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  • 中文名:胡悅
  • 研究領域:政治心理、語言政治、政治傳播、經濟社會平等、社會科學方法論
  • 職稱:清華大學社會科學學院政治學系副教授


2018-05, 美國愛荷華大學博士(政治學)
2016-12, 美國愛荷華大學輔修證書(信息學)
2013-12, 美國南卡羅來納大學碩士(政治學)
2011-06, 加拿大里賈納大學碩士(政治學)
2009-06 ,南開大學學士(國際關係)


2021年6月-今, 清華大學政治系副教授
2019年1月-2021年6月, 清華大學政治系助理教授
2015年8月-2018年5月, 美國愛荷華社會科學研究中心統計學顧問




Peer-reviewed 文章
Hu, Y., & Pizzi, E. (2022). Breaking Through the Linguistic Barrier: The Role of Language Policy in Migration Decisions.China: An International Journal, Forthcoming.
Tai, Y. ‘Cassandra’., Hu, Y., & Solt, F. (2022). Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty. American Political Science Review, First View.
Tang, W., & Hu, Y. (2022). Detecting Grassroots Bribery and Its Sources in China: A Survey Experimental Approach.Journal of Contemporary China.
Hu, Y., & Shao, Z. (2022). What Drives Chinese Internet Users to Watch State‑Media Broadcasts? An Audience Analysis.Journal of Chinese Political Science, 27(1), 19–40.
Hu, Y., Sun, Y., & Lien, D. (2022). The Resistance and Resilience of National Image Building: An Empirical Analysis of Confucius Institute Closures in the U.S. Chinese Journal of International Politics, 15(3), 1–18.
Jiang, Q., Liu, S., Hu, Y., & Xu, J. (2022). Social Media for Health Campaign and Solidarity Among Chinses Fandom Publics During the Covid‑19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology: Health Psychology, 12, 824377.
Pizzi, E., & Hu, Y. (2022). Does Governmental Policy Shape Migration Decisions?The Case of China’s Hukou System.Modern China, Online.
Hu, Y. (2020). Culture Marker Versus Authority Marker: How Do Language Attitudes Affect Political Trust? Political Psychology, 41(4), 699–716.
Hu, Y. (2020). Refocusing Democracy: The Chinese Government’s Framing Strategy in Political Language. Democra‑tization, 72(2), 302–320.
Hu, Y., & Liu, A. H. (2020). The Effects of Foreign Language Proficiency on Public Attitudes: Evidence from the Chinese‑Speaking World. Journal of East Asian Studies, 20(1), 1–23.
Hu, Y. (2019). Are Informal Education Facilities Effective Means for Generating Political Support? A Spatial Analysis.Social Science Quarterly, 100(3), 701–724.
Claypool, V. H., Reisinger, W., Zaloznaya, M., Hu, Y., & Juehring, J. (2018). Tsar Putin and the “Corruption” Thorn in his Side: The Demobilization of Votes in a Competitive Authoritarian Regime. Electoral Studies, 54, 182–204.
Solt, F., Hu, Y., Hudson, K., Song, J., & Yu, D. “Erico”. (2017). Economic Inequality and Class Consciousness. The Journal of Politics, 79(3), 1079–1083.
Solt, F., Hu, Y., Hudson, K., Song, J., & Yu, D. “Erico”. (2016). Economic Inequality and Belief in Meritocracy in the United States. Research & Politics, 3(4), 1–7.
Tang, W., Hu, Y., & Jin, S. (2016). Affirmative Inaction: Language Education and Labor Mobility among China’s Muslim Minorities. Chinese Sociological Review, 48(4), 346–366.
Hu, Y. (2013). Institutional Difference and Cultural Difference: A Comparative Study of Canadian and Chinese Cul‑tural Diplomacy. Journal of American‑East Asian Relations, 20(2‑3), 256–268.
胡悅 & 朱萌. (2022). 以語塑心與國民治理:外語習得對政治認知能力的塑造機制研究. 治理研究, 38(04), 51-65+125.
季程遠, & 胡悅. (2022). 經濟發展與縱向獲得感. 公共行政評論, 86(2), 4–21.
胡悅. (2021). 實驗室實驗:政治科學研究的一種有效方法? 國外理論動態, 06, 160–171.
胡悅, & 朱毓朝. (2011). “問題與主義” 導向之爭西方比較政治學沿革及其借鑑意義. 天津社會科學, 03, 46–50.
程同順, & 胡悅. (2010). 對外政策的文化道具淺析文明衝突論的工具性. 學習論壇, 26(02), 33–37.
胡悅. (2009). 從政治科學角度分析人民政協的政治定位. 天津市社會主義學院學報, 01, 19–23.
Tai, Y. ’Cassandra’., Hu, Y., & Solt, F. (2022). Replication Data for: Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Un‑certainty (DRAFT VERSION) [Data set]. Harvard Dataverse.
Hu, Y., Sun, Y., & Wu, W. (2021). Regioncode: Convertor of Prefectural‑Level Administrative Region Names‑Codes.
Hu, Y. (2021). Drhutools: Toolbox for Writing an Academic Paper of Empirical Research with Rmarkdown.
Hu, Y., & Sun, Y. (2020). Drhur: Interactive Platform for Liberal Arts Students to Learn R.
Solt, F., & Hu, Y. (2016). Pewdata: Reproducible Retrieval of Pew Research Center Datasets. Available at The Compre‑hensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Solt, F., & Hu, Y. (2015). Dotwhisker: Dot‑and‑Whisker Plots of Regression Results. Available at The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).
Solt, F., & Hu, Y. (2015). Interplot: Plot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms. Available at The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).


