- 中文名:聶士達
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:特別副研究員
- 學位:博士
- 智慧型車輛決策與動力學控制
- 分散式驅動車輛底盤協調控制
- 車輛狀態智慧型認知與監控
[1] S. Nie, Y. Zhuang, Y. Wang, et al. Velocity & displacement-dependent damper: A novel passive shock absorber inspired by the semi-active control[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2018, 99: 730-746.
[2] S. Nie, Y. Zhuang, W. Liu, et al. A semi-active suspension control algorithm for vehicle comprehensive vertical dynamics performance[J]. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2017, 55(8): 1099-1122.
[3] S. Nie, Y. Zhuang, F. Chen, et al. A Method to Eliminate Unsprung Adverse Effect of In-Wheel Motor Driven Vehicles[J]. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2018, 37(4): 955-976.
[4] S. Nie, Y. Zhuang, F. Chen, et al. Invariant Points of Semi-active Suspensions[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2018, 10(7): 1-14.
[5] Y. Zhuang, S. Nie, K. Guo. A study of semi-active suspension with tuned mass damper[C]//The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks: Proceedings of the 24th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD 2015), Graz, Austria, 17-21 August 2015. CRC Press, 2016: 137.
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[7] Y. Zhuang, S. Nie, K. Guo, K. Hedrick. An Analytical Model for Intelligent Tire[C]// The Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks: Proceedings of the 23th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD 2013), Qingdao, China, August 2013.
[8] Guo L, Nie S, Liu H, et al. Bi-level Optimization of Speed Trajectory and Power Management for Autonomous HEVs in off-Road Scenarios[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023.
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- 國家自然科學基金(青年基金項目),緊急工況下自動駕駛車輛跨層最佳化控制方法,在研,主持
- 北京理工大學青年教師學術啟動計畫,在研,主持
- 裝備預研基金項目,在研,主持
- 裝備預研重點實驗室穩定支持計畫項目,在研,主持
- 國防科工局基礎產品創新科研項目,在研,主持
- 軍委科技委創新特區項目,在研,課題負責人
- 國家自然科學基金重大項目,在研,骨幹
- 裝備預先研究項目,在研,骨幹
- 軍委科技委基礎加強項目,在研,骨幹
- 吉林省優秀博士學位論文
- 吉林大學優秀博士學位論文
- 入選2023-2025年北京市科協青年人才托舉工程
1. 擔任Vehicle System Dynamics、Mechanical system and signal processing、IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems、 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 等期刊審稿人。
4.ICCCR 2024技術委員會委員