肖凡,1985年6月生,湖北浠水人,中共黨員,副教授,博士研究生導師,國際數學地質協會(IAMG)終生會員。現任中國地質學會數學地質與地學信息專業委員會委員(2018-)、中國礦物岩石地球化學學會大數據與數學地球科學專業委員會委員(2016-)等學術職務。目前,主要從事礦產勘查和數學地質方面的教學與科研工作,重點包括多源地學數據處理解譯與地質過程計算模擬。至今,主持國家自然科學基金面上基金、青年基金、廣東省自然科學基金-博士啟動項目以及中央高校基本科研業務費青年教師培養項目各1項,同時作為為技術骨幹參加了多項國家自然科學基金、國家重點研發及國家科技計畫項目等重要研究課題,以第一作者/通訊作者發表論文16篇(其中10篇SCI,3篇EI和3篇CSCD),申請專利1項,登記軟體著作權2項。在多源地學數據處理解譯與地質過程計算模擬研究領域積累了豐富的研究成果,產生了較廣泛的學術影響,為國內外同行所關注,SCI他引115次(Web of Science)。擔任Ore Geology Reviews, Natural Resources Research,Computers & Geosciences, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Applied Geochemistry等多個國際重要SCI學術期刊的特邀審稿人。曾榮獲2015年湖北省優秀博士學位論文獎、中國地質學會2015年學術年會優秀學術論文獎以及2014年第十三屆數學地質與地學信息學術研討會優秀青年學術論文獎等多項獎勵。
2017.01-今 中山大學地球科學與工程學院/地球物理學 副教授
2014.01-2017.01 中山大學地球科學與工程學院/地球信息科學與技術 講師
2008.09-2013.12 中國地質大學(武漢)/礦產普查與勘探(碩博連讀) 博士
2013.02-2013.08 加拿大渥太華大學(University of Ottawa)/數學地質學 聯合培養博士
2004.09-2008.06 中國地質大學(武漢)/資源勘查工程(基地班)學士
礦產勘查與資源定量化評價/Mineral Exploration and Quantitative Mineral Resources Assessment
勘探地球物理與數學地質學/Exploration Geophysics and Mathematical Geosciences
地理信息系統與空間資料庫/Geographic Information System and Spatial Database
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者), Kaiqi Wang, Weisheng Hou, Zhenghai Wang , Yongzhang Zhou. 2019. Prospectivity mapping for porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization in the Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang, northwestern China.Natural Resources Research,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11053-019-09486-5.
Xiaotong Yu(碩士研究生),Fan Xiao*(通訊作者),Yongzhang Zhou, Yu Wang, Kaiqi Wang, 2019.Application of hierarchical clustering, singularity mapping, and Kohonen neural network to identify Ag-Au-Pb-Zn polymetallic mineralization associated geochemical anomaly in Pangxidong district.Journal of Geochemical Exploration,203: 87-95.
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者),Jianguo Chen, Weisheng Hou, Zhenghai Wang, Yongzhang Zhou, Oktay Erten, 2018. A spatially weighted singularity mapping method applied to identify epithermal Ag and Pb-Zn polymetallicmineralization associated geochemical anomaly in Northwest Zhejiang, China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration,189: 122-137.
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者), Jianguo Chen, Weisheng Hou, Zhenghai Wang, 2017. Identification and extraction of Ag-Au mineralization associated geochemical anomaly in Pangxitong district, south of the Qinzhou-Hangzhou Metallogenic Belt, China.Acta Petrologica Sinica,33(3):779-790.
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者),Zhenghai Wang, 2017. Geological interpretation of Bouguer gravity and aeromagnetic data from the Gobi-desert covered area, Eastern Tianshan, China: Implications for porphyry Cu-Mo polymetallic deposits exploration.Ore Geology Reviews, 80: 1042-1055.
Chengbin Wang, Jianguo Chen*(通訊作者),Fan Xiao*(共同通訊作者), Tounkara Fode, Liqing Li, 2016. Radioelement distributions and analysis of microtopographical influences in a shallowcovered area, Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for mineral exploration.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 133: 62-69.
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者),Zhijun Chen*(共同通訊作者), Jianguo Chen, Yongzhang Zhou, 2016. A batch sliding window method for local singularity mapping and its application for geochemical anomaly identification.Computers and Geosciences, 90: 189-201.
Fan Xiao, Jianguo Chen*(導師/通訊作者), Frederik P. Agterberg, Chengbin Wang, 2014. Element behavior analysis and its implications for geochemical anomaly identification: a case study for porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Eastern Tianshan, China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 145: 1-11.
Fan Xiao, Jianguo Chen*(導師/通訊作者), Zhengyu Zhang, Chengbin Wang, Guangming Wu, Frederik P. Agterberg, 2012. Singularity mapping technique and spatially weighted principal component analysis to identify geochemical anomalies associated with Ag and Pb-Zn polymetallic mineralization in Northwest Zhejiang, China.Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 122: 90-100.
Fan Xiao*(第一作者/通訊作者), Jianguo Chen, 2012. Fractal projection pursuit classification model applied to geochemical survey data.Computers and Geosciences, 45: 75-81.
Fan Xiao, Jianguo Chen*(導師/通訊作者), 2007. Two mixed total screening MATLAB program based on normal probability paper principle. Pengda Zhao, Frits Agterberg, Qiuming Cheng, eds.,Geomathematics and GIS Analysis of Resources, Environment, and Hazards, Proceedings of IAMG’07. Beijing, pp. 464-468.
陳建國*(導師/通訊作者),肖凡,常韜,2010.基於二維經驗模態分解的重磁異常分離.地球科學,36(2): 327-335.
肖凡*(第一作者/通訊作者), 陳建國. 2017. 基於RCGA的PPC模型在化探異常識別與提取中的套用.吉林大學學報(地球科學版),47(4): 1319-1330.
余曉彤(碩士研究生),肖凡*(通訊作者),周永章,王語,王愷其,2019. 粵西龐西垌地區銀金地球化學異常信息挖掘與提取.地質與勘探,51(1): 77-86.