




  • 書名:考研英語閱讀題源2:新聞周刊分冊
  • ISBN:9787502181482
  • 頁數:299頁
  • 出版社:石油工業出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2011年1月1日)
  • 開本: 16


出版社: 石油工業出版社; 第1版 (2011年1月1日)
平裝: 299頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787502181482, 7502181482
條形碼: 9787502181482
尺寸: 23.8 x 16.8 x 2.2 cm
重量: 481 g




《考研英語閱讀題源2:新聞周刊分冊》為其中的“新聞周刊分冊”,分為社會類、經濟類等五類。《考研英語閱讀題源Ⅱ》系列結合讀者對於前兩版的反饋意見,以及近年考研英語閱讀的命題實際,選取了符合大家閱讀偏好,同時也是考研英語閱讀理解文章最集中的題源The Economist《經濟學家》、Newsweek《新聞周刊》、Time《時代周刊》、The New York Times《紐約時報》4份期刊雜誌,從這些為考研命題者所青睞的優秀原版期刊雜誌中分別精選出50篇與考研英語閱讀命題趨勢相貼近的最新文章,具有較強的時效性。


Passage 1 Havmg Kids Makes You Happy
Passage 2 Phones without Homes
Passage 3 On the Job Gaming
Passage 4 The Bad News about Your Job
Passage 5 Children ofthe System
Passage 6 ANanny's Diary。
Passage 7 The Argument against Paid Family Leave
Passage 8 Negotiating a Credit-Card Crisis
Passage 9 Lonely Planet
Passage 10 Marriedwith Lies
Passage 1 How Much Did“Taxi to the Dark Side” Eam at the American Box Office?
Passage 2 Lessons from Locke
Passage 3 Struggling School-Age Boys
Passage 4 Armchaff Survivor
Passage 5 A New Look for Japan’s Musicians
Passage 6 Shock Thempy
Passage 7 Taking the Longer Road
Passage 8 The Sound of One Hand Clicking
Passage 9 The Guitar Is the Hero in It Might Get Loud
Passage 10 Getting Schooled about Money
Passage 1 Yahooligans at the Window
Passage 2 The Wal-Mart Puzzle
Passage 3 Hold the Hysteria(For Now)
Passage 4 You Call This a Depression?
Passage 5 The Biggest Thing to Fear Is Fear
Passage 6 Can Anything Save Magazines?
Passage 7 McKinsey’s Cracked Crystal Ball
Passage 8 The New Boom-Bust Cycle
Passage 9 Cash for Clunkers’Lasting Impac
Passage 10 What’s Good for IBM
Passage 1 Living in the Clouds
Passage 2 Digital Hide and Seek
Passage 3 My Blackberry as a Bomb Sniffer?
Passage 4 Technology to Wear
Passage 5 Apple’s New Weapon
Passage 6 Life’s Complexities
Passage 7 A Truce in the Crop Wars
Passage 8 Plugging Into the Future
Passage 9 High Tech Pets
Passage 10 TV’s Next Dimension
Passage 1 It’s the Season of Temptation
Passage 2 More Good News about Vitamin D
Passage 3 The Power of Stations
Passage 4 Eat Less,Live Longer?
Passage 5 The Medicine ofUs and Them
Passage 6 Another Reason to Stay Married
Passage 7 Campus Contagion7
Passage 8 Training Faulty Brains to Work Better
Passage 9 Are Fat Friends Bad for Each Other?
Passage 10 Organic Food for Thought


