

胡夢紅, 女,1982年5月出生,江西省九江市人,博士,上海海洋大學水產與生命學院副教授。


  • 中文名:胡夢紅
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生物對環境脅迫的生理生態回響和適應性
  • 任職院校:上海海洋大學水產與生命學院


2015.07–2016.07Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI),德國,訪問學者。




[3] 2016香港海洋公園保育基金“基於生態位因素分析模型預測兩種稚鱟在北部灣潮間帶(中國部分)的潛在地理分布及種群保育對策研究”。
[4] 2015年美國國家地理空氣與水保育基金“Surveyon the water pollution caused by shrimp farming: a case study in Shanghai 。
[5] 2012國家自然科學基金“缺氧和有毒銅綠微囊藻脅迫下三角帆蚌的生理回響及適應”。
[6] 2012上海市教委創新基金“千島湖主要外來魚類的種群動態、營養生態位及生態影響研究” 。
[7] 2012香港海洋公園保育基金“中國鱟野外標記方法、放流效果以及放流後生境選擇的研究”。
[8] 2012上海海洋大學大學生創新教改研究項目“水域生態工程與技術課程的教學改革研究”。
[9] 2012上海市教委“上海高校青年教師培養資助計畫”。
[1] Menghong Hu#, Xiancheng Qu#, Lisha Pan, Chunxue Fu, Peixuan Jia,Qigen Liu*, Youji Wang.* (2017) Effects of toxic Microcystis aeruginosaon the silver carp Hypophthalmichtys molitrix revealed by hepatic RNA-seq andmiRNA-seq.Scientific Reports,
[2] Sui, Y.M.#,Hu, M.H.#,Shang, Y.Y., Wu, F.L., Huang, X.Z., Sam Dupont, S., Daniela Storch, D.,Pörtner, H.O., Li, J.L., Lu, W.Q., Wang, Y.J.* (2017). Antioxidant response ofthe hard shelled mussel Mytilus coruscusexposed to reduced pH and oxygen concentration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
[3] Hu, Menghong#, Lin,Daohui#, Shang, Yueyong,Hu, Yi,Lu,Weiqun,Huang, Xizhi,Ning, Ke,Chen, Yimin,Wang, Youji* (2017) CO2-induced pH reduction increases physiological toxicity of nano-TiO2 in the mussel Mytilus coruscus.
[4] Wu, F.L., Kong, H.; Shang, Y.Y.; Zhou, Z.Q.; Gul, Y.; Liu, Q.G.;Hu, M.H*.
(2017). Histopathological alterations in triangle sail mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) exposed to toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa)under hypoxia.
[5]Hu, M.H., Wu, F.L., Yuan, M.Z., Gu, Y.D., Liu, Q.G., Wang, Y.J.(2016).Combined effects of toxic cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia on the physiological responses of triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Journal of Hazardous Materials
[6]Hu, M.H., Wu, F.L., Yuan, M.Z., Li, Q.Z., Gu, Y.D., Wang, Y.J., Liu, Q.G.(2015). Antioxidant responses of triangle sail mussel Hyriopsis cumingii exposedto harmful algae Microcystis aeruginosa and hypoxia. Chemosphere
[7]Hu, M.H.#, Li, L.S.#, Sui, Y.M., Li, J.L., Wang, Y.J., Lu, W.Q., Dupont, S.(2015). Effect of pH and temperature on antioxidant responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology
[8] Sui, Y.M.#, Hu, M.H.#(Co-first author), Huang,X.Z., Wang, Y.J., Lu, W.Q. (2015). Anti-predatory responses of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and hypoxia. Marine Environmental Research
[9] Wang, Y.J., Li, L.S., Hu, M.H.*, Lu, W.Q*. (2015).Physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposedto seawater acidification and thermal stress. Science of the Total Environment。
[10] Liu,Q.G., Hu, M.H.*, Wu, Z. (2015). Can mussels change phytoplankton community structure and enhance prawn production in semi-enclosedprawn ponds? Aquaculture Research,
[11]Hu, M.H., Yang, L.L., Liu, Q.G. (2014). Do physicochemical variables regulate the distribution of zooplankton communities in reservoirs dominated byfilter feeding carp?Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,
[12] Wang, Y.J.#, Hu, M.H.#(Co-first author), Li,Q.Z., Li, J.L., Lin, D.H., Lu, W.Q. (2014). Immune toxicity of TiO2 unde rhypoxia in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis based on flow cytometric analysis of hemocyte parameters. Science of the Total Environment。
[13]Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S. (2014). Digestible dietaryprotein and energy requirements of juvenile Asian horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. Aquaculture Research。
[14]Hu, M.H., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S. (2013) Comparison of different frozen natural foods on survival and growth of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus: Implications on laboratoryculture. Aquaculture Research,
[15] Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.*, Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Lu,W.Q., Li, J.L. (2013). Anti-predatory responses of the green-lipped mussel Pernaviridis (linnaeus) under acute hypoxia and low salinity. Journal of Molluscan Studies 。
[16] Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.*, Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G., Lu,W.Q., Li, J.L. (2012). Immune parameter changes of hemocytes in green-lippedmussel Perna viridis exposure to hypoxia and hyposalinity. Aquaculture。
[17] Wang, Y.J., Hu, M.H.*, Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S., Lu,W.Q., Li, J.L. (2012). Chronic hypoxia and low salinity impair anti-predatory responses of the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Marine Environmental Research 。
[18] Menghong Hu, Youji Wang, Sau Ting Tsang, Siu Gin Cheung,Paul K.S. Shin, 2011.Effectof starvation on the energy budget of two Asian horseshoe crab species: Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Chelicerata: Xiphosura). Marine Biology,
[19]Menghong Hu, Youji Wang,Sau Ting Tsang,Siu Gin Cheung, Paul K.S. Shin, 2010. Effect of prolonged starvation on body weight and blood-chemistry in two horseshoe crab species: Tachypleus tridentatusand Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Chelicerata: Xiphosura, Limulidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology。
[20]Menghong Hu, Youji Wang,Yan Chen,Paul K.S. Shin, Siu Gin Cheung, Qiongzhen Li, 2009. Summer distribution and abundance of juvenile Chinese horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus)along an intertidal zone of Beibu gulf,Southern China. Aquatic Biology。
[21] Menghong Hu, Youji Wang, Paul K.S.Shin, Siu Gin Cheung, Yan Xie, 2009. Threatened fishes of the world:Aphyocypris liniWeitzman and Chan,1966 (Cyprinidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes。
[22]Menghong Hu,Youji Wang, Min Zhao,Bangxi Xiong, Xueqiao Qian, Yujiang Zhao, 2008. Evaluation of rendered animal protein ingredients for replacement of fish meal in practical diets for gibelcarp, Carassius auratus gibelio(Bloch). Aquaculture Research 。
[23]Menghong Hu,Youji Wang, Qian Wang,Min Zhao, Bangxi Xiong, Xueqiao Qian, Yujiang Zhao, 2008. Replacement of fishmeal by rendered animal protein ingredients with lysine and methionine supplementation to practical diets for gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio(Bloch). Aquaculture。
[24]Menghong Hu,Youji Wang, Ling Cao,Bangxi Xiong, 2008. Threatened fishes of the world: Hucho bleekeriKimura, 1934 (Salmonidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes。
[1]顏明艷,王月,顧華鑫,王有基,李瓊珍,范志鋒,孫彬,胡夢紅*.鱟試劑產業在中國的發展現狀及相關建議. 生物學雜誌(已接收)。
[3]袁明哲,陳姍,陳嘉偉,劉其根,胡夢紅*. 有毒銅綠微囊藻脅迫下三角帆蚌消化系統的掃描電鏡觀察.生物學雜誌。
[4]胡夢紅,楊麗麗,劉其根. 競爭捕食作用對千島湖浮遊動物群落結構的影響.湖泊科學。
[5]胡夢紅,武震,周作強,劉其根. 魚蚌混養對池塘水質、藻相結構及三角帆蚌生長的影響.水產學報。
[7]周作強,丁晴晴,劉其根,王有基,胡夢紅*. 缺氧對貝類的脅迫效應及對其免疫系統的影響.生態毒理學報。
[8]胡夢紅,武震,劉其根. 不同藻類對三角帆蚌能量代謝相關指標的影響.上海海洋大學學報。
Hu, M.H.,Kwan, B.K.Y., Wang, Y.J., Cheung, S.G., Shin, P.K.S. (2015) Population structure and growth of juvenile horseshoe crabsTachypleus tridentatusand Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Xiphosura) in southern China. In: Carmichael, R.H., Botton,M.L., Shin, P.K.S., Cheung, S.G. (eds) Changing global perspectives on horseshoe crab biology, conservation and management. Springer International Publishing,
(1) Menghong Hu, Bangxi Xiong. Replacementof fish meal by rendered animal protein ingredients in practical diets forgibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio. World Aquaculture 2008, Busan,
(2) Menghong Hu,Paul K.S. Shin. Relationship of environmentalvariability and spatial distribution oftwo juvenile horseshoe crab species along nursery beaches of Beibu Gulf coast,southern China. 2nd international conference of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Mansoura University,
(3)Menghong Hu,Paul K.S. Shin. Effect of starvation on the energy budget of twoAsian horseshoe crab species: Tachypleustridentatusand Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda(Chelicerata: Xiphosura).103rd National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA,
(4)Menghong Hu,Paul K.S. Shin. Distribution, abundance and population structureof horseshoe crabs along three intertidal zones of Beibu Gulf, Southern China.International Workshop on the Science and Conservation of Asian Horseshoe Crabs, Hong Kong, China,
(5)Menghong Hu. Dietary digestibleprotein and energy requirements of juvenile Asian horseshoe crabs Tachypleus tridentatusand Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda. World Aquaculture 2013, Nashvilee, Tennessee USA,
(6) Menghong Hu. Histopathology of selected tissues from triangle sail mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) exposed to toxic cyanobacteria (Microcystis aeruginosa)and hypoxia. Aquaculture 2015, Montpellier,


