



  • ISBN:9787511713056
  • 作者:厄納斯特·海明威
  • 出版社:中央編譯出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年5月
  • 頁數:316
  • 定價:28.00元
  • 裝幀:平裝
《老人與海非洲的青山(英文版)》雖僅算一個中篇,卻是海明威一生寫作的最重要的一部書。作品講述的是古巴的一位老漁夫在灣流中同一條巨大的馬林魚所進行的搏鬥,命運在相對渺小的個人力量面前既神秘又不可戰勝,但尤為重要的是老漁夫在同命運的抗爭中顯示出頑強不屈的硬漢子精神,雖敗猶榮,從而使作品獲得了豐富而深廣的象徵意義。1954年,海明威“因精通於敘事藝術,突出地表現在其近著《老人與海》之中;同時也因為對當代文體風格之影響”而獲得諾貝爾文學獎。《老人與海非洲的青山(英文版)》是海明威早年寫作的一部紀實性作品,筆法精湛,敘事簡潔而不枯燥,是海明威表現其大師風範的又一扛鼎之作,成就足與“虛構的作品相媲美”。 ERNEST HEMINGWAY(1899-1961),American author。 Between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, he produced most of his work, and in 1954 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature。 Hemingway's fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that resonated with his audience。Many ofhis works are classics of American literature。 The most famous of Hemingway’s no...(展開全部) ERNEST HEMINGWAY(1899-1961),American author。 Between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, he produced most of his work, and in 1954 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature。 Hemingway's fiction was successful because the characters he presented exhibited authenticity that resonated with his audience。Many ofhis works are classics of American literature。 The most famous of Hemingway’s novels are The Sun Also Rises(1926), A Farewell to Arms(1929),The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber(1935),For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), and The Old Man and the Sea(1951)。


