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  • 中文名:肖春燕
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:北京航空航天大學自動化科學與電氣工程學院
  • 職稱:教授


  1. 電氣工程學科綜合課(博)
  2. 電磁場與電磁波
  3. 電工材料
  4. 電器設計基礎
  5. 高電壓技術
  6. 電磁場基礎


  1. 電動汽車非接觸式充電技術前瞻性研究
  2. 深層缺陷瞬態脈衝渦流無損檢測理論和方法的研究
  3. 植入式心臟起搏器磁耦合諧振無線經皮能量傳輸理論與方法研究
  4. 胃腸道膠囊內窺鏡可穿戴供電系統動態磁耦合諧振無線電能傳輸理論與方法研究
  1. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Kangzheng Wei(韋康正), Dingning Cheng(程丁寧), and Yufeng Liu(柳玉鋒), Wireless Charging System Considering Eddy Current in Cardiac Pacemaker Shell: Theoretical Modeling, Experiments and Safety Simulations. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017, 24(5): 3978-3988.
  2. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Dingning Cheng(程丁寧), Kangzheng Wei(韋康正), An LCC-C Compensated Wireless Charging System for Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers: Theory, Experiment and Safety Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2018, 33(6): 4894 - 4905.
  3. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Kangzheng Wei(韋康正), Fang Liu(劉芳) and Yangxiao Ma(馬陽曉). Matching capacitance and transfer efficiency of four wireless power transfer systems via magnetic coupling resonance. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2017, 45(6): 811-831.
  4. Chunyan Xiao*, Yufeng Liu(柳玉鋒), Dingning Cheng(程丁寧) and Kangzheng Wei(韋康正), New Insight of Maximum Transferred Power by Matching Capacitance of a Wireless Power Transfer System. Energies, 2017, 10(5): 688.
  5. Lingbing Gong(公令兵), Chunyan Xiao *(肖春燕) , Bin Cao (曹斌)and Yuliang Zhou(周瑜亮). Adaptive Smart Control Method for Electric Vehicle Wireless Charging System. Energies, 2018, 11(10): 2685
  6. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕) and Tingting Zhao(趙婷婷). Identification Method of EMI Sources Based on Measured Single-Channel Signal and its Application in Aviation Secondary Power Source Design. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 2017, 59(2): 439-446.
  7. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Jun Zhang(張軍). Analytical solutions of transient pulsed eddy current problem due to elliptical electromagnetic concentrative coils. Chinese Physics B, 2010, 19(12): 120302.
  8. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Hao Li(李浩), Combined analytical-numerical approach to the voltage of a cylindrical coil with pulsed current, NDT & E International, 2012, 45(1): 97-103.
  9. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Yanhua Zhang(張艷華). A method of magnetic scanning imaging for detecting defects in ferromagnetic materials. Measurement Science and Technology, 2011, 22(2): 025503.
  10. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕) and Boris Rubinsky. Theoretical Analysis of AC Electric Field Transmission Into Biological Tissue Through Frozen Saline for Electroporation. Bioelectromagnetics, 2014.11, 35(8): 607-613.
  11. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Yinzhao Lei(雷銀照). Analytical solutions of electric potential and impedance for multilayered spherical volume conductor excited by time- harmonic electric current source: application in brain EIT. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2005, 50(11): 2663-2674.
  12. 肖春燕*,雷銀照. 分層球形導體中任意位置直流電流元產生電位的解析解. 物理學報, 2005, 54(4): 1950-1957.
  13. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Yinzhao Lei(雷銀照). Electric potential produced by a dipole source at any position in a multi- layered anisotropic spherical volume conductor. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2006, 15(2): 333-337.
  14. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Yinzhao Lei(雷銀照). Electric potential and impedance for three-layered spherical volume conductor with spherical bubble with four-electrode system. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2006, 15(1): 60-63.
  15. Chunyan Xiao*(肖春燕), Shuai Gao(高帥), and Jun Zhang(張軍). A novel


