middle Cambrian on the eastern Yangtze Platform, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 479, 90-101.
3. Hu, Z., Hu, W*., Wang, X., Lu, Y., Wang, L., Liao, Z., Li, W. (2017). Resetting of Mg isotopes between calcite and dolomite during burial metamorphism: Outlook of Mg isotopes as geothermometer and seawater proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 208, 24-40.
4. Wang, X*., Wang, X., Chou, I., Hu, W*., Wan, Y., Li, Z. (2017). Properties of lithium under hydrothermal conditions revealed by in situ Raman spectroscopic characerization of Li2O-SO3-H2O(D2O) systems at temperatures up to 420 ºC. Chemical Geology , 451, 104-115.
5. Wan, Y., Wang, X*., Chou, I., Hu, W*., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. (2017). An experimental study of the formation of talc through CaMg(CO3)2–SiO2–H2O interaction at 100–200°C and vapor-saturation pressures. Geofluids , 4, 1-14.
6. Liu, B., Yao, S., Hu, W., Cao, J. (2017). Applying octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane as a probe liquid for characterizing the pore size distribution of oil-bearing tight sandstones by nuclear magnetic resonance cryoporometry. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 88, 814-825.
7. Wan, Y., Wang, X., Hu, W ., Chou, I., Wang, X., Chen, Y., Xu, Z. (2017). In situ optical and Raman spectroscopic observations of the effects of pressure and fluid composition on liquid–liquid phase separation in aqueous cadmium sulfate solutions ( ≤ 400° C, 50MPa) with geological and geochemical implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 211: 133−152.
8. Shi, C., Cao, J., Tan, X., Luo, B., Zeng, W., Hu, W. (2017). Discovery of oil bitumen co-existing with solid bitumen in the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao giant gas reservoir, Sichuan Basin, southwestern China: Implications for hydrocarbon accumulation process. Organic Geochemistry , 108, 61-81.
9. Hu, G., Hu, W., Cao, J., Yao, S. (2017). Stratigraphic correlations and occurrence patterns of two sets of Lower Cretaceous black shales in coastal southeastern China and geological implications: insights from zircon U–Pb ages. Geological Journal, 52(4), 594-608.
10. Sun, Z., Lu, X., Jia, X., Bai, Y., Hu, W. (2017). Optimization of mercury intrusion capillary pressure measurement for characterizing the pore structure of tight rocks. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , 17(9), 6242-6251.
11. Wang, X., Wang, X., Hu, W., Wan, Y., Cao, J., Lv, C., Cui, M. (2017). Supercritical CO2-involved water-rock interactions at 85 ºC and CO2 partial pressures of 10 and 20 MPa: implications for CO2 sequestration and CO2-enhanced oil recovery. Energy Exploration & Exploitation , 35(2), 237-258.
12. Wang, W., Hu, W., Chen, Q., Jia, D., Chen, X. (2017). Temporal and spatial distribution of ordovician–silurian boundary black graptolitic shales on the lower yangtze platform. Palaeoworld , 26(3), 444-455.
1. Wu, H., Hu, W*., Cao, J., Wang, X., Wang, X., Liao, Z. (2016). A unique lacustrine mixed dolomitic-clastic sequence for tight oil reservoir within the middle Permian Lucaogou Formation of the Junggar Basin, NW China: Reservoir characteristics and origin. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 76, 115-132.
2. Liao, Z., Hu, W*., Cao, J., Wang, X., Yao, S., Wu, H., Wan, Y. (2016). Heterogeneous volcanism across the Permian–Triassic Boundary in South China and implications for the Latest Permian Mass Extinction: New evidence from volcanic ash layers in the Lower Yangtze Region. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 127, 197-210.
3. Chang, C., Hu, W *., Fu, Q., Cao, J., Wang, X., Yao, S. (2016). Characterization of trace elements and carbon isotopes across the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in Anhui Province, South China: Implications for stratigraphy and paleoenvironment reconstruction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences , 125, 58-70.
4. Liao, Z., Hu, W*., Cao, J., Wang, X., Yao, S., Wu, H., Wan, Y. (2016). Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) in the Lower Yangtze Region, southeastern China: A new discovery of deep-water archive based on organic carbon isotopic and U–Pb geochronological studies. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 2016, 451:124-139.
5. Wang, X*., Wan, Y., Hu, W *., Chou, I*., Cao, J., Wang, X., Wang, M., Li, Z. In situ observations of liquid–liquid phase separation in aqueous ZnSO4 solutions at temperatures up to 400° C: Implications for Zn2+–SO42 − association and evolution of submarine hydrothermal fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 2016, 181:126-143.
6. Wang, X*., Chou, I., Hu, W *., Yuan, S., Liu, H., Wan, Ye., Wang, X. (2016). Kinetic inhibition of dolomite precipitation: Insights from Raman spectroscopy of Mg2+–SO42 − ion pairing in MgSO4/MgCl2/NaCl solutions at temperatures of 25 to 200° C. Chemical Geology , 435, 10-21.
7. Wang, X., Wan, Y., Hu, W ., Chou, I., Cai, S., Lin, N., Zhu, Q., Li, Zhen. (2016). Visual and in situ Raman spectroscopic observations of the liquid–liquid immiscibility in aqueous uranyl sulfate solutions at temperatures up to 420° C. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids , 112, 95-102.
8. Xiaolin Wang, Ye Wana, Wenxuan Hu, I-Ming Chou, Jian Cao, Xiaoyu Wang, Meng Wang, Zhen Li, 2016, In situ observations of liquid–liquid phase separation in aqueous ZnSO4 solutions at temperatures up to 400 ° C: Implications for Zn2+–SO4 2_ association and evolution of submarine hydrothermal fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 181: 126-143.
9. Li, Q., Jiang, Z., Hu, W ., You, X., Hao, G., Zhang, J., Wang, X. (2016). Origin of dolomites in the Lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulak Formation in the Tarim Basin, NW China: Implications for porosity development. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 115, 557-570.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->Li Q., Jiang Z., Hu W., You X. 2015. Origin of dolomite in the middle Triassic Zhouchongcun formation, central lower Yangtze region, Southeast China. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 10(1): 89-100. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->Zhu D., Meng Q., Jin Z., Liu Q., Hu W. 2015. Formation mechanism of deep Cambrian dolomite reservoirs in the Tarim basin, northwestern China. Marine & Petroleum Geology, 59(59):232-244. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Wan Y., Wang X., Hu W., Chou, I. M. 2015. Raman Spectroscopic Observations of the Ion Association between Mg(2+) and SO4(2-) in MgSO4-Saturated Droplets at Temperatures of ≤380 °C. The journal of physical chemistry. A, 119(34):9027-36. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->Wang L., Hu W., Wang X., Cao J., Chen Q. 2014. Seawater normalized REE patterns of dolomites in Geshan and Panlongdong sections, China: Implications for tracing dolomitization and diagenetic fluids. Marine & Petroleum Geology, 56(3):63-73. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->Zhang Z., Volkman J K., Greenwood P F.,Hu W., Qin J., Borjigin, T., Liu W. 2014. Flash pyrolysis of kerogens from algal rich oil shales from the Eocene Huadian Formation, NE China. Organic Geochemistry, 76:167-172. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Zhang Z., Hu W., Song X., Zhang, C., Zhang, Q., Jin, J. 2014. A comparison of results from two different flash pyrolysis methods on a solid bitumen sample. Organic Geochemistry, 69(2):36-41. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.<!--[endif]-->Hu G., Hu W., Cao J., Yao S., Liu W., Zhou Z. 2014. Fluctuation of organic carbon isotopes of the Lower Cretaceous in coastal southeastern China: Terrestrial response to the Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE1b). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 399(3):352–362. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.<!--[endif]-->Cao J., Hu W., Wang X., Zhu D., Tang Y., Xiang B., Wu M. 2014. Diagenesis and elemental geochemistry under varying reservoir oil saturation in the Junggar Basin of NW China: implication for differentiating hydrocarbon‐bearing horizons. Geofluids, 15(3): 410-420. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.<!--[endif]-->Zhu D., Meng Q., Jin Z., Hu W. 2014. Fluid environment for preservation of pore spaces in a deep dolomite reservoir. Geofluids, 15(4): 527-545. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->You X., Sun S., Zhu J., Li Q., Hu W., Dong H. 2013. Microbially mediated dolomite in Cambrian stromatolites from the Tarim Basin, north-west China: implications for the role of organic substrate on dolomite precipitation. Terra Nova, 25(5):387–395. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->Wang X., Chou I M., Hu W., Burruss, R. 2013. In situ observations of liquid–liquid phase separation in aqueous MgSO4 solutions: Geological and geochemical implications. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 103(2):1-10. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Wang X., Hu W., Chou I M. 2013. Raman spectroscopic characterization on the OH stretching bands in NaCl–Na2CO3 –Na2SO4 –CO2 –H 2 O systems: Implications for the measurement of chloride concentrations in fluid inclusions. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 132(3):111-119. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.<!--[endif]-->Meng Q., Zhu D., Hu W., Jin Z. 2013. Dissolution-filling mechanism of atmospheric precipitation controlled by both thermodynamics and kinetics. Science China Earth Science, 56(12):2150-2159. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.<!--[endif]-->Li Q., You X., Hu W., Zhu J., Jiang Z. 2013. Major Controls on the Evolution of the Cambrian Dolomite Reservoirs in the Keping Area, Tarim Basin. Advanced Materials Research. Trans Tech Publications, 734: 377-383.(會議論文)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.<!--[endif]-->Wang X., and Hu W. 2013. In-situ observations of liquid-liquid immiscibility in the system MgSO4-H2O (D2O). Goldschmidt 2013 Conference Abstracts. pp 2457.(會議論文)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->Suping Yao, Jian Cao, Ke Zhang, Kun Jiao, Hai Ding, Wenxuan Hu. 2012. Artificial bacterial degradation and hydrous pyrolysis of suberin: implications for hydrocarbon generation of suberinite. Organic Geochemistry, 47(1): 22-33. (SCI+EI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->Guang Hu, Wenxuan Hu, Jian Cao, Suping Yao, Xiaomin Xie, Yongxiang Li, Youxiang Li, Xueyin Wang. 2012. Deciphering the Early Cretaceous transgression in coastal southeastern China: Constraints based on petrography, paleontology and geochemistry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 317-318: 182-195. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->Hu Guang, Hu Wenxuan, Cao Jian et al. 2012. Deciphering the Early Cretaceous marine transgression event in the coastal Southeast China: constraints from petrography, paleontology and geochemistry. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 317: 182-195. (SCI)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.<!--[endif]-->Hu Guang, Hu Wenxuan, Cao Jian et al. 2012. Zircon U-Pb dating of the “Shipu limestones” in Zhejiang Province of the coastal Southeast China: implications for Early Cretaceous environment. Cretaceous Research, 37: 65-75. (SCI)
1.<!--[endif]-->Cao Jian, Wang Xulong, Sun Ping'an, Shi Xinpu, Hu Wenxuan, Yao Suping, Zhang Yueqian, Tang Yong, XIE Xiaomin. 2011. Grains containing oil inclusions in different hydrocarbon production and show types of sandstone reservoirs from the central Junggar Basin, Northwest China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 85(5): 1163-1172. (SCI)
2.<!--[endif]-->Chang Chao, Wang Shaohua, Zhu Chen, Ma Weimeng, Hu Wenxuan, Cao Jian. 2011. Biomarker geochemistry of marine organic matter in the Hushan and Chaohu areas, Lower Yangtze region. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 30(2): 145-152. (EI)
3.<!--[endif]-->Wang X., Chou I.-M., Hu W., Burruss R.C., Sun Q. and Song Y. 2011. Raman spectroscopic measurements of CO2 density: Experimental calibration with high-pressure optical cell (HPOC) and fused silica capillary capsule (FSCC) with application to fluid inclusion observations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 4080-4093. (SCI)
4.<!--[endif]-->Wang X., Hu W., Yao S., Chen Q. and Xie X. 2011. Carbon and strontium isotopes and global correlation of Cambrian Series 2-Series 3 carbonate rocks in the Keping area of the northwestern Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 28, 992-1002. (SCI)
5.<!--[endif]-->Hu W., Wang X., Chou I.-M., and Sun Q. 2011. Raman spectroscopic study of the system NaCl-Na2CO3-Na2SO4-H2O: Implications for the determination of Cl- concentration in fluid inclusions. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, pp. 1058.(會議論文)
2019 (中文)
1. 胡文瑄 , 陸現彩,范明,張殿偉,曹劍 (2019). 泥頁岩蓋層研究進展:類型、微孔特徵與封蓋機理. 礦物岩石地球化學通報,38, 1944-1955.
2.胡文瑄 *, 姚素平,陸現彩,吳海光,孫福寧,靳軍. (2019). 典型陸相頁岩油層系成岩作用過程中有機質演化對儲集性的影響. 石油天然氣地質, 印刷中.
1. 張月霞, 胡文瑄 *, 姚素平, 俞昊, 康遜, 吳海光, 胡忠亞. (2018). 蘇北盆地黃橋地區富CO2 流體對二疊系龍潭組砂岩儲層的改造與意義. 地質通報, 37(10), 1944-1955.
2.劉敬維, 姚素平, 胡文瑄 * , 吳海光. (2018). 徐淮地區二疊系烴源岩地球化學特徵及頁岩氣資源潛力—以宿州3-1鑽井剖面為例. 地質學刊, 42(01), 79-87.
3. 陳虹宇, 胡廣, 胡文瑄 , 羅婷婷, 王學寅, 劉友祥. (2018). 浙江石浦下白堊統石浦群沉積相、層序及相對海平面變化. 沉積學報, 36(02), 243-256.
4.尤東華, 韓俊, 胡文瑄 , 陳強路, 曹自成, 席斌斌, 魯子野. (2018). 塔里木盆地順南501井鷹山組白雲岩儲層特徵與成因. 沉積學報, 36(06), 1206-1217.
5.尤東華, 王亮, 胡文瑄 , 錢一雄, 王小林, 陳強路, 張軍濤. (2018). 從成岩-蝕變特徵探討塔深1井白雲岩儲層成因. 岩石礦物學雜誌, 37(01), 34-46.
6.王學寅, 黃益靈, 胡文瑄 , 林道秀, 全斌斌. (2018). 浙江象山石浦灰岩研究中碳氧同位素數據有效性的探討. 科技通報, 34(08), 41-49.
7.徐康, 劉光祥, 胡文瑄 , 羅開平, 陳迎賓, 宮晗凝, 張方君. (2018). 塔中地區良里塔格組層序格架內礁灘體發育模式研究. 新疆地質, 36(01), 106-110.
8.徐康, 劉光祥, 胡文瑄 , 羅開平, 陳迎賓, 宮晗凝, 張方君. (2018). 川西地區須四段砂岩儲層特徵及主控因素分析. 油氣地質與採收率, 25(02), 42-49.
9. 徐康, 劉光祥, 胡文瑄 , 羅開平, 陳迎賓, 宮晗凝. (2018). 塔中地區上奧陶統層序格架內礁灘體展布及沉積相. 大慶石油地質與開發, 37(2), 26-33.
1. 劉標, 姚素平, 胡文瑄 , 曹劍, 解德錄. (2017). 核磁共振凍融法表征非常規油氣儲層孔隙的適用性. 石油學報, 38(12), 1401-1410.
2. 王小林, 萬野, 胡文瑄 , 尤東華, 曹劍, 朱東亞, 李真. (2017). 白雲石與富矽流體的水—岩反應實驗及其儲層地質意義. 地質論評, 63(6), 1639-1652.
3. 尤東華, 韓俊, 胡文瑄 , 錢一雄, 曹自成, 陳強路, 李慧莉. (2017). 超深層灰岩孔隙 -微孔隙特徵與成因——以塔里木盆地順南7井和順托1井一間房組灰岩為例. 石油與天然氣地質, 38(4), 693-702.
4. 王曉宇, 王小林, 萬野, 胡文瑄 . (2017). 一種新的熱台溫度校準方法: 硫酸鹽-水體系液-液相分離原位觀測. 地球化學, 46(4), 319-332.
5. 廖晴, 王博, 胡文瑄 . (2017). 紐西蘭陶波火山區水化學特徵及其成因初探 . 高校地質學報, 2017, 23(2), 252-258.
6. 靳軍, 康遜, 胡文瑄 *, 向寶力, 王劍, 曹劍. (2017). 準噶爾盆地瑪湖凹陷西斜坡百口泉組砂礫岩儲層成岩作用及對儲集性能的影響. 石油與天然氣地質, 38(2), 323-333.
7.孫振孟, 錢錚, 陸現彩, 郭琴, 徐金覃, 史原鵬, 胡文瑄 . (2017). 內蒙古二連盆地阿南凹陷騰格爾組一段下部特殊岩性段儲集性能. 地質通報, 36(4), 644-653.
8. 孟楚潔, 胡文瑄 *, 賈東, 王琳. (2017). 寧鎮地區上奧陶統五峰組—下志留統高家邊組底部黑色岩系地球化學特徵與沉積環境分析. 地學前緣, 24(6), 300-311.
9.羅厚勇, 張大勇, 梁明亮, 劉文匯, 胡文瑄 . (2017). 碳酸鹽岩中固體瀝青裂解過程硫元素賦存狀態模擬實驗. 新疆石油地質, 38(02), 223-228.
10. 任慶慶, 胡文瑄 *, 王小林, 俞昊, 姚素平, 王曉宇, 張月霞, 夏在連. (2017). 富 CO2 流體與砂岩儲層水-岩反應實驗研究與套用:以黃橋油氣藏龍潭組砂岩為例. 高校地質學報, 23(1), 134-147.
11.康遜, 胡文瑄 *, 王劍, 曹劍, 楊召. (2017). 扇三角洲砂礫岩油藏儲層敏感性研究——以準噶爾盆地瑪湖凹陷百口泉組為例.中國礦業大學學報, 46(3), 596-605.
1. 康遜, 胡文瑄 *, 曹劍, 楊召, 吳海光, 向寶力. (2016). 鉀長石和鈉長石差異溶蝕與含烴類流體的關係——以準噶爾盆地艾湖油田百口泉組為例. 石油學報, 37(11), 1381-1393.
2.李永豪, 曹劍, 胡文瑄 , 陸現彩, 范明, 張殿偉, 洪冬冬. (2016). 膏鹽岩油氣封蓋性研究進展. 石油與天然氣地質, 37(5), 634-643.
3.胡文瑄 *. (2016). 盆地深部流體主要來源及判識標誌研究. 礦物岩石地球化學通報, 35(5), 817-826.
4.王利超, 胡文瑄 *, 王小林, 曹劍, 吳海光, 廖志偉, 萬野. (2016). 白雲岩化過程中鍶含量變化及鍶同位素分餾特徵與意義. 石油與天然氣地質, 37(4), 464-472.
5. 廖志偉, 胡文瑄 *, 王小林, 曹劍, 姚素平, 萬野. (2016). 下揚子 PTB 界線深水相區粘土岩的火山成因研究及其對 LPME 的指示意義. 地質學報, 90(4), 785-800.
6. 賈東, 胡文瑄 , 姚素平, 尹宏偉, 李一泉, 王文卉, 周啟友, 吳曉俊. (2016). 江蘇省下志留統黑色頁岩淺井鑽探及其頁岩氣潛力分析 .高校地質學報, 22(1), 127-137.
7. 廖志偉, 胡文瑄 *, 曹劍, 姚素平, 許志敏, &張月霞, 萬野, 丁海. (2016). 下揚子皖南大隆組黑色岩系發育特徵及油氣資源潛力初探 .高校地質學報, 22(1), 138-151.
8. 王小林, 胡文瑄 , 張軍濤, 朱井泉, 萬野. (2016). 塔里木盆地和田 1井中寒武統膏岩層段發現原生白雲石. 地質論評, 62(2), 419-433.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.<!--[endif]-->王利超,胡文瑄,王小林,曹劍. 2015.白雲岩化過程中鹵族元素的含量變化及意義. 中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會論文摘要集.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.<!--[endif]-->尤東華,胡文瑄,錢一雄,朱東亞,張軍濤. 2015. 塔里木盆地塔深1井超深層白雲岩儲層再認識. 中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會論文摘要集.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.<!--[endif]-->廖志偉,胡文瑄,王小林,曹劍,姚素平,萬野. 2015. 皖南牛山剖面PTB粘土岩的火山成因研究及其地質指示意義. 中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會論文摘要集.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.<!--[endif]-->康遜,靳軍,胡文瑄,楊召,曹劍,吳海光. 2015. 重力流研究評述及瑪湖斜坡區百口泉組重力流類型. 新疆石油地質,36(3): 369-378.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.<!--[endif]-->袁雲峰,曹劍,胡文瑄,李嘯,羅惠芬. 2015. 準噶爾盆地腹部斷裂和不整合面流體活動特徵對比. 地質科技情報,34(4): 78-83.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.<!--[endif]-->洪冬冬,曹劍,胡文瑄,范明,俞凌傑,劉衛民. 2015. 蒸發岩溶蝕特徵實驗模擬及其油氣封蓋意義. 中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會論文摘要集.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.<!--[endif]-->張鸞灃,雷德文,唐勇,阿布力米提,陳剛強,胡文瑄,曹劍. 2015. 準噶爾盆地瑪湖凹陷深層油氣流體相態研究. 地質學報,89(5): 957-969.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.<!--[endif]-->胡文瑄,朱井泉,王小林,由雪蓮,何凱. 2014. 塔里木盆地柯坪地區寒武系微生物白雲岩特徵、成因及意義. 石油與天然氣地質,35(6): 860-869.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->9.<!--[endif]-->王利超,胡文瑄,王小林. 2014. 下揚子宜興葛山三疊系周沖村組白雲岩化過程及元素地球化學回響. 地球化學,43(3): 255-266.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->10.<!--[endif]-->張軍濤,胡文瑄,王小林. 2014. 塔里木盆地寒武系鞍狀白雲石孔隙充填物差異與成因. 沉積學報,32(2): 253-259.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->11.<!--[endif]-->劉友祥,胡文瑄,胡廣. 2014. 浙閩地區早白堊世暗色岩系的孢粉組合與古氣候特徵. 高校地質學報,20(4): 590-601.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->12.<!--[endif]-->胡廣,曹劍,胡文瑄,姚素平,劉文匯. 2014. 大洋缺氧事件及其等時陸相沉積與烴源岩發育. 西南石油大學學報:自然科學版,36(5): 1-15.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->13.<!--[endif]-->孟慶強,金之鈞,劉文匯,胡文瑄,張劉平,朱東亞. 2014. 天然氣中伴生氫氣的資源意義及其分布. 石油實驗地質,36(6): 712-717.


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2. 金之鈞,胡文瑄,張劉平等, 2007,深部流體活動及油氣成藏效應(專著),科學出版社。


