背道而馳是一個漢語成語,拼音是bèi dào ér chí,意思是比喻方向和目的完全相反。
- 道學先生於是乎從而禁之,雖然很象背道而馳,其實倒是心心相印。(現代·魯迅《墳·從鬍鬚說到牙齒》)
- 又變於俗而趨於利,故其勢不得不背道而馳,則君子哀之可以。(宋·葉適《莊子》)
- 從近年來的娛樂新聞可以看到,娛樂圈裡的人雖說和媒體有著緊密的合作,但是媒體傷害藝人的事件卻占著很大比例,這讓殷謙很是懷疑當今一些媒體的品質,媒體應該是與精神道德息息相關的行業,而在很多時候,他們卻做著與道德品質背道而馳的事情,對固有的道德秩序充滿懷疑,充滿仇恨和敵意,似乎要接著自己能造成輿論的優勢,似乎將道德徹底摧毀並瓦解才能稱快,也所以,在他們的“娛樂新聞”中,我們常常會看到千變萬化的八卦爆料,也能看到含糊不清的謠言緋聞。(當代·殷謙《棒喝時代》)
- run in opposite directions -- draw further apart;
- be opposed to;
- go (diametrically) against;
- go against ... in a diametrically opposite direction;
- 這些交易當然是在法律許可得範圍之內的,但卻與其支持非專利藥公司之間的競爭、支持向原研公司的專利發起挑戰的精神和主旨背道而馳了。
These deals are certainly within the letter of the law but run counter to its spirit and intention of promoting competitionbetween generic companies and aggressive challenges to branded company patents. - 在過去兩年中,生物多樣性公約中出現的銷售項目的住宅,辦公用房緊缺的現象,與cbd作為中央商務區的城市規劃似乎背道而馳的政府。
In the past two years, cbd appeared in the sale of items for residential, office space scarce phenomenon, with the cbd asthe central business district urban planning seems to run counter to the government. - 當市場顯示這些資產的風險並不大,發行和持有這些資產是十分有利可圖時,監管者此時卻對這些資產持懷疑態度,這顯然人性背道而馳的。
It would run counter to human nature for regulators to take a skeptical attitude toward the riskiness of various assets whenthe market is indicating that these assets are not so risky, and when originating and holding these assets has been quiteprofitable. - 過大的行業收入差距對行業自身的發展、人們的擇業觀念、社會風氣和社會穩定等方面都帶來了不良影響,也與我國建設“和諧社會”的目標背道而馳。
The large income gap among different trades has a bad effect on the self-development of the industry, the concept ofpeople s career, social ideology and social stability. What s more, it also run counter to our goal of building a "harmonioussociety". - 建立於信任、尊重以及自願回訪基礎上的溝通,允許病人表達他們可能與主流文化背道而馳的顧慮及擔憂。
Communication based on trust, respect, and a willingness to reexamine assumptions allows patients to express aspects oftheir concerns that may run counter to the dominant culture. - 更何況,瑜伽講求心境平和,而高溫會導致精神緊張,本身就與瑜伽的平和背道而馳。
More what is more, the rather that, mood of gem gal be particular about is gentle, and high temperature can cause mentaltension, itself with gem gal gentle run in the opposite direction. - 很多人都認為相對論以前的物理學是絕對論的,相對論和絕對論是完全背道而馳的。
A lot of people think the physics before the theory of relativity is absolutism, the theory of relativity and absolutism run inthe opposite direction completely.