1987.09--1991.07 湖南師範大學中文系學生。
1995.09--2002.05 湖南經濟電視台製片人、新聞部主任、副總監。
2002.05--2009.11 湖南廣播電視局辦公室副主任、主任、改革辦主任。
2005.11--2006.05 英國威斯敏斯特大學學習創意產業及媒體運營管理。
2007.05--2007.07 牛津大學與賓夕法尼亞大學聯合主辦“媒體法律與政策管理”培訓班學習。
2009.11—2010.03 湖南廣播影視集團副總經理。
2013.07-2014.07 清華大學五道口金融學院EMBA獎學金班學習。
2014.03 兼任上海芒果互娛科技有限公司董事長。
2014.08 兼任湖南快樂陽光互動娛樂傳媒有限公司董事長。
Nie Mei, female, was born in Hunan in September, 1969. She has worked in TV for 18 years and has taken various important roles such as journalist, producer, reforming and managing positions. During those years, she had also received training programs in both Westminster and Oxford University in Britain. In 2006, Ms. Nie had succeeded in facilitating the introduction ofIt’s Just Two of Us, which is the first case of foreign entertainment format introduction in China. In 2010 to 2012, she had been in charge of the Qinghai Satellite TV which is the first trial TV experiment of cross-province cooperation in China. Ms. Nie is currently the vice president of Hunan TV Station, assisting President Lu Huanbin of the new media planning and international expansion of the station.