

胡友財,博士, 研究員,博士生導師。國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者,北京協和醫學院“協和學者”特聘教授,天然藥物活性物質與功能國家重點實驗室課題組長。



胡友財,博士, 研究員,博士生導師。國家優秀青年科學基金獲得者,北京協和醫學院“協和學者”特聘教授,天然藥物活性物質與功能國家重點實驗室課題組長。任中國菌物學會菌物化學專業委員會副主任委員、北京藥學會天然藥物專業委員會副主任委員、中國醫療保健國際交流促進會中藥分會委員;《Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B》、《Chinese Chemical Letters》,《The Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines》、《藥學學報》以及《天然產物研究與開發》青年編委;《中國中藥雜誌》編委。2016年獲中國醫學科學院第三屆院校科技獎-青年創新獎。


1996 – 2000瀋陽藥科大學,化學製藥,學士
2000 – 2003瀋陽藥科大學,藥物化學,碩士
2005 – 2008北京協和醫學院,藥物化學,博士


1.基因-化學-功能導向的活性天然產物的發現: 利用生物技術挖掘並激活微生物(尤其是真菌)中的沉默基因,發現常規實驗條件下難以產生的活性化合物。
2.活性天然產物的生物合成和合成生物學: 解析結構獨特的活性天然產物的生物合成途徑,積累合成生物學元件;通過合成生物學技術對活性化合物進行結構最佳化。




1.Shu-Shan Gao, Tao Zhang, Marc Garcia-Borras, Yiu-Sun Hung, John M. Billingsley, K. N. Houk*,Youcai Hu* and Yi Tang*. Biosynthesis of Heptacyclic Duclauxins Requires Extensive Redox Modifications of the Phenalenone Aromatic Polyketide,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, 140, 6991-6997.
2.Jian Bai, Rong Mu, Man Dou, Daojiang Yan, Bingyu Liu, Qian Wei, Jun Wan, Yi Tang,Youcai Hu*. Epigenetic modification in histone deacetylase deletion strain ofCalcarisporium arbusculaleads to diverse diterpenoids.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B.2018, 8(4):687-697.
3.Tao Zhang, Jun Wan, Zhajun Zhan, Jian Bai, Bingyu Liu,Youcai Hu*.Activation of an Unconventional Meroterpenoid Gene Cluster inNeosartorya glabraLeads to the Production of New Berkeleyacetals.Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B. 2018, 8(3):478-487.
4.Jian Bai, Daojiang Yan, Tao Zhang, Yongzhi Guo, Yunbao Liu, Yi Zou, Mancheng Tang, Bingyu Liu, Qiong Wu, Shishan Yu*, Yi Tang*, andYoucai Hu*,A Cascade of Redox Reactions Generates Complexity in the Biosynthesis of the Protein Phosphatase-2 Inhibitor Rubratoxin A,Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2017, 56,4782-4786.
5.Xu-Ming Mao, Wei Xu, Dehai Li, Wen-Bing Yin, Yit-Heng Chooi, Yong-Quan Li, Yi Tang,* andYoucai Hu*. Epigenetic Genome Mining of an Endophytic Fungus Leads to the Pleiotropic Biosynthesis of Natural Products.Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2015,54, 7592 –7596.
6.Youcai Hu, David Dietrich, Wei Xu, Ashay Patel, Justin A J Thuss, Jingjing Wang, Wen-Bing Yin, Kangjian Qiao, K N Houk, John C Vederas*, Yi Tang*. A Carbonate-forming Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenase,Nature Chemical Biology,2014, 10, 552-554.
7.Youcai Hu, Malia B. Potts, Dominic Colosimo, Mireya L. Hererra-Hererra, Aaron G. Legako, Muhammed Yousufuddin, Michael A. White and John B. MacMillan*. Discoipyrroles A-D: Isolation, Structure Determination, and Synthesis of Potent Migration inhibitors fromBacillus hunanensis.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013,135, 13387-13392.
8.Youcai Hu, Kezhan Wang, John B. MacMillan*, Hunanamycin A, an Antibiotic from a Marine-DerivedBacillus hunanensis,Organic Letters, 2013, 15, 390-393.
9.Malia B. Potts, Hyun Seok Kim, Kuit W. Fisher,Youcai Hu, Yazmin P. Carrasco, Gamze Betul Bulut, Yi-Hung Ou, Mireya L. Herrera-Herrera, Federico Cubillos, Saurabh Mendiratta, Guanghua Xiao, Matan Hofree, Trey Ideker, Yang Xie, Lily Jun-shen Huang, Robert E. Lewis*, John B. MacMillan* and Michael A. White*, Using Functional Signature Ontology (FUSION) to Identify Mechanisms of Action for Natural Products.Science Signaling, 2013, 6, RA90.
10.Youcai Hu, Elisabeth D. Martinez and John B. MacMillan*, Anthraquinones from a Marine-DerivedStreptomyces spinoverrucosus,Journal of Natural Products, 2012, 75, 1759-1764.
11.Youcai Hu, Aaron G. Legako, Ana Paula D.M. Espindola, and John B. MacMillan*, Erythrolic acids A-E, Meroterpeniods from a Marine-DerivedErythrobactersp.Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012, 77, 3401-3407.
12.Youcai Huand John B. MacMillan*, Erythrazoles A-B, Cytotoxic Benzothiazoles from a Marine-DerivedErythrobactersp.Organic Letters, 2011, 13, 6580-6583.


4.Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants, (Natural phloroglucinols-molecular diversity and bioactivity), Studium Press LLC, USA, 2008, Vol, 25, page 121-57.
5.《天然產物化學進展》,參與編寫,p86-107,化學工業出版社, 2005年7月。


