


  • 中文名:肖萬生
  • 出生日期:1968年6月
  • 出生地:江西吉水
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 性別:男


姓 名: 肖萬生
職 務: 無
職 稱: 研究員
學 歷: 研究生
通訊地址: 廣州市天河區科華街511號中國科學院廣州地球化學研究所


長期從事高壓礦物學方面的實驗研究工作。主要依託金剛石壓腔(diamond anvil cell, DAC)高壓裝置和雷射顯微加熱技術,模擬地幔、特別是下地幔溫壓條件,結契約步輻射先進光源、顯微Raman光譜等高壓原位測量技術,開展地球物質高壓新相合成和結構解析、地幔礦物典型結構和高壓相變、元素高壓晶體化學行為等研究,探討地球深部物質存在狀態、性質、變化及其可能的地球深部物理化學回響。近年來,主要專注於鈣鈦礦結構化合物高溫高壓合成及其多形相變的物理化學機制研究,首次發現立方鈣鈦礦結構壓致等結構相變現象,並發現多個高壓新相。


地幔礦物結構和相變, 元素高壓晶體化學行為


[1] Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Xiaolin Xiong, Jing Liu, and Jian Xu. Large volume collapse observed in the phase transition in cubic PbCrO3 perovskite. PNAS
[2] Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, Maoshuang Song, Jing Liu, Ho-Kwang Mao, and Jian Xu. A new cubic perovskite in PbGeO3 at high pressures. American Mineralogist
[3] Wansheng Xiao, Dayong Tan, Yanchun Li, and Jing Liu. The effects of high temperature on high pressure behavior of CeO2. J Phys: Condens Matter
[4] Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Wenge Zhou, and Jian Xu. Effects of pressure on PbWO4-III. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
[5] Wei Zhou, Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Maoshuang Song, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, and Jian Xu. Structural properties of PbVO3 perovskites under hydrostatic pressure conditions up to 10.6 GPa. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter
[6] Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Xiaolin Xiong, and Maoshuang Song. First-order character of the displacive structural transition in BaWO4. Chinese Physics B
[7] Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wei Zhou, Ming Chen, Wenge Zhou, Xiaodong Li, Yanchun Li, and Jing Liu. High pressure X-ray diffraction study on BaWO4-II. High Pressure Research
[8] Dayong Tan, Wansheng Xiao, Wenge Zhou, Maoshuang Song, Xiaolin Xiong, and Ming Chen. Raman investigation of the BaWO4-II phase under hydrostatic pressures up to 14.8 GPa. Chinese Physics Letters
[9] Lingyun Tang, Lei Liu, Jing Liu, Wansheng Xiao, Yanchun Li, Xiaodong Li, and Yan Bi. Equation of state of tantalum up to 133 GPa. Chinese Physics Letters
[10] Ming Chen, Wansheng Xiao, and Xiande Xie. Coesite and quartz characteristic of crystallization from shock-produced silica melt in the Xiuyan crater. Earth and Planetary Science Letters


