


  • 中文名:聖蘭戈水筆經典
  • 類別:美容療法


(L’institut de Strasbourg de biologie françai)
(原文:Strasbourg of biological research institute scientists have focused on extending life and the cell regeneration research.Including molecular genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, endocrinology, chemical biology, etc .According to the regeneration of cells ,they put forward three problems :Why would the aging microcirculation organization slow and lose renewable,Why with the age growth of human body of new cells update rate would gradually decline and why organization in the aging process to nurture the absorption rate slows down. Through long-term research and experiment ,Strasbourg biological research institute of the scientists suggest a unique solution: Cell regeneration and anti-aging homologous therapy.)


(Thérapie de beautéde SOCKO)
聖蘭戈水筆療法通過對皮膚的“根部護理”、“同源療養”,使飽含營養成分的深層肌膚,煥發出前所未有的光澤清透,從根本上解決膚色暗啞、痤瘡、發黃、晦暗、細紋、皮膚鬆弛、下垂等皮膚問題,特別對皺紋、色斑、暗沉、疤痕等皮膚問題的改善效果是普通療法的500倍 。
(原文:Traditional beauty therapy ,most of the active ingredient in the cosmetics can only stay in the skin epidermis cutin layer,epidermis is human skin layer of protection.Because of the molecular structure problems for external Topical agent through deep beauty is difficult to skin deep skin and can't through the skin cell metabolism cycle to solve the fundamental problems .
The SOCKO beauty therapy is a superfine osmosis technology,It can break through the barrier of skin to absorb .In the 10 minutes to create two hundred thousand direct skin true cortex of invisible channel ,rapid, accurate, evenly to contain a variety of nutrition of active ingredients and orientation, fix layer, quantitatively is sent to the need to improve parts.Make skin tissue completely absorbed,the absorption effect is 4000 times of the ordinary care .At the same time the SOCKO beauty therapy regenerate to the skin cells,accelerate skin cell metabolism,promote collagen hyperplasia and improve the penetration ability surfactant. To achieve the treatment, beauty, anti-aging purposes.
The SOCKO beauty therapy through the skin "root care", "cognate care", make the deep skin with nutrients,coruscate gives the luster of the unprecedented clarity. From the fundamental solution such as color of skin dark dumb, acne, yellow, dark, fine lines, skin flabby, sagging skin problems.Especially for wrinkles, splash, dark heavy, scar skin problems,the result of the improvement is 500 times of the normal therapy.)


(La série classique de thérapie de beautéde SOCKO)
(La série classique de SOCKO de conjurer un mal froncer contre affaibli)
適用人群 面部皮膚鬆弛、額頭紋、法令紋、眼尾紋、眼下皺紋、口周紋、抬頭紋、頸紋、川字紋、乾紋、橘皮組織(肥胖紋)、減肥紋、產後妊娠紋
療程功效 作用於斷裂的纖維細胞,促進膠原蛋白合成,重新生成纖維組織,舒展乾紋和皺紋,激活自身細胞再生,強烈促進皮膚細胞的分裂和生長,加強自身合成與分泌機能,內源性補充膠原蛋白和彈力纖維,減少生物、氧化和衰老,使皮膚皺紋自然消失,皮膚恢復光澤和彈性,逆轉衰老狀態,重現飽滿緊緻的肌膚。
Applicable people Facial skin flabby, forehead wrinkle,law grains, eye end grain, the wrinkles,perioral lines, wrinkles, neck lines, plain word lines, wrinkles, orange peel ( obesity pattern ), weight loss, postpartum gravidity lines pattern
Treatment efficacy In the role of the fracture of fiber cells, and promote collagen synthesis to generate fibrous tissue .Stretch dry lines and wrinkles,activate their own cell regeneration, strongly promote skin cells divide and grow .Strengthen their synthesis and secretion function ,endogenous replenish collagen and elastic fibers .Reduce the biological, oxidation and aging, make the skin wrinkles disappear naturally ,Skin restores luster and elasticity, consenescence of state ,tighten the skin return full.
(La série classique de SOCKO de Conjurer un mal cicatrice)
適用人群 修復過度、換膚、儀器磨削造成的表皮過薄等損傷性肌膚、青春痘所引起的疤痕、痤瘡、凹洞肌膚
Applicable people Excessive change skin, repair, grinding instrument cause the skin and thin skin to injury ,acne caused by the scar, acne, sunken hole skin .
Treatment efficacy Will fibroblast growth factor ,skin cell growth factor in the role of acne left from the sunken hole after parts .The biological active ingredients to kill bacteria to blain, rapid healing wounds and desalt blain mark.Direct role in skin deep fracture of the fiber cells,promote collagen protein synthesis, to generate fibrous tissue . To reach the deep areolar fiber structure reconstruction, contradicting acne sunken hole, reproduce, fine and smooth skin.
(La série classique de SOCKO de Les MingMou oculaires)
適用人群 眼袋突出、黑眼圈明顯、眼部浮腫、眼角下垂、眼部乾澀、眼周皮膚晦暗、眼部皮膚鬆弛、魚尾紋
療程功效 激活細胞,刺激膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白的生成,加強眼部肌膚內部承托組織,修復斷裂的纖維組織及受損細胞,促進南眼部血液循環和微循環,分解多餘脂肪,淡化眼部色素和黑眼圈,緊實皮膚收緊下瞼皮膚,明眸閃現,活力再生映神采。
Applicable people Pouch highlights, dark circles, puffiness, obvious canthus prolapse, dry eye, eye week skin dull, loose skin, eye wrinkles
Treatment efficacy Activate cells ,Stimulating collagen and elastin generation, strengthen eye ministry skin internal supporting organization.Strengthen eye skin internal supporting organization, repair the rupture of fibrous tissue and damaged cells,promote blood circulation and south eye micro circulation Decomposition of surplus fat and fade out pigment and black rim of the eye.Tight skin tightening asymmetrical skin, bright eyes blink, renewable energy reflect the spirit.
(La série classique de SOCKO de Les BaiNen superficiel)
適用人群 面部粗糙、皮膚萎黃、晦暗、暗啞無光澤、膚色不均、色素沉著、曬斑、黃褐斑、雀斑
療程功效 直接作用於基底層黑色素,抑制黑色素生成,淡化斑點,加快代謝產物運走,清除造成人體衰老的自由基,從而延緩肌膚衰老;HA因子與皮膚接觸後立即形成水膜,高效鎖水,令肌膚白皙光滑,細膩如絲。
Applicable people Facial rough, yellow skin, dull, dull luster, uneven skin, pigmentation, sunburn, chloasma, freckles
Treatment efficacy Direct effect on the bottom of the base melanin, restrain the melanin, fade spots.Speed up metabolism product away, clear the damage the body aging free radicals,to delay aging skin .HA factor immediately form water film after the skin contact.)


