耿保友,男,生於1971年9月,理學博士,教授,博士生導師,現任安徽師範大學科技處副處長。2001年安徽大學碩士畢業,後獲中國科學院固體物理研究所博士學位。2004-2005年香港中文大學訪問學者。主要從事納米催化與能源材料化學、介觀體系物理化學、能納米材料與器件方面的研究。先後為本科生和研究生主講《材料化學與物理 》、《材料結構與現代表征技術》等課程。2012年 獲安徽省自然科學二等獎。
主持項目有國家自然科學基金面上項目“Yolk-Shell納米結構的設計、合成及其催化性能研究”, 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金“金屬納米結構在有機催化合成中的套用研究”等多個項目。在Scientific Reports,Chem. Eur. J.,J. Mater. Chem., J. Phys. Chem. C,CrystEngComm, Appl. Mater. Interfaces.,Langmuir,Nanoscale,Appl. Phys. Lett. Cryst. Growth Des., Sens. Actuators, B,等期刊發表論文70多篇。著有《新材料科技導論》(浙江大學出版社)。
- 大學(1993年) 宿州師範專科學校
- 碩士(2001年) 安徽大學
- 博士(2004年) 中國科學院固體物理研究所
- 訪問學者(2004-2005年) 香港中文大學
- 教授,博士生導師
- 材料化學與物理
- 材料結構與現代表征技術
- 納米催化與能源材料化學
- 介觀體系物理化學
- 功能納米材料與器件
- 2012年享受省政府特殊津貼
- 2012年安徽省“學術與技術”帶頭人
- 2012年安徽省教育工委優秀共產黨員
- 2011年教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”
- 2011年安徽師範大學優秀共產黨員
- 2006年省“學術與技術帶頭人”後備人選
- “Yolk-Shell納米結構的設計、合成及其催化性能研究”,國家自然科學基金面上項目,80.0萬元,2013年1月-2016年12月。
- 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”,50.0萬元,2012年1月-2014年12月。
- “金屬納米結構在有機催化合成中的套用研究”,教育部高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金,2013年1月-2015年12月,12.0萬元。
- “清潔能源催化及有機催化功能納米材料的可控合成和套用研究”,安徽省傑出青年科學基金滾動項目,5.0萬元,2013年7月-2015年6月。
- “汽車用聚丙烯塑膠的石墨烯改性“,安徽省教育廳自然科學重點項目(產學研),5.0萬元,2012年1月-2013年12月。
- “金屬/磁性氧化物雙功能複合納米管的製備及生物醫學套用”,國家自然科學基金面上項目,35.0萬元,2010年1月-2012年12月(結題)。
- “基於磁性納米鏈的新型感測器製備及其化學和生物敏感性研究”,國家自然科學基金,30.0萬元,2007年1月-2009年12月(結題)。
- “金屬氧化物納米結構暴露面的控制及套用研究”,教育部科學技術研究重點項目,10.0萬元,2009年1月-2011年12月。
- “功能納米材料與納米結構”,安徽省優秀青年基金項目,15.0萬元,2011年1月-2012年12月(結題)。
《新材料科技導論》是由浙江大學出版社出版,作者是耿保友 ,類型是>
- 安徽省自然科學二等獎(排名第一),2012年
- 第八屆“安徽省優秀青年科技創新獎”,2011年
- 第五屆“挑戰杯”安徽省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽優秀指導教師,2013年
- 第四屆“挑戰杯”安徽省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽優秀指導教師,2011年
- 論文“Synthesis of Polyhedral ZnSnO3Microcrystals with Controlled Exposed Facets and Their Selective Gas-Sensing Properties”獲安徽省自然科學優秀論文二等獎,排名第一,2010年
- 論文“Controllable Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Fe3O4Polyhedra Possessing the Active Basal Facets”獲安徽省自然科學優秀論文三等獎,排名第一,2010年
- 論文“Egg albumin as a nanoreactor for growing single-crystalline Fe3O4nanotubes with high yields”獲安徽省自然科學優秀論文三等獎,排名第一,2010年
- 論文“Low-temperature growth of β-Ga2O3nanobelts through a simple thermochemical route and their phonon spectra properties”獲安徽省自然科學優秀論文二等獎,排名第一,2007年
- 王邵臻,國家獎學金,博士研究生,2013年
- 俞雪,國家獎學金,碩士研究生,2013年
- 周立珍,國家獎學金,碩士研究生,2013年
- 蒯龍,朱敬文特等獎學金,2012年
- 房彩虹,安徽省優秀百篇碩士論文,2011年
- 江漢,朱敬文獎學金,2011年
- 劉俊,朱敬文獎學金,2010年
- 王倩,朱敬文獎學金,2010年
- 房彩虹,朱敬文特等獎學金,2009年
- 詹方明,朱敬文獎學金,2009年
- 劉小網,安徽省優秀百篇碩士論文,2008年
- 劉小網,朱敬文特等獎學金,2007年
- 欽青,第五屆“挑戰杯”安徽省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽特等獎,2013年
- 蒯龍,第七屆“中國青少年科技創新獎”,2011年
- 蒯龍,第十二屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽一等獎,2011年
- 蒯龍,第四屆“挑戰杯”安徽省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽特等獎,2011年
- 蒯龍,第七屆安徽師範大學“師大驕子”十佳大學生稱號,2011年
- 蒯龍,第四屆安徽師範大學“挑戰杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽特等獎,2010年
- 蒯龍,安徽師範大學第三屆學生專利發明大賽特等獎1項,2010年
- 蒯龍,安徽師範大學第三屆學生專利發明大賽三等獎1項,2010年
- 趙炎妍,第六屆安徽師範大學“師大驕子”十佳大學生稱號,2010年
- 郭怡君,第十一屆“挑戰杯”全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽二等獎,2009年
- 郭怡君,第三屆“挑戰杯”安徽省大學生課外學術科技作品競賽特等獎,2009年
- 郭怡君,第三屆安徽師範大學“挑戰杯”大學生課外學術科技作品競賽特等獎,2008年
(71)Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Lu Chen &Baoyou Geng*,“Re-growth Etching” to Large-sized Porous Gold Nanostructures,Scientific Reports, 2013, Accepted.
(70) Lu Chen, Long Kuai, Xue Yu, Wenzheng Li, andBaoyou Geng*, Advanced Catalytic Performance of Au–Pt Double-Walled Nanotubes and Their Fabrication through Galvanic Replacement Reaction,Chem. Eur. J.2013, DOI: 10.1002/chem.201301490.
(69) Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai, Yucheng Huang, Xue Yu, Yadong Liu, Wenzheng Li, Lu Chen, andBaoyou Geng*. A Highly Efficient, Clean-Surface, Porous Platinum Electrocatalyst and the Inhibition Effect of Surfactants on Catalytic Activity.Chem. Eur. J.2013, 19, 240–248. (VIP paper, Back cover)
(68) Wenzheng Li, Long Kuai, Qing Qin andBaoyou Geng*. Ag–Au bimetallic nanostructures: co-reduction synthesis and their component-dependent performance for enzyme-free H2O2sensing.J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 7111–7117.
(67) Lu Chen, Long Kuai andBaoyou Geng*. Shell structure-enhanced electrocatalytic performanceof Au–Pt core–shell catalyst.CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 2133–2136.
(66)Yixing Ye,Baoyou Geng*,Magnetic Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications,Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci.2012, 37, 75-93. (Invited review)
(65) Long Kuai,Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang and Yan Sang, A General and High-Yield Galvanic Displacement Approach to Au-M (M=Au, Pd, and Pt) Core-Shell Nanostructures with Porous Shells and Enhanced Electrocatalytic Performances,Chem. Eur. J.2012, 18, 9423–9429.
(64) Lizhen Zhou, Long Kuai, Wenzheng Li, andBaoyou Geng*, Ion-Exchange Route to AuCuxOS YolkShell Nanostructures with Porous Shells and Their Ultrasensitive H2O2Detection.Appl. Mater. Interfaces.2012, 4, 6463–6467.
(63) Yixing Ye, Long Kuai andBaoyou Geng*, A template-free route to a Fe3O4-Co3O4yolk-shell nanostructure as a noble-metal free electrocatalyst for ORR in alkaline media,J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 19132–19138.
(62)Long Kuai,Xue Yu,Shaozhen Wang,Yan SangandBaoyou Geng*,Au-Pd Alloy and Core-Shell Nanostructures: One-Pot Coreduction Preparation, Formation Mechanism, and Electrochemical Properties,Langmuir2012, 28, 7168–7173.
(61) Xue Yu, Long Kuai andBaoyou Geng*,CeO2/rGO/Pt sandwich nanostructure: rGO-enhanced electron transmission between metal oxide and metal nanoparticles for anodic methanol oxidation of direct methanol fuel cells,Nanoscale2012, 4, 5738–5743.
(60) Nan Yu, Long Kuai, Qing Wang andBaoyou Geng*, Pt nanoparticles residing in the pores of porous LaNiO3nanocubes as high-efficiency electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cells,Nanoscale2012, 4, 5386-5393.
(59)Baoyou Geng*, Bo Tao, Xuelian Li and Wenjing Wei,Ni/surfactant-assisted route to porous α-Fe2O3nanoarchitectures,Nanoscale2012, 4, 1671-1676.
(58) Yanyan Zhao, Long Kuai andBaoyou Geng*,Low-cost and highly efficient composite visible light-driven Ag-AgBr/gamma-Al2O3plasmonic photocatalyst for degrading organic pollutants,Catal. Sci. Technol.2012, 2, 1269-1274.
(57) Chunhua Wang, Yixing Ye, Bo Tao andBaoyou Geng*,Hydrothermal route to twinned-hemisphere-like CuO architectures with selective adsorption performance,CrystEngComm2012, 14, 3677-3683.
(56) Jie Yang,Baoyou Geng*, Yixing Ye and Xue Yu, Stick-like titania precursor route to MTiO3(M = Sr, Ba, and Ca) polyhedra,CrystEngComm2012, 14, 2959-2965.
(55) Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai, Xing Han andBaoyou Geng*,Branched twinned Au nanostructures: facile hydrothermal reduction fabrication, growth mechanism and electrochemical properties,CrystEngComm2012, 14, 6581–6585.
(54)Bo Tao,Qian Zhang,Zezhong Liu, andBaoyou Geng*, Cooperative effect of pH value and anions on single-crystalline hexagonal and circular α-Fe2O3nanorings,Mater. Chem. Phys.2012, 136, 604-612.
(53) Long Kuai,Baoyou Geng,* Shaozhen Wang, Yanyan Zhao, Yinchan Luo, and Han Jiang, Silver and Gold Icosahedra: One-Pot Water-Based Synthesis and Their Superior Performance in the Electrocatalysis for Oxygen Reduction Reactions in Alkaline Media,Chem. Eur. J.2011,17, 3482–3489.
(52) Han Jiang,Baoyou Geng*, Long Kuai and Shaozhen Wang, Simultaneous reduction-etching route to Pt/ZnSnO3hollow polyhedral architectures for methanol electrooxidation in alkaline media with superior performance,Chem. Commun.2011,47, 2447–2449.
(51) Long Kuai, Shaozhen Wang andBaoyou Geng*, Gold–platinum yolk–shell structure: a facile galvanic displacement synthesis and highly active electrocatalytic properties for methanol oxidation with super CO-tolerance,Chem. Commun.2011,47, 6093–6095.
(50) Qian Wang,Baoyou Geng*, Bo Tao, A facile room temperature chemical route to Pt nanocube/carbon nanotube heterostructures with enhanced electrocatalysis,J. Power Sources2011, 196, 191–195.
(49) Zhoujing Xing,Baoyou Geng*, Xuelian Li, Han Jiang, Chengxin Feng and Ting Ge, Self-assembly fabrication of 3D porous quasi-flower-like ZnO nanostrip clusters for photodegradation of an organic dye with high performance,CrystEngComm2011,13, 2137–2142.
(48)Baoyou Geng*, Jun Liu, Yanyan Zhao and Chunhua Wang, A room-temperature chemical route to homogeneous core-shell Cu2O structures and their application in biosensors,CrystEngComm2011, 13, 697–701.
(47) Shaozhen Wang, Jiahui You,Baoyou Geng* and Zhiguo Cheng, Fabrication of ZnSe hexagonal prism with pyramid end through the chemical vapour deposition route,CrystEngComm2011, 13, 668–673.
(46) Xuelian Li, Wenjing Wei, Shaozhen Wang, Long Kuai andBaoyou Geng*, Single-crystalline α-Fe2O3oblique nanoparallelepipeds: High-yield synthesis, growth mechanism and structure enhanced gas-sensing properties,Nanoscale2011,3, 718–724.
(45) Chengxin Feng, Shaozhen Wang andBaoyou Geng*, Ti (IV) doped WO3nanocuboids: fabrication and enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic performance,Nanoscale2011,3, 3695–3699.
(44) Ting Ge, Long Kuai,Baoyou Geng*, Solution-phase chemical route to branched single-crystalline CdS nanoarchitectures and their field emission property,J. Alloys Compd.2011,509,L353– L358.
(43) Qian Wang,Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, Yixing Ye and Bo Tao, Modified Kirkendall effect for fabrication of magnetic nanotubes,Chem. Commun.2010, 46, 1899–1901.
(42) Long Kuai,Baoyou Geng*, Xiaoting Chen, Yanyan Zhao, and Yinchan Luo, Facile Subsequently Light-Induced Route to Highly Efficient and Stable Sunlight-Driven Ag-AgBr Plasmonic Photocatalyst,Langmuir2010, 26(24), 18723–18727.
(41) Zhiguo Cheng, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang andBaoyou Geng*, A facile solution chemical route to self-assembly of CuS ball-flowers and their application as an efficient photocatalyst,CrystEngComm2010, 12, 144–149.
(40) Dajie Si,Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, One-step synthesis and morphology evolution of luminescent Eudoped strontium aluminate nanostructures,CrystEngComm2010, 12, 2722–2727.
(39)Baoyou Geng*,Jun Liu, Chunhua Wang,Multi-layer ZnO architectures: Polymer induced synthesis and their application as gas sensors,Sens. Actuators, B2010, 150, 742–748.
(38) Yan Sang,Baoyou Geng* and Jie Yang, Fabrication and growth mechanism of three-dimensional spherical TiO2architectures consisting of TiO2nanorods with {110} exposed facets,Nanoscale2010, 2, 2109–2113.
(37) Zhiguo Cheng, Shaozhen Wang, Dajie Si,Baoyou Geng*, Controlled synthesis of copper sulfide 3D nanoarchitectures through a facile hydrothermal route,J. Alloys Compd.2010, 492, L44–L49.
(36) Caihong Fang, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Jun Liu,Baoyou Geng*, Coralloid SnO2with hierarchical structure and their application as recoverable gas sensors for the detection of benzaldehyde/acetone,Mater. Chem. Phys.2010, 122, 30–34.
(35) Caihong Fang,Baoyou Geng*, Jun Liu and Fangming Zhan, D-fructose molecule template route to ultra-thin ZnSnO3nanowire architectures and their application as efficient photocatalyst,Chem. Commun.2009, 2350–2352.
(34) Fangming Zhan,Baoyou Geng*, Yijun Guo, Porous Co3O4Nanosheets with Extraordinarily High Discharge Capacity for Lithium Batteries,Chem. Eur. J.2009, 15, 6169–6174.
(33) Qian Wang,Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, ZnO/Au Hybrid Nanoarchitectures: Wet-Chemical Synthesis and Structurally Enhanced Photocatalytic PerformanceEnviron. Sci. Technol.2009 43,8968–8973.
(32) Qian Wang,Baoyou Geng*, Shaozhen Wang, Jun Liu, Zhiguo Cheng and Dajie Si, A facile sonochemical route to morphology controlled nickel complex mesostructures,CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 1317–1322.
(31) Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang, Jun Liu, Zhiguo Cheng, Dajie Si andBaoyou Geng*, Kinetic manipulation of the morphology evolution of FePO4microcrystals: from rugbies to porous microspheres,CrystEngComm2009, 11, 2510–2515.
(30) Jun Liu,Baoyou Geng,* and Shaozhen Wang, Preparation and Usage of ZnS/Phosphate Heterostructured Hemispheres in Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities,Cryst. Growth Des.2009, 9(10), 4384–4390.
(29)Jun Liu, Shaozhen Wang, Qian Wang,Baoyou Geng*,Microwave chemical route to self-assembled quasi-spherical Cu2O microarchitectures and their gas-sensing properties,Sens. Actuators, B2009, 143, 253–260.
(28)Fangming Zhan,Baoyou Geng*,Yijun Guo, Lei Wang,One-step synthesis of hierarchical carnation-like NiS superstructures via a surfactant-free aqueous solution route,J. Alloys Compd.2009, 482, L1–L5.
(27)B. Y. Geng*, J. Z. Ma, F. M. Zhan,A solution chemistry approach for one-dimensional needle-like SrAl2O4nanostructures with Ln (Ce, Euand Tb) as activator/dopant,J. Alloys Compd.2009, 473, 530–533.
(26)Baoyou Geng*,Jinzhu Ma, Fangming Zhan,A solution phase thermal decomposition molecule precursor route to ZnS: Cunanorods and their optical properties,Mater. Chem. Phys.2009, 113, 534–538.
(25) Nan Yu,Baoyou Geng*, Jiahui You, and Fangming Zhan, Morphology Controllable Synthesis of SrSn(OH)6:EuMicrostructures and Their Transformation to Luminescent SrSnO3: Eu,Sci. Adv. Mater.2009, 1, 18–24.
(24)Baoyou Geng*, Caihong Fang, Fangming Zhan, and Nan Yu, Synthesis of Polyhedral ZnSnO3Microcrystals with Controlled Exposed Facets and Their Selective Gas-Sensing Properties,Small2008, 4, No. 9, 1337–1343.
(23)Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Han Jiang, Yijun Guo and Zhoujing Xing, Egg Albumin as a Nanoreactor for Growing Single-crystalline Fe3O4Nanotubes with High Yields,Chem. Commun.2008, 5773–5775.(Highlighted byChemical ScienceandNature China).
(22)Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Caihong Fang, and Nan Yu, A Facile Coordination Compound Precursor Route to Controlled Synthesis of Co3O4Nanostructures and Their Room-temperature Gas Sensing Properties,J. Mater. Chem.2008, 18, 4977–4984.
(21) Yijun Guo,Baoyou Geng*, Li Zhang, Fangming Zhan, and Jiahui You, Fabrication, Characterization, and Strong Exciton Emission of Multilayer ZnTe Nanowire Superstructures,J. Phys. Chem. C2008, 112, 20307–20311.
(20)B. Y. Geng*, J. Z. Ma and J. H. You, Controllable Synthesis of Single-crystalline Fe3O4Polyhedra Possessing the Active Basal Facets,Cryst. Growth Des.2008, 8(5), 1443–1447.
(19)Baoyou Geng*, Fangming Zhan, Han Jiang, Zhoujing Xing, and Caihong Fang, Facile Production of Self-Assembly Hierarchical Dumbbell-Like CoOOH Nanostructures and Their Room-Temperature CO-Gas-Sensing Properties,Cryst. Growth Des.2008, 8(10), 3497–3500.
(18)Baoyou Geng*, Jiahui You, Fangming Zhan, Mingguang Kong, and Caihong Fang, Controllable Morphology Evolution and Photoluminescence of ZnSe Hollow Microspheres,J. Phys. Chem. C2008, 112, 11301–11306.
(17)Baoyou Geng*,Xiaowang Liu, Qingbo Du, Jinzhu Ma, Xianming Liu,Size-dependent blue luminescent CdS nanocrystals synthesized through a single-source molecular precursor route,Mater. Res. Bull.2008, 43, 1093–1098.
(16)B. Y. Geng*, J. Z. Ma, X. W. Liu, Q. B. Du, Hydrophilic polymer assisted synthesis of room-temperature ferromagnetic Fe3O4nanochains,Appl. Phys. Lett.2007, 90, 043120.
(15)B. Y. Geng*, X. W. Liu, J. Z. Ma, and Q. B. Du, Size-dependent optical and electrochemical band gaps of ZnS nanorods fabricated through single molecule precursor route,Appl. Phys. Lett.2007, 90, 183106.(Selected in Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
(14) Xiaowang Liu,Baoyou Geng*, Qingbo Dua, Jinzhu Maa, Xianming Liu, Temperature-controlled self-assembled synthesis of CuO, Cu2O and Cu nanoparticles through a single-precursor route,Mater. Sci. Eng., A2007, 448, 7.
(13)B. Y. Geng*, J. Z. Ma, Q. B. Du, X. W. Liu, Synthesis of hollow carbon nanospheres through a ZnSe nanoparticle template route,Mater. Sci. Eng., A2007, 466, 96.
(12)B. Y. Geng*, X. W. Liu, Q. B. Du, and X. W. Wei, Structure and optical properties of periodically twinned ZnS nanowires,Appl. Phys. Lett.2006, 88, 163104.
(11)B. Y. Geng*, Q. B. Du, X. W. Liu, J. Z. Ma, and X. W. Wei and L. D. Zhang, One-step synthesis and enhanced blue emission of carbon-encapsulated single-crystalline ZnSe nanoparticles,Appl. Phys. Lett.2006, 89, 033115.
(10)Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Xianwen Wei and Shaowu Wang, Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline ZnO nanotubes based on polymer-inducement,Mater. Res. Bull.2006, 41 (10), 1979-1983.
(9)B. Y. Geng*, X. W. Liu, X. W. Wei, S. W. Wang and L. D. Zhang, Low-temperature growth ofb-Ga2O3nanobelts through a simple thermochemical route and their phonon spectra properties,Appl. Phys. Lett.2005, 87, 113101.
(8)Baoyou Geng*, Xiaowang Liu, Xianwen Wei, Shaowu Wang, Synthesis, characterization and optical properties of regularly shaped, single-crystalline sisal-like ZnO nanostructures,Mater. Lett.2005, 59, 3572–3576.
(7)B. Y. Geng*,L. D. Zhang, G. Z. Wang, T. Xie, Y.G. Zhang, and G.W. Meng, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of ZnMnS nanobelts,Appl. Phys. Lett.2004, 84(12), 2157–2159.
(6)B. Y. Geng*,Y. G. Zhang, G. Wang, T. Xie, G. W. Meng and Lide Zhang, Growth of single-crystal ZnS nanobelts through a low-temperature thermochemistry route and their optical properties,Applied Physics: A2004, 79, 1761–1763.
(5)Baoyou Geng*,Guowen Meng,Lide Zhang,Guozhong Wangand Xinsheng Peng, CdSe-Filled silica nanotubes,Chem. Commun.2003, 2572–2573.
(4)B. Y. Geng*, G. Z. Wang, Z. Jiang, T. Xie, S. H. Sun, G. W. Meng, and L. D. Zhang, Synthesis and optical properties of S-doped ZnO nanowires,Appl. Phys. Lett.2003, 82(26), 4791–4793.
(3)Baoyou Geng*, Yu Lin, Xingsheng Peng, Guowen Meng, Lide Zhang, Large-scale synthesis of single-crystalline Te nanobelts by a low-temperature chemical vapour deposition route,Nanotechnology2003, 14, 983–986.
(2)Baoyou Geng*, Lide Zhang, Guowen Meng, Ting Xie, Xinsheng Peng, Yu Lin, Large-scale synthesis and photoluminescence of single-crystalline b-Ga2O3 nanobelts,J. Cryst. Growth2003, 259, 291–295.
(1)B. Y. Geng*, T. Xie, X. S. Peng, Y. Lin, X. Y. Yuan, G. W. Meng, L. D. Zhang, Large-scale synthesis of ZnO nanowires using a low-temperature chemical route and their photoluminescence properties,Appl. Phys. A2003, 77, 363–366.
- 耿保友,Au-Pt Core-Rods Nanostructures and Their Superior Electrocatalytic Performance for Methanol Oxidation,中國化學會第六屆全國結構化學學術會議,2012年10月22日至26日,蘇州,邀請報告。
- 耿保友,低鉑/非鉑納米結構的構築及其對燃料電池的電催化活性,中國化學會第八屆全國無機化學學術會議,2011年7月25日至29日,哈爾濱,邀請報告。
- 蒯龍,王紹臻,耿保友*,Au-Pd Yolk-Shell 納米結構:構築及直接乙醇燃料電池催化,中國化學會第八屆全國無機化學學術會議論文,2011年7月25日至29日,哈爾濱。
- 蒯龍,王紹臻,耿保友*,一步水熱法製備Au@Pd 核殼納米結構及電催化ORR性能,中國化學會第八屆全國無機化學學術會議論文,2011年7月25日至29日,哈爾濱。
- 王紹臻,蒯龍,耿保友*,水熱法製備枝杈狀Au 納米結構及其電化學ORR性能,中國化學會第八屆全國無機化學學術會議論文,2011年7月25日至29日,哈爾濱。
- 王倩,王紹臻,程志國,耿保友*,鉑基直接甲醇燃料電池催化劑的研究進展,第十屆全國氫能學術會議暨第二屆兩岸三地氫能研討會會議論文,2009年9月17日至20日,天津。
- Qian Wang, Shaozhen Wang, Zhiguo Cheng, Jun Liu andBaoyou Geng*,Pt Nanocube/Carbon-Nanotube Heterostructures as Advanced Fuel Cell Electrocatalyst,第十屆全國氫能學術會議暨第二屆兩岸三地氫能研討會牆展,2009年9月17日至20日,天津。
- 耿保友*,劉小網,馬金珠,杜慶波,單分散ZnS納米棒的製備及其光學和電化學相關性研究,中國化學會第七屆全國無機化學學術會議論文,2007年7月18日至22日,呼和浩特。
- 耿保友,Controllable Synthesis and Properties of Low-dimensional Nanostructures,中國化學會第七屆全國無機化學學術會議分會報告,2007年7月18日至22日,呼和浩特。
專 利
- 耿保友,劉小網,一種磁性納米鏈的製備和使用方法,發明專利,專利號:ZL 200610161561.5。
- 耿保友,桑艷,一種多功能金紅石型納米二氧化鈦粉體的製備方法,發明專利,專利號:ZL 200810123126.2。
- 耿保友,王倩,一維納米複合材料的製備方法,發明專利,專利號:ZL 200910116668.1。
- 耿保友,詹方明,四氧化三鈷多孔納米片的製備方法,發明專利,專利號:ZL 200910116443.6。
- 耿保友,蒯龍,一種高效納米銀/溴化銀太陽光光催化材料及其製備方法,發明專利,專利號:ZL 2010101741 81.1。
論 著
- Baoyou Geng,“Controlled Synthesis, Characterizations and Applications of Metal Oxide Nanostructures”, a book chapter of “Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications”, American Scientific Publishers, 2009.
- 耿保友,《新材料科技導論》,浙江大學出版社,2007年5月。