胡延慶,男,博士,現在為中山大學數據與計算機學院副教授(百人計畫)。近幾年主要從事具有圖或者網路結構的數據挖掘算法與理論研究工作,探索數據背後的自然物理規律。發表論文 40 余篇,其中通訊、第一作者論文 25 篇, 包括 Nature Physics, PRL, PRX 各 1 篇,PNAS 2 篇,PRE 11 篇,其中 Nature Physics 論文被選入該期封面推薦論文, 併入選 ESI 高引論文。Google Scholar 總引用1000餘次。
- 中文名:胡延慶
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:北京師範大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職稱:副教授
Selected Publications
Dunbiao Niu, Xin Yuan, Minhui Du, H. Eugene Stanley, Yanqing Hu*, Percolation of networks with directed dependency links. Physical Review E 93 (4), 042312 (2016) Paper
[28] J Gao, T Zhou, Y Hu*, Bootstrap percolation on spatial networks. Nature Scientific Reports, 5:14662, (2015). Paper
[27] D. L Johnson, Y Hu, H Makse, Density of states in granular media in the presence of damping. Physical Review E 91 (6), 062208 (2015). Paper.
[26] L Feng, CP Monterola, Y Hu*,The simplified self-consistent probabilities method for percolation and its application to interdependent networks. New Journal of Physics 17 (6), 063025, (2015).(為初學者寫的綜述),Paper.
[25] L Feng, Y Hu, B Li, HE Stanley, S Havlin, LA Braunstein ,Competing for Attention in Social Media under Information Overload Conditions. Plos one 10 (7), e0126090, (2015).Paper.
[24] Saulo Reis, Yanqing Hu, Andrés Babino, Jose Andrade Jr., Santiago Canals, Mariano Sigman, and Hernan A. Makse, Avoiding catastrophic failure in correlated network of networks. Nature Physics. NPHYS3081(2014)(Equal contribution) (IF:20.5).Paper, Cover mention News1 News2 News3 News4 News5
[23] Yanqing Hu, Shlomo Havlin, Hernan Makse, Conditions for Viral Influence Spreading through Multiplex Correlated Social Networks. Phys. Rev.X 4, 021031(2014). (IF:9.0). Paper.
[22] Yanqing Hu, Hernan A. Makse, John J. Valenza and David L. Johnson. Frequency-dependent attenuation and elasticity in unconsolidated earth materials: Effect of damping. Geophysics, Vol, 79, NO.6 (2014). Paper.
[21] Yanqing Hu, David L. Johnson, John J. Valenza, Francisco Santibanez,and Hernan A. Makse. Stress-dependent normal-mode frequencies from the effective mass of granular matter. Phys. Rev. E 89, 062202 (2014). Paper
[20] Chong Wu, Shengong Ji, Rui Zhang, Liujun Cheng, Jiawei Cheng, Xiaobin Li and Yanqing Hu*. Multiple hybrid phase transition: Bootstrap percolation on complex networks with communities. Europhysics Letter. 107.48001, (2014). Paper
[19] Yanqing Hu, Dong Zhou, Rui Zhang, Zhangang Han, Celine Rozenblat and Shlomo Havlin. Percolation of interdependent networks with intersimilarity. Phys. Rev. E 88, 052805 (2013) Paper
[17] Yanqing Hu, Yougui Wang, Daqing Li, Shlomo Havlin, Zengru Di. Possible origin for efficient navigation in small worlds. Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 , 108701 (2011), (IF:7.1). Paper
[16] Yanqing Hu, Jiang Zhang, Di Huan and Zengru Di, Toward a general understanding of the scaling laws in human and animal mobility. Eur. Phys. Lett., 96 38006 (2011). Paper
[15] An Zeng, Dong Zhou, Yanqing Hu*,Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Dynamics on Spatial Networks and the Effect of Distance Coarse Graining. Physica A 390,Issues 21-22, (2011).Paper
[14] Yanqing Hu, Baruch Ksherim, Reuven Cohen and Shlomo Havlin, Percolation in interdependent and interconnected networks: Abrupt change from second-oder to first-order transitions. Phys. Rev. E 84, 066116 (2011). Paper
[13] An Zeng, Yanqing Hu and Zengru Di, Unevenness of loop location in complex networks. Phys. Rev. E 81, 046121 (2010) Paper
[12] Xiaojia Li , Menghui Li, Yanqing Hu, Zengru Di and Ying Fan. Detecting community structure from coherent oscillation of excitable systems. Physica A 389, 164-170 (2010). Paper
[11] Yanqing Hu*, Yuchao Nie, Hua Yang, Jie Cheng, Ying Fan, Zengru Di. Measuring Significance of Community Structure in Complex Networks. Phys. Rev. E, 082, 066106 (2010). Paper
[10] Jiefei Yu, Yanqing Hu, Min Yu, Zengru Di. Analyzing Netizen's View and Reply Behaviors on the Forum.,Physica A 389, 3267-3273 (2010).Paper
[9] Y. Li, D. Zhou, Y. Hu*, J. Zhang and Z. Di. Exact solution for optimal navigation with total cost restriction. Eur. Phys. Lett. 92,58002,(2010). Paper
[8] Hua Yang, Yuchao Nie, Ying Fan, Yanqing Hu*, Zengru Di. Scaling properties in spatial networks and its effects on topology and traffic dynamics. Eur. Phys.Lett. 89,58002 (2010). Paper
[7] Y Li, YQ Hu, J Zhang, ZR Di, Review on Spatial Networks Complex Systems and Complexity Science 7 (2-3), 145-164,(2010).(漢語版,邀請綜述). Paper
[6] J Cheng, Y Hu, Z Di, Y Fan, Computer Physics Communications 181 (10), 1697-1701,(2010).Paper
[5] A. Zeng, Y. Hu and Z. Di, Optimal tree for both synchronizability and converging time. Eur. Phys. Lett., 87, 48002 (2009). Paper , Cover.
[4] Y. Hu, J. Wu and Z. Di, Enhance the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for maximizing the modularity. Eur. Phys. Lett 85, 18009 (2009). Paper
[3] Liang Gao, Yanqing Hu* and Zengru Di, Accuracy of the ball-covering approach for fractal dimensions of complex networks and a rank-driven algorithm. Phys. Rev. E 78, 046109, (2008).Paper
[2] Yanqing Hu, Hongbin Chen, Peng Zhang, Menghui Li, Zengru Di and Ying Fan,Comparative definition of community and corresponding identifying algorithm. Rev. E 78, 026121,(2008).Paper
[1] Yanqing Hu, Menghui Li, Peng Zhang, Ying Fan, Zengru Di, Community detection by signaling on complex networks. Phys. Rev. E 78, 016115, (2008).Paper