- 中文名:肖春橋
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中南大學
- 職業:教師
- 主要成就:教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫獲得者
- 學位/學歷:博士
1. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Lei Zhu, Tong Yu, Zhenghe Xu, Ruan Chi. Enhanced biosolubilization of mid-low grade phosphate rock by formation of microbial consortium biofilm from activated sludge. Physicochem Probl Miner Process, 2019, 55(1): 217-224
2. Chunqiao Xiao, Qi Wang, Bo Feng, Guang Xu, Ruan Chi. Biosolubilization of rock phosphates in a bioreactor using a microbial consortium from rhizospheric soils: An analysis of the microbial community and technical feasibility. Miner Metall Proc, 2018, 35(4): 184-191
3. Chunqiao Xiao, Tingting Liu, Guang Xu, Ruan Chi. Characteristics and mechanisms of biosolubilization of rock phosphate by Aspergillus japonicus. Braz Arch Biol Technol, 2018, v.60: e160541
4. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Tingting Liu, Guang Xu, Ruan Chi. Microbial community structure of activated sludge for biosolubilization of two different rock phosphates. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2017, 182(2): 742-754
5. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Tingting Liu, Guang Xu, Ruan Chi. Optimizations of particle size and pulp density for solubilization of rock phosphate by amicrobial consortium from activated sludge. Prepar Biochem Biotechnol, 2017, 47(6): 562-569
6. Chunqiao Xiao, Guang Xu, Qi Wang, Ruan Chi. Biosolubilization of low-grade rock phosphate by mixed thermophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria. J Adv Oxid Technol, 2017, 20(2): 1-8
7. Chunqiao Xiao, Xiaoyan Wu, Ruan Chi. Dephosphorization of high-phosphorus iron ore using different sources of Aspergillus niger strains. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2015, 176: 518–528
8. Chunqiao Xiao, Yujuan Fang, Ruan Chi. Phosphate solubilization in vitro by isolated Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus carbonarius. Res Chem Intermed, 2015, 41:2867–2878
9. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Lihong Hu. Solubilization of aluminum phosphate by specific Penicillium spp. J Cent South Univ, 2013, 20(8): 2109–2114
10. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Yujuan Fang. Effects of Acidiphilium cryptum on biosolubilization of rock phosphate in the presence of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans. Trans Nonferrous Met Soc China, 2013, 23(7): 2153–2159
11. Chunqiao Xiao, Huaxiang Zhang, Yujuan Fang, Ruan Chi. Evaluation for rock phosphate solubilization in fermentation and soil–plant system using a stress-tolerant phosphate-solubilizing Aspergillus niger WHAK1. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2013, 169(1): 123–133
12. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Xiao Pan, Feng Liu, Jiawei He. Rock phosphate solubilization by four yeast strains. Ann Microbiol, 2013, 63(1): 173–178
13. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Wenshuang Li, Yu Zheng. Biosolubilization of phosphorus from rock phosphate by moderately thermophilic and mesophilic bacteria. Miner Eng, 2011, 24(8): 956–958
14. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Xiaohong Li, Min Xia, Zhongwu Xia. Biosolubilization of rock phosphate by three stress-tolerant fungal strains. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2011, 165(2): 719–727
15. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Huan He, Guanzhou Qiu, Dianzuo Wang, Wenxue Zhang. Isolation of phosphate-solubilizing fungi from phosphate mines and their effect on wheat seedling growth. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2009, 159: 330–342
16. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Huan He, Wenxue Zhang. Characterization of tricalcium phosphate solubilization by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia YC isolated from phosphate mines. J Cent South Univ, 2009, 16(3): 581-587
17. Chunqiao Xiao, Ruan Chi, Xiaohui Huang, Wenxue Zhang, Guanzhou Qiu, Dianzuo Wang. Optimization for rock phosphate solubilization by phosphate-solubilizing fungi isolated from phosphate mines. Ecol Eng. 2008, 33(2): 187-193
1. 肖春橋,池汝安,張華香,張越非,余軍霞,徐志高,周芳,徐源來. 一種利用磷礦礦坑水微生物菌群溶解中低品位磷礦的方法.Z L201610064930.2
2. 肖春橋,池汝安,張華香,徐志高,張越非,余軍霞,徐源來,周芳. 一種利用活性污泥微生物菌群溶解中低品位磷礦的方法. ZL201610064929.X
3. 肖春橋,池汝安,張華香,方玉娟. 一種利用嗜熱嗜酸菌溶解中低品位磷礦粉的方法. ZL201110054814.X
4. 池汝安,肖春橋,方玉娟. 一種利用混合菌溶解中低品位磷礦的方法. ZL201110054953.2
5. 池汝安,肖春橋. 一種利用低品位磷礦粉生產複合微生物磷肥的方法. ZL200810048531.2
6. 池汝安,肖春橋,高洪,吳元欣,李世榮,王存文. 一種利用硫桿菌屬微生物使磷礦中磷轉化為可溶磷的方法. ZL200510019079.3
7. 池汝安,肖春橋,崔立新,李元如,張美,黃緒棚. 一種利用黃姜澱粉生產工業級葡萄糖酸鈉或葡萄糖酸鈣的方法. ZL201010545814.5
8. 崔立新,池汝安,熊麗,肖春橋,徐志高,余軍霞,張越非,張美. 一種黃體酮的製備方法. ZL201210432390.0