聖卡洛斯大學(University of San Carlos)於 1595年興建。至今有415年的歷史,是菲律賓最古老的學府。(中國教育部已獲得認證)
- 中文名:聖卡洛斯大學
- 外文名:University of San Carlos
- 創辦時間:1595年
- 所屬地區:中米沙鄢大區宿務(Cebu City)

經濟管理類專業 | |
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration | 工商管理博士 |
Master of Arts in Economics | 經濟學碩士 |
Executive Master in Business Administration EMBA | 高級工商管理碩士 |
Master in Business Administration | 工商管理碩士 |
Master of Science in Accountancy | 會計學碩士 |
Master of Accountancy in Internal Audit | 內部審計碩士 |
Master of Accountancy in Taxation | 稅務專業碩士 |
人文教育類專業 | |
Doctor of Philosophy in Education | 教育學碩士 |
Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction | 課程管理專業博士 |
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration | 教育管理專業博士 |
Doctor of Philosophy in Research and Evaluation | 評估與科研專業博士 |
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics | 套用語言學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Literature | 文學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Guidance | 教務管理碩士 |
Master of Arts in English Language Teaching | 英語語言教學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Environmental Science | 環境科學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Marine Biology | 海洋生物碩士 |
電子信息工程類 | |
Master of Science in Information Technology | IT信息技術專業碩士 |
Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering | 計算機工程專業碩士 |
Options: Computer Network | 計算機網路方向 |
Digital System Design | 數據系統設計 |
Software Engineering | 軟體工程方向 |
Master of Engineering in Electorinics and Communications Engineering | 電子通訊工程碩士 |
Options: Computer and Communication | 計算機通訊方向 |
Control System | 控制系統方向 |
Microelectronics | 微電子方向 |
Master of Engineering in Electronical Engineering | 電子工程碩士 |
Options: Control Systems | 控制系統方向 |
Master of Engineering in Engineering Management | 工程管理專業碩士 |
Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering | 工業工程專業碩士 |
Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering | 機械工程專業碩士 |
Master of Architecture | 建築專業碩士 |
Master of Engineering in major in Chemical Engineering | 化學工程專業 |

College of Architecture and Fine Arts | |
Master of Architeture | 建築專業碩士 |
majors: Architectural Science | 建築科學方向 |
Landscape Architecture | 景觀建築方向 |
Urban Design | 城市規劃方向 |
College of Arts and Science | |
Doctor of Philosphy in Anthropolpgy | 人類學博士 |
Doctor of Philosphy in Philosophy | 哲學博士 |
Master of Arts in Anthropology | 人類學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics | 套用語言學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Economics | 經濟學碩士 |
Master of Arts in English Language Teaching | 英語語言教學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Guidance | 教務管理碩士 |
Master of Arts in History | 歷史學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Literature | 文學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Philosophy | 哲學碩士 |
Master of Arts in Psychology | 心理學碩士 |
majors:Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology | 工業/組織管理心理學 |
Social Psychology | 社會心理學 |
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology | 臨床心理學 |
Master of Library and Information Science | 圖書管理專業碩士 |
Master of Science in Biology | 生物學碩士 |
majors: Botany | 植物學 |
Zoology | 動物學 |
Master of Science in Chemistry | 化學碩士 |
Master of Science in Environmental Science | 環境科學碩士 |
Master of Science in Information Technology | 信息技術碩士 |
Master of Science in Library Science | 圖書管理科學碩士 |
Master of Science in Marine Biology | 海洋生物科學碩士 |
Master of Science in Mathematics | 數學碩士 |
Master of Science in Physics | 物理碩士 |
Master of Arts in Physics | 物理碩士 |
Master of Biology | 生物碩士 |
Master of Chemistry | 化學碩士 |
Master of Economics | 經濟學碩士 |
Master of History | 歷史碩士 |
Master of Mathematics | 數學碩士 |
Master of Political Science | 政治科學碩士 |
Master of Philosophy | 哲學碩士 |
Master of Physics | 物理專業碩士 |
Master of Sociology | 社會學碩士 |
College of Commerce | |
Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration | 工商管理博士 |
Executive Master in Business Administration EMBA | 高級工商管理碩士 |
Master in Business Administration | 工商管理碩士 |
Master of Science in Accountancy | 會計碩士 |
College of Education | |
Doctor of Philosophy in Education | 教育學博士 |
majors: curriculum and Instruction | 課程設定 |
Educational Administration | 教育管理 |
Research and Evaluation | 研究評價 |
Master of Arts in Education | 教育碩士 |
majors: Educational Management | 教育管理 |
English Language Teaching | 英語語言教學 |
Montessori Education | 蒙台梭利教育 |
Physical Education | 體育 |
Religious Education | 宗教教育 |
Special Education | 特殊教育 |
Master of Arts in Mathematics Education | 數學教育 |
Master of Arts in Religious Education | 宗教教育 |
Master of Arts in Science Education | 理科教育 |
Biology | 生物 |
Chemistry | 化學 |
Physics | 物理 |
College of Engineering | |
Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering | 土木工程學碩士 |
specialization: Structural/Geotechnical | 結構建設方向 |
Water Resources and Environmental | 水資源環境 |
MasterofEngineeringmajorinChemicalEngineering | 化學工程碩士 |
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering | 化學工程碩士 |
MasterofEngineering in Computer Engineering | 計算機工程碩士 |
Options: Computer Network | 計算機網路 |
Digital System Design | 數據系統設計 |
Software Engineering | 軟體工程 |
MasterofEngineeringinElectronicsandCommunicationsEngineering | 電子通訊工程碩士 |
Options: Computer and Communication | 計算機通訊 |
Control Systems | 控制系統 |
Microelectronics | 微電子 |
MasterofEngineeringinElectricalEngineering | 電子工程碩士 |
Options: Control Systems | 控制系統 |
Energy Management | 能量管理 |
MasterofEngineeringinEngineering Management | 工程管理碩士 |
MasterofEngineeringinIndustrialEngineering | 工業工程碩士 |
MasterofEngineeringinMechanicalEngineering | 機械工程碩士 |
Options: Design and DynamicSystemsThermaland Fluid Systems | 動態系統和熱流系統 |
College of Nursing | |
Master of Science in Nursing | 護理碩士 |
majors: Community Health Nursing | 社區衛生方向 |
Maternal and Child Health Nursing | 母嬰健康護理 |
Medical- Surgical Nursing | 醫療手術護理 |
Psychiatric Nursing | 心理護理 |
major: Clinical Supervision | 臨床管理 |
College of Pharmacy | |
Master of Science in Pharmacy | 藥劑碩士 |