- 書名:聖才e書·考研英語(一)高分範文100篇
- 頁數:170
- 定價::¥ 2.00
- 出版社:聖才教育
- 出版時間::2014-1-24
1.1 考研英語(一)題型綜述
1.2 考研英語(一)考題規律和特點
第2章 考研英語(一)套用文寫作應試指導與高分範文20篇
2.1 套用文寫作備考指南
2.2 套用文高分範文20篇
1. 邀請金博士發表演講 invitation of Dr. King to make a speech
2. 邀請新老師參加非正式聚會 invitation of a new teacher to an informal party
3. 因錯過約會而道歉 apologies for your failure to keep the appointment
4. 感謝盛情的款待 thanks for generous hospitality
5. 養貓建議 advice on raising a cat
6. 戒菸建議 advice on getting rid of smoking
7. 求職信 A Letter Applying for a Job
8. 申請生產專員的崗位 application for the position of production coordinator
9. 投訴食堂服務 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus
10. 投訴宿舍管理問題 A Letter to the Dorm Management Office About the Dorm Management
11. 推薦學生繼續學習 a letter to recommend your former student to continue her study
12. 詢問留學事宜 inquiry of admission abroad
13. 詢問產品的詳細情況 inquiry of detailed information of their products
14. 婉拒工作邀請 refusal of a job offer
15. 通知參加短期英語口語課程 notice of attending a short-term oral English class
16. 通知員工參加短途旅行 a memo to notify the staff of a short tour
17. 招募青年志願者為殘疾家庭做家教 a memo of recruiting young volunteers to tutor the children of disabled patents
18. 給室友的便條 a note to your roommate
19. 工作報告 work report
20. 招聘暑假志願者a poster of recruiting volunteers
第3章 考研英語(一)大作文寫作應試指導與高分範文80篇
3.1 考研英語(一)大作文寫作應試指導
3.2 考研英語(一)高分範文80篇
21. 網路的“近”與“遠” On Internet【2009年真題】
22. 偶像崇拜問題 The Problems of Idol Adoration【2006年真題】
23. 空巢老人 The Old in “Empty Nest” Families
24. 網咖需整理 Net-bars Need to Be Put in Order
25. 中國加入WTO和英語學習的關係 The Relationship Between China’s Entry into WTO and English Learning
26. 人口向大城市遷移 The Population migrating to Big Cities
27. 小廣告 The Problem of Small Ads
28. 養寵物 On Raising Pets
29. 網戀 Love in the Cyber World
30. 隱私問題 The Problem of Piracy
31. 對食品保健品的反思 Afterthought on Nourishments
32. 微博控 Micro-blog Complex
33. 秒殺一族 Sec-kill Clan
34. 醉酒駕車 Drunk Driving
35. 名人參政 Should Celebrities Take Part in National Politics?
36. 山寨現象 Copycat Culture
37. 假日綜合症 Holiday Syndrome
38. 考公務員熱 Craze for Civil Service Examinations
39. 收入差距 Income Disparity
40. 虛假廣告 False Advertisement
41. 青少年犯罪 Juvenile Delinquency
42. 旅遊與環境保護 Tourism and Environmental Protection【2011年真題】
43. 低碳生活 Low Carbon Life
44. 綠色消費者 Being a Green Consumer
45. 水資源短缺 The Shortage of Water Resource
46. 消除貧困之路 The Road of Eliminating Poverty
47. 人口爆炸 The Population Explosion
48. 消失的綠地 Our Disappearing Countryside
49. 地球母親在呼救 Our Mother Earth is Crying Out for Help
50. 防沙治沙 Combating Desertification
51. 海平面上升 The Sea-level Rise
52. 可持續發展 Sustainable Development
53. 空氣污染的危害 Dangers from Air Pollution
54. 兩種不同的人生態度 Two Different Attitudes Towards Life【2012年真題】
55. 不要誇大困難 Don’t Exaggerate Your Difficulties【2007年真題】
56. 終點又是新起點 The Starting Line and the Finish Line【2004年真題】
57. 什麼是幸福?What is Happiness?
58. 態度決定結果 Attitude or Motivation Decides the Result
59. 逃避還是面對 Flight or Fight
60. 勤奮的重要性 the Importance of Diligence
61. 成功由小成就累積而成 Success is an Accumulation of Small Achievements
62. 自信是成功的關鍵 Self-confidence Is a Key to Success
63. 持之以恆 Perseverance
64. 自信的力量 The Power of Confidence
65. 應該對生活滿足 People Should Satisfied with Their Life
66. 團隊合作 Teamwork Is Important【2008年真題】
67. 愛心是一盞燈 Love is a Lamp【2001年真題】
68. 競爭與合作 The Relationship Between Competition and Cooperation
69. 雷鋒精神 Lei Feng Spirit
70. 獻血 Blood Donation
71. 文明——從小事做起 Civilization—A Little Effort Will Work
72. 誠信不可丟 Honesty cannot be Thrown Away
73. 美麗不是表面的 Beauty is not in a facial mode
74. 建立正確的道德觀 Build up Correct Moral Values
75. 個性 Individuality
76. 孝道 Filial Piety to Our Parents
77. 落葉歸根 Fallen Leaves are Destined to Return to the Root
78. 給予老年人關愛 It Pays to Give the Elderly Love
79. 文化火鍋既美味又營養 Cultural Hotpot—both Delicious and Nutritious【2010年真題】
80. 溫室的花朵經不起風雨 The Flower in the Greenhouse cannot Withstand Wind and Rain【2003年真題】
81. 民族的也是世界的 Cultures—National and International【2002年真題】
82. 中西文化衝突 The Conflict Between Chinese and Western Culture
83. 代溝 Generation Gap
84. 鄰里關係 Neighborhood Relationship
85. 孩子負擔過重 Students are Suffering From Heavy Burden
86. 中國式教育 Chinese Education
87. 學術抄襲 On Academic Plagiarism
88. 教育失衡 Educational Imbalance
89. 網際網路促進遠程教育 The Internet Facilitates Distance Education
90. 熱門專業與冷門專業 Popular Majors vs Unpopular Majors
91. 沉重的家庭作業負擔 Heavy Burden of Homework
92. 電視對孩子的影響 The Impact of TV on Children
93. 考試作弊 Cheating on Exams
94. 揮霍時間金錢vs為未來充電 Waste Money and Time vs Prepare for the Future
95. 大學生畢業後整容 College Students will Do Plastic Surgery after Graduation
96. 去二三線城市 Go to the Sub-ordinate Cities
97. 不對口 It Doesn’t Match Each Other
98. 海歸 Oversea Returnees
99. 跳槽 Job-hopping
100. 農村是大學生的廣闊天地 Country is a Vast World for Our College Students
附錄1 考研英語(一)寫作常用辭彙
附錄2 考研英語(一)寫作常用諺語警句
附錄3 考研英語(一)寫作常用句型