聖誕老人跳轉Santa Jump是一款休閒益智類遊戲。
- 套用名稱:聖誕老人跳轉Santa Jump
- 套用平台:mobile
- 套用版本:1.3
- 運行環境:Android 1.6
- 套用類型:休閒益智類
有桑塔跳這種上癮的遊戲的樂趣,你必須收集禮物高分和火箭,彈簧達到高氮高shilds的權力得到保護,從蝙蝠。嘗試,只要你能留在空氣中。你跳,你的分數越高。Have fun with this addictive game SANTA JUMP,you have to collect gifts to score high and rockets,springs to reach high n high,get power of shilds to get protection from bats。Try to stay in the air as long as you can。The higher you jump,the higher you score。