胡凱鋒,男,1974年02生, 研究員,中國科學院昆明植物研究所 博士生導師,2012年入選“青年千人計畫”
- 中文名:胡凱鋒
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1974年02月
- 職業:研究員,博士生導師

1995年 北京醫科大學(現北京大學醫學部), 學士
1998年 中國科學院上海藥物研究所, 碩士
1998.9 -2000.10 美國馬里蘭大學藥學院, 博士生
2004 瑞士聯邦高等理工學院 (ETH), 博士
2005 - 2008 美國國立衛生研究院(NIH, NIDDK) 博士後
2009 - 2012 美國威斯康星大學(NMRFAM) 助理科學家
2012 - 至今 中國科學院昆明植物研究所 研究員、博士生導師
2012.2 入選“青年千人計畫”
1. 基於核磁共振技術的結構生物學:與重大疾病相關或者與重要生命過程相關的蛋白質的空間三維結構;
2. 基於結合核磁共振技術和液質聯用技術的代謝組學:發現與重大疾病相關的生物分子標識物;
3. 中藥多組分成分分析,結合核磁共振技術和液質聯用技術,建立基於中藥有效生物活性成分的中藥質量評價體系
4. 核磁共振技術新方法開發與套用
1. Kaifeng Hu, Alexander Eletsky and Konstantin Pervushin*, Backbone resonance assignment in large protonated proteins using a combination of new 3D TROSY-HN(CA)HA, 4D TROSY-HACANH and C detected HACACO experiments. (2003) J. Biomol NMR, 26 (1), 66-77.
2. Kaifeng Hu*, Beat Vögeli and Konstantin Pervushin*, Side-chain H and C resonance assignment in protonated / partially deuterated proteins using an improved 3D 13C-detected HCC-TOCSY. (2005) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 174 (2), 200-208.
3. Kaifeng Hu¶, Beat Vögeli¶ and G. Marius Clore*, Interference between transverse cross-correlated relaxation and longitudinal relaxation affects apparent J-coupling and transverse cross-correlated relaxation. (2006) Chem. Phys. Letter, 423, 123-125
4. Kaifeng Hu*, VeniaminGalius, and Konstantin Pervushin*,Structural plasticity of peptidyl-prolylisomerasesFkpA is a key to its chaperone function as revealed by solution NMR. (2006) Biochemistry,45(39), 11983-11991
5. Kaifeng Hu¶, Beat Vögeli¶ and G. Marius Clore*,13C-detected HN(CA)C and HMCMC experiments using a single methyl-reprotonated sample for unambiguous methyl resonance assignment. (2006) J. Biomol NMR, 36(4), 259-66.
6. Maria U. Johansson*, Simon Alioth, Kaifeng Hu, RetoWalser, Ralf Koebnik and Konstantin Pervushin*, A minimal transmembraneβ-barrel platform protein studied by NMR. (2007) Biochemistry, 46(5), 1128-1140.
7. Kaifeng Hu, Beat Vögeli and G. Marius Clore*, Spin state selective 13C-detected HNCO with TROSY optimization in all dimensions and double echo-antiecho sensitivity enhancement in both indirect dimensions. (2007) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129(17), 5484-91.
8. Jun Hu¶, Kaifeng Hu¶, David C. Williams Jr., Michal Komlosh, MengliCai and G. Marius Clore*, Solution NMR structures of productive and non-productive complexes between the A and B domains of the cytoplasmic subunit of the mannose transporter of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system, (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 11024-11037.
9. Kaifeng Hu, MichaeleenDoucleff and G. Marius Clore*, Using multiple quantum coherence to increase the 15N resolution in a three-dimensional TROSY HNCO experiment for accurate PRE and RDC measurements, (2009) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 200 (2), 173-177.
10. Zheng Zhou, HanqiaoFeng, Bing-Rui Zhou, Rodolfo Ghirlando, Kaifeng Hu, Adam Zwolak, Lisa M. Jenkins, Hua Xiao, NicoTjandra, Carl Wu, &YawenBai*, Structural basis for recognition of centromere specific histone H3 variant by nonhistone Scm3, (2011) Nature, 472(7342), 234-7.
11. Kaifeng Hu, William M. Westler, and John L. Markley*, Simultaneous quantification and identification of individual chemicals in metabolite mixtures by two-dimensional extrapolated time-zero 1H-13C HSQC (HSQC0), (2011) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133(6), 1662-5.
12. Kaifeng Hu, William M. Westler and John L. Markley*,Two-dimensional concurrent HMQC-COSY as an approach for small molecule chemical shift assignment and compound identification, (2011) J. Bio. NMR. 49(3-4), 291-6.
13. Roger A. Chylla*, Kaifeng Hu, James J. Ellinger, and John L. Markley, Deconvolution of Two-Dimensional NMR by Fast Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction (FMLR): Application to Quantitative Metabolomics, (2011) Analytical Chemistry. 83(12), 4871-80.
14. Kaifeng Hu, Thomas P. Wyche, Tim S. Bugni and John L. Markley*, Selective Quantification by 2D HSQC0 Spectroscopy of Thiocoraline in an Extract from a Sponge-DerivedVerrucosisporasp., (2011) Journal of Natural Products, 74(10), 2295-8.
15. Kaifeng Hu*, James J. Ellinger, Roger A. Chylla and John L. Markley, Measurement of Absolute Concentrations of Individual Compounds in Metabolite Mixtures by Gradient-Selective Time-Zero 1H-13C HSQC (gsHSQC0) with Two Concentration References and Fast Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction Analysis, (2011) Analytical Chemistry, 83(24), 9352-60.
16. Williard J. Werner, Kylie D. Allen, Kaifeng Hu, Gregory L. Helms, Brian S. Chen, and Susan C Wang*, In vitro Phosphinate Methylation by PhpK from KitasatosporaPhosalacinea, (2011) Biochemistry,50(42), 8986-8.