- 中文名:肖建
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖南衡陽
- 職業:博士生導師
- 畢業院校:西南交通大學
2 國家自然科學基金(51177137):“基於牽引電機監控數據的電力機車粘著控制新方法研究”
3 國家自然科學基金重點項目(61134001):“高速列車主動安全控制的關鍵基礎研究” (合作單位主持)
4 中奧國際科技合作項目(VII.B.15): “里程延長型電動汽車”
5 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金(20060613003):“基於多解析度分析的機車自適應模糊粘著控制系統”
6四川省套用基礎研究計畫項目 (05JY029-006-4): “基於多解析度分析的模糊系統辨識及其套用研究”
7 四川省國際科技合作與交流研究計畫項目(05HH025):“里程延長型電動汽車”
9 企業委託項目:“貨物列車裝載狀態安全監測系統的研製”
[2] Ding J., Xiao J., Zhang Y., et al. Distributed State Estimation for Discrete-Time Nonlinear System with Unknown Inputs [J]. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2014, 1-21.(SCI,EI收錄)
[3] Guo J. L., Qiu Z. C., Xiao J., et al. Vector Control System of Seven-Phase Induction Motor Based on DSP [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 513(4421-5.(SCI,EI收錄)
[4] Iqbal M. N., Xiao J., Xiang W. Parameter-dependent finite-time observer design for time-varying polytopic uncertain switched systems [J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2014, 351(3): 1657-72.(SCI,EI收錄)
[5] Jiang Y., Xiao J. Target tracking based on a multi-sensor covariance intersection fusion Kalman filter [J]. Engineering Review, 2014, 34(1): 47-54.(SCI,EI收錄)
[6] Qiu C., Xiao J., Han L., et al. Enhanced interval type-2 fuzzy c-means algorithm with improved initial center [J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014, 38(86-92.(SCI,EI收錄)
[7] Xiang W., Xiao J. Convex sufficient conditions on asymptotic stability and ?2 gain performance for uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems [J]. IET Control Theory & Applications, 2014, 8(3): 211-8.(SCI,EI收錄)
[8] Xiang W., Xiao J. Stabilization of switched continuous-time systems with all modes unstable via dwell time switching [J]. Automatica, 2014, 50(3): 940-5.(SCI,EI收錄)
[9] Xiang W., Xiao J., Han L. A New Approach For Stability Analysis Of Time‐Dependent Switched Continuous‐Time Linear Systems [J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2014, 16(2): 461-8.(SCI,EI收錄)
[10] Xiang W., Xiao J., Iqbal M. N. Robust fault detection for a class of uncertain switched nonlinear systems via the state updating approach [J]. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2014, 12(132-46.(SCI,EI收錄)
[11] Xiang W., Xiao J., Mahmoud M. S. ?∞ filtering for switched discrete‐time systems under asynchronous switching: A dwell‐time dependent Lyapunov functional method [J]. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2014, (SCI,EI收錄)
[12] Xiang W., Zhai G., Xiao J. Stability analysis and failure tolerant control for discrete-time linear systems with controller failure [J]. International Journal of Control, 2014, just-accepted): 1-19.(SCI,EI收錄)
[13] Xiao J., Xiang W. New results on asynchronous H∞ control for switched discrete-time linear systems under dwell time constraint [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 242(601-11.(SCI,EI收錄)
[14] Xu Q., Zhuang S., Hu D., et al. Generalized Mutual Synchronization between Two Controlled Interdependent Networks [J]. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, 2014(SCI,EI收錄)
[16] Zhao T., Xiao J., Ding J., et al. A variable precision interval type-2 fuzzy rough set model for attribute reduction [J]. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 26(6): 2785-97.(SCI,EI收錄)
[17] Zhao T., Xiao J., Ding J., et al. Relaxed stability conditions for interval type-2 fuzzy-model-based control systems [J]. Kybernetika, 2014, 50(1): 46-65.(SCI,EI收錄)
[18] Zhao T., Xiao J., Han L., et al. Static Output Feedback Control for Interval Type‐2 T‐S Fuzzy Systems Based on Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions [J]. Asian Journal of Control, 2014, (SCI,EI收錄)
[19] Zhao T., Xiao J., Li Y., et al. A new approach to similarity and inclusion measures between general type-2 fuzzy sets [J]. Soft Computing, 2014, 18(4): 809-23.(SCI,EI收錄)
[20] 丁家琳, 肖建. 基於極大後驗估計的自適應容積卡爾曼濾波器 [J]. 控制與決策, 2014, 29(2): 327-34.(EI收錄)
[21] 郭冀嶺, 肖建, 邱忠才, et al. 消除諧波電流的七相感應電機矢量控制 [J]. 西南交通大學學報, 2014, 49(5): (EI收錄)
[22] 韓璐, 肖建, 邱存勇. 三相 SPWM 逆變器的切換模型與穩定性分析 [J]. 電機與控制學報, 2014, 18(2): 21-7.(EI收錄)
[23] 韓璐, 肖建, 邱存勇. 仿射切換系統的有限時間魯棒 H∞ 跟蹤控制 [J]. 控制與決策, 2014, 0-.(EI收錄)
[24] 何曉瓊, 彭旭, 周瑛英, et al. 一種新型同相牽引供電系統均流性能研究 [J]. 電力自動化設備, 2014, 34(4): (EI收錄)
[25] 邱存勇, 肖建, 韓璐. 增強型區間二型 FCM 算法 [J]. 控制與決策, 2014, 29(3): 465-9.(EI收錄)
[26] 邱忠才, 郭冀嶺, 王斌, et al. 基於卡爾曼濾波滑模變結構轉子位置觀測器的 PMSM 無差拍控制 [J]. 電機與控制學報, 2014, 4): (EI收錄)
[27] 徐鵬, 肖建, 楊奕, et al. 永磁同步電機雙率殘差增廣最小二乘參數辨識 [J]. 電機與控制學報, 2014, 4): (EI收錄)
[28] 徐鵬, 肖建, 周鵬, et al. 輸入多採樣率離散時間系統準滑模控制器設計 [J]. 控制與決策, 2014, 0-.(EI收錄)
[29] 姚蘭, 肖建. 基於模糊熵和 Hough 變換的受電弓滑板裂紋檢測方法 [J]. 鐵道學報, 2014, 5(015.(EI收錄)
[30] 占棟, 於龍, 肖建, et al. 基於雷射攝像技術的鋼軌磨耗截面積測量方法研究 [J]. 鐵道學報, 2014, 4): (EI收錄)
[31] 占棟, 於龍, 肖建, et al. 接觸網幾何參數高速動態視覺測量方法研究 [J]. 儀器儀表學報, 2014, 8(024.(EI收錄)
[32] 張勇, 肖建, 遲永寧, et al. 基於機組調峰能力的電力系統風電接納能力研究 [J]. 太陽能學報, 2014, 35(006): 998-1003.(EI收錄)
[2] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. H∞ control for switched fuzzy systems via dynamic output feedback: hybrid and switched approaches,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 18(1), 1499-1514, 2013 (SCI,EI收錄)
[3] Cunyong Qiu, Jian Xiao, Long Yu, Lu Han, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. A modified interval type-2 fuzzy C-means algorithm with application in MR image segmentation[J]. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2013, 34(12):1329-1338. (SCI,EI收錄)
[4] Song Wang, Venkata Dinavahi, Jian Xiao. Multi-Rate Real-Time Model-Based Parameter Estimation and State Identification for Induction Motors[J],IET Electric Power Applications, 2013, 7(1): 77-86. (SCI,EI收錄).
[5] Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian. H∞ filtering for switched non-linear systems with polytopic uncertainties via filter state impulsive jump approach[J]. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2013,35,(4): 540-550 (SCI,EI收錄)
[6] 趙濤,肖建. 二型模糊粗糙集. 控制與決策[J]. 2013, 28(3): 385-390. (EI收錄)
[7] Muhammad Naveed Iqbal, Jian Xiao, Weiming Xiang. Finite time H∞ filtering for uncertain discrete-time switching systems, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 35(6), 851-862, 2013. (SCI,EI收錄)
[8] 占棟,於龍,肖建,陳唐龍. 基於計算機視覺的接觸軌檢測車振動補償方法及套用[J]. 鐵道學報, 35(1): 25-30 2013, (EI收錄)
[9] 姚蘭,肖建,蔣玉蓮. 基於正交變換的區間且型模糊模型結構精簡[J]. 西南交通大學學報. 2013, 48(3): 481-486. (EI收錄)
[10] 姚蘭,肖建,王嵩,蔣玉蓮. 自組織區間二型模糊神經網路及其自適應學習算法[J].控制理論與套用,2013, 30(6): 785-791. (EI收錄)
[11] Zhao Tao, Xiao Jian, Li Ye, Li Yi Xing. A fuzzy Lyapunov function approach to stabilization of interval type-2 T-S fuzzy systems. 2013 25th Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2013, p 2234-2238 (EI收錄)
[12] Jing Yongzhi, Xiao Jian, Zhang Kunlun. Compensation of gap sensor for high-speed maglev train with RBF neural network. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, v 35, n 7, p 933-939, October 2013 (SCI,EI收錄)
[13] Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian. Convex sufficient conditions on asymptotic stability and L2 gain performance for uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems. IET Control Theory and Applications, v 8, n 3, p 211-218, 2014 (SCI,EI收錄)
[14] Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian, Han Lu. H∞ control synthesis for short-time markovian jump continuous-time linear systems. Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, v 32, n 6, p 2799-2820, December 2013 (SCI,EI收錄)
[15] Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian. H∞ control synthesis of switched discrete-time fuzzy systems via hybrid approach. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, v 34, n 6, p 635-655, November-December 2013 (SCI,EI收錄)
[16] 韓璐,肖建,向偉銘,邱存勇.考慮系統延時的三相APF切換系統建模與H∞控制. 電力自動化設備,2013, 33(12): 39-44. (EI收錄)
[17] 何曉瓊,王晨丞,文德智,舒澤亮,肖建. 用於貫通式牽引供電系統變換器的諧波分析. 鐵道工程學報. 2013 (12):74-79 (EI收錄)
[18] 何曉瓊, 彭旭,周瑛英,肖建. 基於多質點動車組制動模型的動態牽引負荷. 西南交通大學學報. 2013, 48(5): 878-884. (EI收錄)
[19] 占棟,於龍,邱存勇, 肖建,陳唐龍. 鋼軌輪廓測量中的車體振動補償問題研究.儀器儀表學報. 2013, 34(7):1625-1633. (EI收錄)
[20] 趙濤,肖建. 基於包含度的區間二型模糊粗糙集. 自動化學報,2013,39(10):1714-1721 (EI收錄)
[21] Xu Peng, Xiao Jian, Li Shan, Yang Yi. Human simulated intelligent control for permanent magnet synchronous motor. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 241-244, p 1821-1827, 2013 (EI收錄),
[22] Jiang Yulian, Xiao Jian. Multichannel ARMA signal Kalman filter based on covariance intersection. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, v 49, n 19, p 351-358, 2013 (EI收錄)
[2] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. Robust observer design for nonlinear uncertain switched systems under asynchronous switching, Nonlinear Analysis:Hybrid Systems, v 6( 1): 754-773, 2012(SCI,EI收錄)
[3] Cong, Zhou ; Jian, Xiao; Iqbal, Muhammad Naveed, Review on automobile steering-by-wire system development, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 130-134, p 2194-2197,2012 (SCI,EI收錄)
[4]蔣強,肖建,鄭高,張勇,王夢玲.一種基於能量指數的複雜網路牽制控制策略[J].控制與決策v 27(1):22-27, 2012(EI收錄)
[5] Yao, Lan ; Jiang, Yu-Lian; Xiao, Jian .An improved fuzzy adaptive genetic algorithm for function optimization, Advanced Materials Research, v 403: 2598-2601, 2012(EI收錄)
[6] 周聰,肖建. 改進強跟蹤濾波算法及其在汽車狀態估計中的套用[J]. 自動化學報 V38(9):1520-1527,2012(EI收錄)
[7] 周聰,肖建,基於自適應強跟蹤濾波器的汽車行駛狀態軟測量,電機與控制學報 V16(2):96-101,2012(EI收錄)
[8] 邱曉初,肖建,劉小建,一種APF模糊自適應可變環寬滯環控制器,電力系統保護與控制V40(7):73-83,2012(EI收錄)
[9] 蔣強,何都益,肖建,鄭高,複雜網路系統同步的臨界機理研究,華中科技大學學報(自然科學版)v40(6):34-38,2012(EI收錄)
[10] 鄭高,肖建,基於區間二型模糊邏輯的電力負荷預測研究,電機與控制學報,v16(9):26-32(EI收錄)
[11] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. Asymptotic stability, L2 gain boundness analysis and control synthesis for switched systems: a switching frequency approach, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 26(4), 350-373, 2012. (SCI,EI收錄)
[12] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. H∞ filtering for short-time switched discrete-time linear systems, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 31, 1927-1949, 2012. (SCI,EI收錄)
[13] 周聰,肖建,王嵩. 多採樣率卡爾曼濾波器在汽車狀態估計中的套用[J]. 西南交通大學學報. 2012, 47(5): 849-854. (EI收錄)
[14] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, Discussion on Stability, L2-gain and asynchronous H∞ control of discrete-time switched systems with average dwell time, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(12), 3259-3261, 2012. (SCI,EI收錄)
[15] Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao. controller design for a class of switched linear discrete-time system with polytopic uncertainties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 226, 1311-1322, 2012.(SCI,EI收錄
[1]Yongzhi, Jing; Jian, Xiao, Modeling of gap sensor for high-speed maglev train based on RBF network, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation,Control, and Intelligent Systems, CYBER 2011, p 279-282, 2011(EI收錄)
[2]Yao, Lan ; Jiang, Yu-Lian; Xiao, Jian . Short-term power load forecasting by interval type-2 fuzzy logic system, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 244(2):575-582, 2011(EI收錄)
[4]鄭高, 肖建, 王婧, 周文衛. 基於區間二型模糊邏輯的短期風速預測研究 [J]. 太陽能學報, v 32(12):p 1792-1797, 2011(EI收錄)
[5]Qiu, Cunyong; Xiao, Jian; Yu, Long; Han, Lu, An interval type-2 fuzzy c-means algorithm based on spatial information for image segmentation ,Proceedings - 2011 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2011, v 1, p 545-549, 2011(EI收錄)
[6]HuJianbing, Xiao, Jian; Zhao, Lingdong; Jiang, Qiang Projective synchronzing a novel fractional hyperchaotic system based on a approach configuring a special matrix ,Advanced Materials Research, v 308-310, p 1688-1694, 2011, Advanced Design Technology(EI收錄)
[7]Jing Yongzhi, Zhang, Kunlun; Xiao, Jian, Modeling of gap sensor for high-speed maglev train based on fuzzy neural network, Proceedings - 2011 8th International Conferenceon Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2011(EI收錄)
[8]Lu Ke, Xiao, Jian, Parameter adaptation sensorless control of induction motor based on strong track filter, Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, CSAE 2011, v 2, p 487-491, 2011(EI收錄)
[10]鄭高,肖建,蔣強,張勇.區間二型模糊相似度與包含度[J].控制與決策,2011, 26(6):861-866(EI收錄)
[11]Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, and Muhammad Naveed Iqbal. Fault detection for switched nonlinear systems under asynchronous switching, International Journal of Control, v 84(8): 1362-1376, 2011(SCI,EI收錄)
[12]Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao. Finite-time stability analysis for switched linear systems, Proceedings of CCDC 2011, 3115-3120(EI收錄)
[13]Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao, and Chengyong Xiao. On finite-time stability and stabilization for switched discrete linear systems, Control and Intelligent Systems, 39(2), 122-128(EI收錄)
[14]Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao. H¥ filtering for uncertain switched nonlinear system via filter state impulsive jump approach, Control and Intelligent Systems, 39(1), 60-67, 2011(EI收錄)
[15]Weiming Xiang, Jian Xiao and Chengyong Xiao. Comments on “Finite-time H¥ control for linear continuous system with norm-bounded disturbance”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16, 2443-3445, 2011(SCI,EI收錄)
[16]邱曉初,肖建,基於線性濾波器三相四線制諧波檢測,電力系統保護與控制2011,39 (9 ) :44-51(EI收錄)
[18]Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian, Xiao Chenyong. Comment on "Finite-time H ∞ control for linear continuous system with norm-bounded disturbance" Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011, 16(8):3443-3445(SCI,EI收錄)
[19]Xiang Weiming, Xiao Jian. H∞ finite-time control for switched nonlinear discrete-time systems with norm-bounded disturbance . Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2011, 348(2): 331-352(SCI,EI收錄)
[20]Weiming Xiang; Jian Xiao. H∞ filtering for switched nonlinear systems under asynchronous switching, International Journal of Systems Science, 42(5):1464-5319(SCI,EI收錄)
[1]Qiu Xiaochu,Xiao Jian.Research of Variable Gain Nonlinear PI Controller based Three-Phase Phase-Locked-Loop System,2010 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2010, p 4050-4053, 2010(EI收錄)
[2]Zheng Gao, Xiao Jian, Zhang Yong, Shi Gaofeng. An inclusion measure between general type-2 fuzzy sets. Proceedings - 2010 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2010, v 1, p 99-103, 2010(EI收錄)
[3]Wang Jing, Wei Zhenbo. A similarity measure between general Type-2 fuzzy sets and its application in clustering. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), p 6383-6387(EI收錄)
[4]鮮亮,肖建,賈俊波.“質子交換膜燃料電池交流阻抗譜實驗研究” 中國電機工程學報,30(28): 101-106,2010(EI收錄)
[5]蔣林,肖建 ,王濤. 感應電機的Takagi-Sugeno型模糊狀態觀測器. 西南交通大學學報, 2010, 45(2): 273~277(EI收錄)
[6]劉陸洲, 肖建, 王嵩, 陸可.一種感應電機多模型解耦控制方法研究,控制與決策. 2010, 25(9):852-856(EI收錄)
[2]劉陸洲, 肖建, 王嵩,基於線上LS2SVM的α階逆控制,西南交通大學學報, 2009 44(3): 375~379(EI收錄)
[3]於龍, 肖建, 劉陸洲,基於簡約集向量的Takagi–Sugeno模糊模型,控制理論與套用,2009,26(5):555~557(EI收錄)
[4]於龍, 肖建, 周聰,魯棒區間類型2 可能性C 均值聚類,控制與決策, 2009,24(4):503-507 (EI收錄)
[5]莊慧敏, 肖建,交直流系統電壓穩定性的Hopf 分岔分析, 高電壓技術 Vol.35(3):699-704(EI收錄)
[6]Long Yu, Jian Xiao. Trade-off between Accuracy and Interpretability Experience-oriented Fuzzy Modeling via Reduced-set Vectors, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2009,57(6):885~895(SCI,EI收錄)
[7]王濤,肖建,徐英雷. 感應電機轉子磁鏈閉環魯棒觀測方法研究, 鐵道學報,2009,Vol.31(1):88-93(EI收錄)
[8]黃景春,肖建,周聰.一種基於T-S雲模型的非線性系統控制, 電機與控制學報,2009,Vol13(s):149-156(EI收錄)
[9]劉陸洲,肖建,王嵩.感應電機的新型神經網路廣義逆系統解耦控制, 電機與控制學報,2009,Vol13(s):72-77(EI收錄)
[10]陸可, 肖建. 基於單濾波器多模型算法的感應電機參數自適應轉速估計. 電工技術學報, 2009, 24(1): 70-75(EI收錄)
[1]陸可,肖建,陳爽,宮金林.基於強跟蹤延遲濾波算法的互饋雙電機聯合狀態估計, 中國電機工程學報,28(36): 80-86,2008(EI收錄)
[2]Lin Jiang, Jian Xiao, Cong Zhou and Jinlin Gong. Multirate Input Control for Fuzzy Systems Based on Disk-pole Placement. In Proceedings of The 3rd Intetnational Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control (ICICIC'08), 2008(EI收錄)
[3]Weiss Helmut, Zaucher Peter, Xiao Jian. Acoustic Noise Reduction Procedure for Inverter-Fed Induction Machines,Proc.2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008):1722-1728(EI收錄)
[4]Yu Long, Xiao Jian, Wang song. Reduced-Set Vector-Based Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 2008, 10(7): 1574-1583(EI收錄)
[5]Zhang Xiang; Xiao Jian. On the optimal multirate control of networked control systems, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, v 7(7): 721-731, July, 2008 (EI收錄)
[6]Jiang Qiang , Xiao Jian; Zheng Gao; Jiang Wei. Measurement of harmonics and inter-harmonics based on DWFFT, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, ICICIC'08, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, ICICIC'08, 2008(EI收錄)
[7]Lin Jiang, Jian Xiao, Cong Zhou and Jinlin Gong. Multirate Input Control for Fuzzy Systems Based on Disk-pole Placement. In Proceedings of ICICIC 2008(EI收錄)
[8]張湘,肖建.網路控制系統的輸出反饋控制,華中科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, Vol.36(10):32-35(EI收錄)
[9]肖建, 於龍, 白裔峰. 支持向量回歸中核函式和超參數選擇方法綜述. 西南交通大學學報, 2008, 43(3): 297~303(EI收錄)
[10]蔡華斌,肖建.,嚴殊.基於DSP的多採樣率直接轉矩控制系統研究,中國電機工程學報,28(27): 114-119,2008(EI收錄)
[11]陸可,肖建.強跟蹤延遲濾波算法及其在感應電機無速度感測器控制中的套用. 2008, 自動化學報 Vol.34(9): 1076-1082(EI收錄)
[12]Liu, Luzhou; Xiao, Jian; Yu, Long Interval self-organizing map for nonlinear system identification and control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science v 5263 LNCS, n PART 1, p 78-86, 2008, Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2008 - Proceedings 5th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2008(EI收錄)
[13]Jingchun Huang,Jian Xiao,WEISS Helmut.Simulation Study on Adhesion Control of Electric Locomotives Based on Multidisciplinary Virtual Prototyping. IEEE Intern. Conf. Industry Application, ICIT 08, Chengdu, China, 2008(EI收錄)
[14]Yan Shu, Xiao Jian, Jiang Lin. A New Stator Flux Calculating Approach for Direct Torque Control Based on Multi-rate Sampling. IEEE Intern. Conf. Industry Application, ICIT 08, Chengdu, China, 2008(EI收錄)
[15]蔣林,肖建,黃景春,周聰.非線性系統的輸入多採樣率模糊最佳化控制. 控制與決策, 2008,23(4):382-387(EI收錄)
[17]莊慧敏,肖 建,黃彥全.AC /DC系統潮流計算的部分直流變數消除法,西南交通大學學報,2008,43(1):8-13(EI收錄))
[1]Li Chunmao, Xiao Jian; Chu Lili; Liu Junhua. A multiple models approach for adaptive predictive control of networked control systems, Proceedings - Third International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2007, v 2, p 381-386(EI收錄)
[2]Yu Long, Xiao Jian, Bai yi-feng. A New Fuzzy Modeling Approach Based on Support Vector Regression. Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007, 3: 578-584(EI收錄)
[3]白裔峰,肖建,於龍. 改進的基於子空間劃分的模糊系統模型. 控制與決策, 2007,22(10):1173-1176(EI收錄)
[4]Huang Jing-chun, Xiao Jian, BAI Yi-feng, LIAO Shuang-qing. Optimized adhesion control of electric locomotives based on wavelet analysis and cloud model, The first international conference of transportation engineering (ICTE’2007), 2007,4:3209-3214(EI收錄)
[5]陸可, 肖建. 多採樣率EKF及其在感應電機轉速估計中的套用, 西南交通大學學報, 2007, 42(5): 620-625(EI收錄)
[6]白裔峰,肖建,於龍.分塊核偏最小二乘法, 西南交通大學學報,2007,42(5):626-630(EI收錄)
[7]王濤, 肖建,嚴殊. 感應電機反饋線性化解耦控制[J].西南交通大學學報. 2007,Vol.42(2):181-185(EI收錄)
[8]李春茂,肖建,張玥,“網路控制系統的時延估計和自適應預測控制”, "西南交通大學學報",2007,vol.42(2): 175-180(EI收錄)
[9]蔣林,肖建, 非線性系統的模糊輸入多採樣率數字控制, 電機與控制學報,2007,Vol11(3):266-270(EI收錄)
[10]於 龍, 肖 建, 白裔峰,基於批量模糊學習矢量量化的模糊系統辨識,控制與決策,2007,Vol. 22 (8):903-906(EI收錄)
[11]嚴殊,肖建.一種無差拍直接轉矩控制方法, 電機與控制學報, 2007, Vol.11(2):125-129 (EI收錄)
[12]王 濤,肖 建,李冀昆. 感應電機無源性分析及自適應控制, 中國電機工程學報,2007,Vol.27(6):31-34(EI收錄)
[13]張 湘,肖 建. 分散式網路控制系統的輸出反饋控制. 西南交通大學學報, 2007, vol.42(1): 29-34(EI收錄)
[14]Yu Long, Xiao, Jian, Bai, Yifeng. A new fuzzy modeling approach based on support vector regression. Proceedings - Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007, 2007, v3:578-584(EI收錄)
[1]Chen Tanglong, Xiao Jian. Synthetical analysis of OCS dynamic testing data. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS Issue 5, Volume 5 , 2006,705-710(EI收錄)
[2]Xiao Jian; Chen Tanglong; Huang Yanquan. Zeros, tracking and stability analysis of multirate sampled-data feedback control systems. AMSE Periodicals, Advances in Modelling C: Automatic Control,2006, vol.61(1):63-78(EI收錄)
[3]Li Liu, Xiaoqiong He, Jian Xiao, Helmut Weiss. Model Reference Adaptive Control of Asynchronized Synchronous Motor Based on Neural Network On-Line Identification。Proc. EPE-PEMC 2006, 961-966, 2006, Portoro, Slovenia(EI收錄)
[4]Wang, Jun ; Peng, Hong; Xiao, Jian. Identification of dynamic systems using recurrent fuzzy wavelet network, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 3972 LNCS, Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2006: Third International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2006, Proceedings - Part II, 2006, p 802-807(EI收錄)
[5]胡丹,肖建,車暢,尺度核支持向量機及在動態系統辨識中的套用,西南交通大學學報, 2006, vol.41(4): 460~465(EI收錄)
[6]蔣 剛,肖 建,宋昌林,鄭永康,一種模糊支持向量負荷預測法及其參數最佳化策略,《控制與決策》,vol.21(9):1054~1058 ,2006(EI收錄)
[8]Li Chunmao, Xiao Jian, Zhang Yue, "A Nonlinear Time Series Approach for Time Delay Estimation and Adaptive Control of Networked control Systems", WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS,issue 10, Volume 5, October 2006, ISSN 1109-2734,pp1499-1505(EI收錄)
[9]白裔峰,肖建, 基於子空間劃分的模糊系統模型辨識,《控制與決策》,vol.21(2):135~138 ,2006(EI收錄)
[10]肖建, 白裔峰, 於龍. 模糊系統結構辨識綜述. 西南交通大學學報, 2006, vol.41(2): 135~142(EI收錄)