



  • 中文名:肝臟造血免疫組織發育分化的分子調控項目立項報告
  • 作者:田志剛、江維
  • 編制時間:2013年10月30日
  • 報告類型:立項報告
肝臟在機體造血免疫系統的個體發生和成年髓外造血免疫中占據舉足輕重地位,既是胚胎造血的關鍵器官,又是成年髓外造血必不可少的場所,這些造血功能直接影響機體免疫系統的發育分化。我國是肝病大國,由於肝臟基本科學研究相對滯後,尤其是國內外肝臟造血免疫組織的發育分化研究幾乎處於空白,使肝臟疾病的研究較難取得重大突破。因此,肝臟造血免疫組織發育分化機制的研究將有助於解讀肝臟乃至全身相關疾病的疾病機理。在“發育與生殖”研究專項2013年重要支持方向指南中,專家們明確地將 “主要組織發育的細胞與分子基礎”作為重要的支持方向。本項目將以解析肝臟造血免疫組織的發育分化基本特徵為目標,以研究造血和免疫前體細胞的命運決定和分子調控網路為切入點,解析肝臟造血與免疫前體細胞的來源、命運、分化、功能亞群、組織形成等一系列關鍵機制,針對如下亟待突破的關鍵科學問題進行系統深入研究:1) 肝臟造血組織的個體發生及其分子調控網路; 2) 肝臟免疫組織的發生髮育和調節; 3) 肝臟造血/免疫前體細胞命運決定與分化的分子調控網路; 4) 肝臟的“造血免疫器官”功能屬性及其調節。 本項目的實施將率先在國際上通過發育分化途徑研究肝臟造血免疫的基本科學問題,確保我們在這一重要領域的國際地位,為應對各種肝臟疾病和全身性相關疾病提供新的干預策略。 The liver is vital for both fetal and adult extramedullary hemopoiesis and plays an essential role in ontogenesis of hematopoietic-immune system. China has become a "Leader in liver disease." Investigation of the mechanisms of development and differentiation of hepatic hematopoietic-immune system is helpful to understand the mechanisms of liver and systemic diseases. In the instruction for “Development and Reproduction” special program, “the cellular and molecular mechanisms of major tissues” is one of the important directions. This project aims to clarify characteristic of the development and differentiation of hepatic hematopoietic-immune system, the lineage commitment, regulatory molecular network, sources, cell fate, differentiation, functional subpopulations and tissue formation of hematopoietic-immune precursors. We will focus investigation on: 1) The ontogenesis and regulatory molecular-network of hepatic hematopoietic-immune tissue. 2) The development and regulation of hepatic hematopoietic-immune tissue. 3) The regulatory molecular network of the lineage commitment and differentiation of hematopoietic-immune precursors. 4) The functional characteristic and regulatory mechanisms of liver as a “hematopoietic-immune” organ. The participants of this project include one National Laboratory, three National Key Laboratories and two Creative Research Groups of China which are from University of Science&Technology of China, Tsinghua University, Xiamen University, Shandong University, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Institute of Health Sciences of CAS. Our team is composed of international well-known scholar and middle-young scientists.The members of team have a lot of experiences in the development and differentiation of hepatic immune cells, the differentiation of hematopoietic cells and the regulatory mechanism of cell fate, and have been awarded as “ChangJiang Scholar Achievement Award”, “The Second Class Prize of National Natural Science Award” and “The Second class Prize of National Science & Technology Progress Award”. In the last three years, as first/corresponding author, we have published about ten papers in leading Journal, including Nature, Science, Nature Immunology (4), Nature Cell Biology, Cancer Cell; In addition, we performed hepatic hematopoietic-immune research earlier in international community. In the last five years, as first/corresponding author, we have published 15 papers in Hepatology, which is the top one journal in this field and claimed that “Liver is an innate immune organ” at the first time in the world (Hepatology, 2008). This project will answer the basic scientific questions in hepatic hematopoietic-immune field by studying the development and differentiation of liver hematopoietic-immune tissue to assure our international prestige in this filed.


