



  • 中文名:肖湧
  • 畢業院校:美國麻省理工學院
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:物理學
  • 任職院校浙江大學


  • ·1. 磁約束核聚變的湍流輸運物理
  • ·2. 先進模擬技術和高性能計算在電漿物理中的套用
  • ·3. 燃燒電漿物理模擬


■2011年至今 教授,浙江大學物理學系
■2009年 - 2011年 項目科學家 美國加州大學歐文分校
■2006年 - 2009年 博士後 美國加州大學歐文分校
■1999年 - 2006年 博士(2006年6月), 美國麻省理工學院
■1995年 - 1999年 學士(1999年6月), 北京大學


1.Introduction to Plasma Physics
2.General Physics


(1)磁約束數值模擬與理論研究,科技部重大研究計畫ITER專項, 項目首席科學家,2011-2014
(4)托卡馬克台基區的迴旋動理學模擬,國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目負責人,2016- 2019
1. “Method to integrate full particle orbit in toroidal plasmas”, Invited talk on Cross-Strait workshop on the Fusion Energy and Plasma Science, Guizhou, July, 2014
2. “Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in tokamaks”, Invited talk on the 11th Asia-Pacific Plasma Theory Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, June, 2014
3. “Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in tokamaks”, Invited talk on OCPA8 International Conference on Physics Education and Frontier Physics, Singapore, June, 2014
4. “A modified Boris scheme to integrate full particle orbit in toroidal plasmas”, Invited talk International Conference on Geometric Algorithms and Methods for Plasma Physics, Hefei, May, 2014
5. “Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport for toroidal plasmas”, Invited talk on PosTech Physics Colloqium, Pohang, Korea, Nov. 2013
6. “Gyrokinetic microturbulence simulation for DIII-D and EAST tokamaks”, Invited talk on the 23rd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, Beijing, Sept, 2013
7. “Turbulent Transport Studies by Global Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation”, Invited talk on 1st ENEA-IFTS Workshop on Fusion Theory and Simulation,Sicily, Italy, Oct, 2013
8. “Gyrokinetic simulations of turbulence for domestic tokamaks”, Invited talk on CPS Fall Meeting, Xiamen, Sept. 2013
9. “Experimental validation of turbulent transport with global gyrokinetic particle simulation”, Invited talk on the 8th International Conference on Computational Physics, Hongkong, Jan. 2013
10. “Convective motion in low frequency trapped electron mode turbulence”, Invited talk on Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasmas,, Varenna, Italy, Aug., 2012
11. “Convective and diffusive motion in low frequency trapped electron turbulence”, Oral talk on 53th DPP-APS Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Nov. 2012
12.“Convective and diffusive motion in low frequency trapped electron turbulence”(特邀報告), 2011 CPS Fall Meeting, Hangzhou, 2011年9月
13.“Convective motion in low frequency trapped electron turbulence”, 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Theory of Plasmas Instabilities, Austin, 2011年9月
14.“Convective and diffusive motion in trapped electron mode turbulence”,MHD and Kinetic Processes in LSAP, Beijing, 2011年7月
15.“Convective motion in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence”,International West Lake Symposium on Fusion Plasma Phys, Hangzhou, 2011年5月
16.“Gyrokinetic particle simulation of ideal and kinetic ballooning modes and collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence”,16th US-EU Transport Task Force Workshop, San Diego, 2011年4月
17.“Understanding electron transport mechanism in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence”, 52th DPP-APS Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2010年11月
18.“Non-diffusive transport in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence”,51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of plasma Physics,2009年11月
19.“Turbulent transport of trapped electron modes in collisionless magnetized plasma”(特邀報告), International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, 2009年5月
20.“Transport dynamics of collisionless trapped electron modes”,14th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop,2009年4月
21.“Nonlinear gyrokinetic simulation of CTEM turbulence and transport dynamics”,50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of plasma Physics,2008年11月
22.“CTEM turbulence and transport dynamics”,13th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop,2008年3月
23.“Gyrokinetic simulation of trapped mode turbulence”,49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of plasma Physics,2007年11月。
24.“Gyrokinetic simulation of trapped electron mode in tokamak edge plasmas”,12th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Workshop,2007年4月
25.“Effects of finite poloidal gyroradius, shaping, and collisions on the zonal flow residual”(特邀報告),48th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of plasma Physics,2006年11月
1.Gyrokinetic particle simulation of electrostatic microturbulence with impurity ions, X. Wei, H. Yang, S. Li,Y. Xiao, Physics of Plasmas (2018)
2. Parallel ion compressibility effects on kinetic ballooning mode for different magnetic shears, Y. Li,Y. Xiao, Physics of Plasmas (2017)
3. Grokinetic simulation of dissipative trapped electron mode in tokamak edge, C. Zhao, T. Zhang,Y. Xiao, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS (2017)
4. New Paradigm for Turbulent Transport Across a Steep Gradient in Toroidal Plasmas, H.S. Xie,Y. Xiao, Z. Lin, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2017)
5. Sensitivity of kinetic ballooning mode instability to tokamak equilibrium implementations, H.S. Xie,Y. Xiao, I. Holod, Z. Lin, E. A. Belli, J. Plasma Phys. (2016)
6. Microturbulence in DIII-D tokamak pedestal. III. Effects of collisions ,Liao, X.; Lin, Z.; Holod, I.,Y. Xiaoet. al, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS (2016)
7.PDRK: A General Kinetic Dispersion Relation Solver for Magnetized Plasma , H.S. Xie,Y. Xiao, PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (2016)
8.PDRK: A General Kinetic Dispersion Relation Solver for Magnetized Plasma,H.S. Xie,Y. Xiao, Plasma Science and Technology (2016).
9.Unconventional ballooning structures for toroidal drift waves ,H.S. Xie,Y. Xiao, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS (2015).
10.Verification of nonlinear particle simulation of radio frequency waves in tokamak,A. Kuley, Z. Lin, J. Bao, X. S. Wei,Y. Xiao, W. Zhang, G. Y. Sun, and N. J. Fisch, Phys. Plasmas (2015).
11. Gyrokinetic particle simulation of microturbulence for general magnetic geometry and experimental profiles, Y. Xiao, I. Holod, Z. X. Wang, Z. Lin, T. G. Zhang, Phys. Plasmas (2015).
12. Method to integrate full particle orbit in toroidal plasmas,X. S. Wei,Y. Xiao, A. Kuley, and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas (2015).
13. Properties of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmode in DIII-D Plasma, Z. X. Wang, Z. Lin, W. J. Deng, I. Holod, W. W. Heidbrink,Y. Xiao, H. S. Zhang, W. L. Zhang, M. A. Van Zeeland, Phys. Plasmas (2015).
14. Parallel equilibrium current effect on existence of reversed shear Alfvén eigenmodes, H.S. Xie andY. Xiao, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS(2015).
15. Microturbulence in DIII-D Tokamak Pedestal. I. Electrostatic Instabilities,D. Fulton, Z. Lin, I. Holod, andY. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas (2014).
16. GTC simulation of ideal ballooning mode in tokamak plasmas, Z. Li, G. Sun, I. Holod,Y. Xiao, W. Zhang, and Z. Lin, Plasma Sci. Technol. (2013).
17. Nonlinear dynamics of beta-induced Alfven eigenmode in tokamak, H. S. Zhang, Z. Lin, W. Deng, I. Holod, Z. X. Wang,Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang, Phys. Plasmas (2013).
18. Validation of ETG Turbulence in the Columbia Linear Machine, X. R. Fu, W. Horton,Y. Xiao, Z. Lin, A. K. Sen, And V. Sokolov, Accepted for Publication in Phys. Plasmas, 2012.
19. Global Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Toroidal Alfven Eigenmodes Exited by Antenna and Fast Ions, Wenlu Zhang, Ihor Holod, Zhihong Lin, andYong Xiao,Phys. Plasmas (2012).
20.Turbulent Transport of Toroidal Angular Momentum in Fusion Plasma, I. Holod,Z. Lin, andY. Xiao, Phys. Plasmas (2012).
21. Convective motion in collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence,Y. Xiaoand Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas (2011).
22. Gyrokinetic particle simulation of beta-induced Alfven eigenmode, H. S. Zhang, Z. Lin, I. Holod, X. Wang,Y. Xiao, W. L. Zhang , Phys. Plasmas (2010).
23. Gyrokinetic particle simulations of reversed shear Alfven eigenmode excited by antenna and fast ions, Wenjun Deng, Zhihong Lin, Ihor Holod, Xin Wang,Yong Xiao, and Wenlu Zhang, Phys. Plasmas (2010).
24. Scalings of energetic particle transport by ion temperature gradient microturbulence, W. Zhang, V. Decyk, I. Holod,Y. Xiao, Z. Lin and L. Chen, Phys. Plasmas (2010).
25. Fluctuation characteristics and transport properties of collisionless trapped electron mode turbulence,Y. Xiao, I. Holod, W. Zhang, S. Klasky and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas (2010)
26. Advanced simulation of electron heat transport in fusion plasmas, Z. Lin,Y. Xiao, I. Holod, W. Zhang, W. Deng, S. Klasky, J. Lofstead, C. Kamath, and N. Wichmann, Journal of Physics (2009).
27. Electromagnetic formulation of global gyrokinetic particle simulation in toroidal geometry, I. Holod, W. L. Zhang,Y. Xiao, and Z. Lin, Phys. Plasmas (2009)
28. Turbulent transport of trapped electron modes in collisionless plasmas,Y. Xiaoand Z. Lin, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009).
29. Guiding center orbit studies in a tokamak edge geometry employing Boozer and Cartesian coordinates, Y. Nishimura,Y. Xiaoand Z. Lin, Contributions to Plasma Physics, (2008).
30.Toward a first-principles integrated simulation of tokamak edge plasmas , CS. Chang, S. Klasky, et al,Y. Xiao, E. Yoon, D. Zorin, Journal of Physics (2008).
31. Global gyrokinetic particle simulations with kinetic electrons, Z. Lin, Y. Nishimura,Y. Xiao, I. Holod, W. L. Zhang, and L. Chen, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion (2007).
32. Effects of finite poloidal gyroradius, shaping, and collisions on the zonal flow residual,Y. Xiao, P. J. Catto, W. Dorland, Invited paper, Phys. Plasmas (2007).
33. Collisional damping for ion temperature gradient mode driven zonal flow,Y. Xiao, P. J. Catto, K. Molvig, Phys. Plasmas (2007).
34. Short wavelength effects on the collisionless neoclassical polarization and residual zonal flow level,Y. Xiao, P. J. Catto, Phys. Plasmas (2006).
35. Plasma shaping effects on the collisionless residual zonal flow level,Y. Xiao, P. J. Catto, Phys. Plasmas (2006).


