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胡 博, 男,博士,博士後,華南師範大學生命科學學院副教授,碩士生導師。


  • 中文名:胡博
  • 國籍中國
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:華南師範大學生命科學學院黨委委員


美國康奈爾大學訪問學者。華南師範大學生命科學學院黨委委員。中國植物生理學會會員,國家自然科學基金、廣東省基礎與套用基礎研究基金項目評審專家。主持國家自然科學基金項目、教育部高校博士點基金項目、中國博士後科學基金面上項目、廣東省自然科學基金、廣東省科技計畫、廣東省高等教育教學研究和改革項目、廣州市科技計畫等項目的研究。在Frontier in plant science, Scientific Report, Acta Plant Physiology, plant growth regulation等國內外學術期刊發表文章40餘篇。獲批國家發明專利4項;獲批教育部下發《植物生理學》國家精品數字課程;編寫《現代植物生長調節劑技術手冊》專著,曾獲全國植物生長物質年會“青年優秀論文獎”。


(1) 逆境脅迫下植物激素在植物體內的運輸和穩態水平調控機制研究。
(2) 作物回響脅迫記憶過程中表觀遺傳修飾分子機制研究。






1.Zhang B, Su L, Hu B, Li L. Expression of AhDREB1, an AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Gene from Peanut, Is Affected by Histone Acetylation and Increases Abscisic Acid Sensitivity and Tolerance to Osmotic Stress in Arabidopsis. Int J Mol Sci. 2018, 19(5): E1441.
2. KuiGe, Xing Liu, Xiaoyun Li, Bo Hu* and Ling Li*. Isolation of an ABA Transporter-Like 1 Gene from Arachishypogaea That Affects ABA Import and Reduces ABA Sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017,8,1150
3. Bo Hu,JiajiaCao,KuiGe,Ling Li. The site of water stress governs the pattern of ABA synthesis and transport in peanut. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:32143. DOI: 10.1038/srep32143
4. Liang-Chen Su, Bin Deng, Shuai Liu, Li-Mei Li, Bo Hu, YutingZhong, Ling Li*. Peanut histone deacetylase 1 (AhHDA1) play critical role in drought and ABA responses. Frontier in Plant Science, 2015, 6(13) doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00512
5. Shuai Liu, Yan Lv, Xiao-Rong Wan, Li-Mei Li, Bo Hu, Ling Li*,Cloning and Expression Analysis of cDNAs Encoding ABA 8’-Hydroxylase in Peanut Plants in Response to Osmotic Stress,PLoS ONE, 2014,9(5)e97025
6. Chen YP, Li L*, Hu PW, He JL, Ru ZW, Hu B, Su LC. Relationship between drought resistance and AhNCED1 expression in peanut varieties from four provinces in China. J Food, AgricEnvir,2014, 12(2):509-514
7. Hu B, Hong L, Liu X, Xiao S N, Lv Y, Li L*. Identification of different ABA biosynthesis sites at seedling and fruiting stages in Arachishypogaea L. following water stress. Plant Grow Regul. 2013, 70(2):131-140
8.Hu B, Hong L, Liu X, Xiao S N, Lv Y, Li L*. The higher expression and distribution of 9-cisepoxy- carotenoid dioxygenase1 (AhNCED1) from ArachishyopgaeaL.contribute to tolerance to water stress in a drought-tolerant cultivar. ActaPhysiol Plant. 2013,35(5):1667-1674
9. Hu B, Hong L , Liu X, He CY, Yao Y, Li XL, Li L*.. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a new stress-related AREB gene from Arachishypogaea.Biol Plant 2013, 57(1):56-62
10.Hu B, Hong L , Liu X, Xiao SN, Lv Y, Li L*. Comparative study of the tissue specific distribution of ABA from Arachishyopgaea L. and expression of the 9-cis epoxycarotenoiddioxygenase 1 (AhNCED1) gene during plant development. Biotech & Biotech EQ 2012, 26(5):3201-3205
11. Hu B, Wan XR, Liu XH, Guo DL, Li L*, Abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated inhibition of seed germination involves a positive feedback regulation of ABA biosynthesis in Arachishypogaea L. Africa J Biotech 2010. 9(11):1578-1586
12. Liang JH, Yang LX, Chen X, Li HH, Li L*, B Hu, XH Liu. Cloning and functional analysis of the promoter of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase gene in Arachishygogaea L. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 2009,73(9): 2103-2106
13. 陳容欽, 舒文, 葛奎, 胡博*, 李玲.乾旱脅迫訓練對花生生長及脅迫相關基因表達的影響. 植物生理學報,2017, 53 (10): 1921–1927 
14. 葛奎,曹家佳,李玲, 胡博*.水分脅迫下花生根和葉片ABA合成分布差異研究. 中國科技論文,2017,12(6):125-129
15.曹家佳, 呂灩, 胡博*, 李玲. 花生回響水分脅迫過程中葉AhCYP707A1蛋白和ABA分布的變化. 植物生理學報, 2016, 52 (4): 436–444 


