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  • 中文名:胡文浩
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:香港理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:中山大學藥學院院長
  • 職稱:教授



1995-1998年:香港理工大學套用生物及化學科技學系 博士學位
1983-1987年:四川大學化學系 學士學位


2006-2016:華東師範大學化學系教授;上海市高校“東方學者” 特聘教授(2009-);華東師範大學小分子藥物研究所所長(2010-2011);上海分子治療與新藥創製工程技術研究中心主任(2011-2016);





1. Dan Zhang, Jun Zhou, Fei Xia, Zhenghui Kang, and Wenhao Hu*, Bond cleavage, fragment modification and reassembly in enantioselective three-component reactions, Nat Commun. 2015, 6, 5801.
2. Xiaochu Ma, Jun Jiang, Siying Lv, Wenfeng Yao, Yang Yang, Shunying Liu,* Fei Xia, and Wenhao Hu*, An Ylide Transformation of Rhodium(I) Carbene: Enantioselective Three-Component Reaction through Trapping of Rhodium(I)-Associated Ammonium Ylides by β-Nitroacrylates, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13136-13139.
3. Dan Zhang, Huang Qiu, Liqin Jiang,* Fengping Lv, Chaoqun Ma, and Wenhao Hu*,. Enantioselective Palladium(II) Phosphate Catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of Pyrrole, Diazoesters, and Imines. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 125, 13598-13602.
4. Shikun Jia, Dong Xing, Dan Zhang, and Wenhao Hu*, Catalytic Asymmetric Functionalization of Aromatic C-H Bonds by Electrophilic Trapping of Metal-Carbene-Induced Zwitterionic Intermediates, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 13098-13101.
5. Changcheng Jing, Dong Xing, Yu Qian, Taoda Shi, Yun Zhao, and Wenhao Hu*, Diversity-Oriented Three-Component Reactions of Diazo Compounds with Anilines and 4-Oxo-Enoates. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 9289-9292.
6. Xin Guo, and Wenhao Hu*, Novel Multicomponent Reactions via Trapping of Protic Onium Ylides with Electrophiles, Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46, 2427-2440.
7. Jun Jiang, Xiaoyu Guan, Shunying Liu, Baiyan Ren, Xiaochu Ma, Xin Guo, Fengping Lv, Xiang Wu, and Wenhao Hu*, Highly Diastereoselective Multicomponent Cascade Reactions: Efficient Synthesis of Functionalized 1-Indanols, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 1539-1542.
8. Huang Qiu, Ming Li, Li-Qin Jiang, Feng-Ping Lv, Li Zan, Chang-Wei Zhai, Michael P. Doyle, and Wen-Hao Hu*, Highly enantioselective trapping of zwitterionic intermediates by imines, Nature Chem. 2012, 4, 733-739.
9. Jun Jiang, Hua-Dong Xu, Jian-Bei Xi, Bai-Yan Ren, Feng-Ping Lv, Xin Guo, Li-Qin Jiang, Zhi-Yong Zhang, and Wenhao Hu*, Diastereoselectively Switchable Enantioselective Trapping of Carbamate Ammonium Ylides with Imines, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8428-8431.
10. Xiaoyu Guan, Liping Yang, and Wenhao Hu*, Cooperative Catalysis in Multicomponent Reactions: Highly Enantioselective Synthesis of γ-Hydroxyketones with a Quaternary Carbon Stereocenter, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 2190-2192.
11. Xu Zhang, Haoxi Huang, Xin Guo, Xiaoyu Guan, Liping Yang, and Wenhao Hu*, Catalytic enantioselective trapping of an alcoholic oxonium ylide with aldehydes: Rh-II/Zr-IV-co-catalyzed three-component reactions of aryl diazoacetates, benzyl alcohol, and aldehydes, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 6647–6649.
12. Wenhao Hu*, Xinfang Xu, Jing Zhou, Wei-Jun Liu, Haoxi Huang, Juan Hu, Liping Yang, and Liu-Zhu Gong*, Cooperative Catalysis with Chiral Brønsted Acid-Rh2(OAc)4: Highly Enantioselective Three-Component Reactions of Diazo Compounds with Alcohols and Imines, J. Am. Chem. Soc.2008, 130, 7782-7783.
13. Haoxi Huang, Xin Guo, and Wenhao Hu*, Efficient Trapping of Oxonium Ylides with Imines: A Highly Diastereoselective Three-Component Reaction for the Synthesis of β-Amino-α-hydroxyesters with Quaternary Stereocenters, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 1337-1339.
14. Xufeng Cao, Zhaoshuan Sun, Yongbing Cao, Ruilian Wang, Tongkai Cai, Wenjing Chu, Wenhao Hu*, and Yushe Yang*, Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Novel Fused Heterocycles-Linked Triazoles with Good Activity and Water Solubility, J. Med. Chem.2014, 57, 3687-3706.
15. Brendan Frett, Robert V. Brown, Mingliang Ma, Wenhao Hu, Haiyong Han, and Hong-yu Li*, Therapeutic Melting Pot of Never in Mitosis Gene A Related Kinase2 (Nek2): A Perspective on Nek2 as an Oncology Target and Recent Advancements in Nek2 Small Molecule Inhibition, J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 5835-5844.
16. Shouning Yang, Wei Shi, Dong Xing, Zheng Zhao,** Fengping Lv, Liping Yang, Yushe Yang,** and Wenhao Hu*, Synthesis, antibacterial activity, and biological evaluation of formyl hydroxyamino derivatives as novel potent peptide deformylase inhibitors against drug-resistant bacteria, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2014, 86, 133-152.
17. Wei Shi, Haikun Ma, Yuejiao Duan, Kelly Aubart, Yuhong Fang, Rimma Zonis, Liping Yang, Wenhao Hu*, Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity of 3-methylenepyrrolidine formyl hydroxyamino derivatives as novel peptide deformylase inhibitors, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2011, 21, 1060-1063.
18. Wei Shi, Yuejiao Duan, Yu Qian, Ming Li, Liping Yang, and Wenhao Hu*, Design, synthesis, and antibacterial activity of 2,5-dihydropyrrole formyl hydroxyamino derivatives as novel peptide deformylase inhibitors, Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2010, 20, 3592-3595.


1. 《Multicomponent Reactions in Organic Synthesis》
2. 《實用有機合成工藝研發手冊》
3. 《有機化學學科前沿與展望》
4. 《高速發展的中國化學》
5. 《不對稱催化反應進展》


1. 胡文浩,江俊,管曉渝,郭鑫,馬曉初,劉順英;一種多取代茚醇衍生物的製備方法;專利號:ZL201210414971.1。
2. 胡文浩,昝力,厲銘,黃海峰,周靜,張霞,楊琍苹;一種3,3'-二取代-3-羥基雙吲哚酮衍生物及其製備方法和套用;專利號:ZL201110457307.0。
3. 胡文浩,石煒,段月嬌,錢宇,厲銘,楊琍苹;含2,5-二氫吡咯的肽脫甲醯基酶抑制劑及合成方法;專利號:ZL200910053046.9。正在申請國際專利‚PCT/CN2010/000268,已授權。
4. 胡文浩,徐新芳,郭新,邱林,周靜,楊琍苹;一種合成多芳基取代噁唑烷的方法;專利號:ZL201010125682.0。
5. 胡文浩,史滔達,郭震球,楊琍苹;一種製備α-羥基-β-氨基丙酸乙酯衍生物的方法;專利號:ZL 200910044877.X。
6. 胡文浩,朱映光,翟昌偉,岳永力,楊琍苹;一種二氫吡咯衍生物的製備方法;專利號:ZL200810203772.X。
1. 胡文浩,翟昌偉,馬超群,荊常誠,邢棟;一種螺[吡咯啉基-3,2’-氧化吲哚]衍生物及其合成方法和套用;申請號:201410409368.3。
2. 胡文浩,馬明亮,席間備,呂思瑩,王文科,章雄文,方艷芬;一種咪唑並吡啶骨架結構的新化合物的合成及套用;申請號:201410181135.2。
3. 胡文浩,周俊,張丹,邢棟,劉順英; 硫酸化岩藻-半乳四糖及其製備方法和套用;申請號:201410163873.4。


