- 書名:翻譯、歷史與文化論集
- 作者:[英]安德烈·勒菲弗爾、夏平
- 原版名稱:Translation History Culture a Sourcebook
- ISBN:9787544617772
- 頁數:182頁
- 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
- 出版時間:2010年6月1日
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:32
安德烈·勒菲弗爾,翻譯研究領域世界一流的學術帶頭人。著述豐厚,包括《詩歌翻譯:七種策略和一個藍圖》(Translating Poetry:Seven Strategies and a Blueprint)、《翻譯、改寫以及對文學名聲的制控》(Translation,Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame)等。
Anne Dacier:from the introduction to her translation of the Iliad
1 The role of ideology in the shaping of a translation
Flaccus Quintus Horatius:from the “Letter to the Pisones,”also known as the Ars Poetica
Aurelius Augusitinus:from“On the Christian Doctrine”;from the“Letter to Saint Jerome”
Martin Luther:from the “Circular Letter on Translation”
August Wilhelm Schlegel:from the “History of Romantic Literature”
Anne Louise Germaine de Stael:from the Writtings
Victor Hugo:from the preface to the New Shakespeare Translation
2 The power of patronage
John of Ttevisa:from the “Dialogue between a Lord and a Clerk upon Translation”,printed as the preface to his translation of the Polychronicon
Jean de Breche,called de Tours:from the preface to his translation of Hippocrates
Joachim Du Bellay: from the Dfense et illustration dela langue francaise
Philemon Holland: from the preface to histranslation of Pliny's The Historic of the World
John Dryden: from the “Dedication” to histranslation of the Aeneid
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: from the “Writingson Literature”
3 Poetics
Etienne Dolet: from “On the Way of TranslatingWell from One Language into Another”
Antoine Houdar de la Motte: from the preface to histranslation of the Iiad
Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) : from a letter toAnne Dacier
August Wilhelm Schlegel: from “Something AboutWilliam Shakespeare on the Occasion of WilhelmMeister”
Edward Fitzgerald: from the preface to theRubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Ulrich yon Willamo witz-Moellendorff: from “The Art of Translation”
4 Universe of Discourse
Nicolas Perrot d'Ahlancourt: from the preface to histranslation of Lucian
Jacques Delille: from the preface to his translation ofVirgil's Georgics
Pierre le Tourneur: from the preface to histranslation of Young's Night Thoughts
Antoine Prevost, better known as Abbe Prevost:from the preface to his translation ofRichardson's Pamela
Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet) : from the prefaceto his translation of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
John Hookham Frere: from the preface to histranslation of Aristophanes
Dillon Wentworth, Earl of Roseommon: from theEssay on Translated Verse
5 Translation, the development of language, andeducation
Marcus Tullius Cicero: from “On the Orator”;from “On the Limits of Good and Evil”
Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: from the “Guide toRhetoric”
Hieronymus (Saint Jerome) : from the “Letter toPammachius”
Roger Bacon: from “On the Knowledge ofLanguages”
Juan Luis Vives: from “Versions or Translations”
Jacques Pelletier du Mans: from his “Poetics”
August Wilhelm Schlegel: from “The Works ofHomer by Johann Heinrich Voss”
Percy Bysshe Shelley: from “A Defenee of Poetry”
Gaius Caecilius Plinius Seeundus: from the“Letters”
Johann Christoph Gottsched: from the “CriticalPoetics”
Thomas Carlyle: from "The State of GermanLiterature”
6 The technique of translating
Desiderius Erasmus: from the “Letter to WilliamWarham”
Antoine Lemaistre : from the “Rules of FrenchTranslation”
George Chapman: from the prefatory texts to histranslation of the Iliad
Alexander Pope: from the preface to histranslation of the Iliad
August Wilhelm Schlegel: from the “Letter toHerrn Reimer”
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: from Dante and His Circle
Matthew Arnold: from "On Translating Home”
7 Central texts and central cultures
Sir Thomas More: from the Confutation of Tyndale'sAnswer
Anonymous: from “The Translators to the Reader, ”the preface to the Authorized Version
Johann Gottfried Herder: from the “Fragments”
Johann Wolfgang yon Goethe: from “Poetry and Truth”; from the “Book of West and East”; from the “Writings on Literature”
August Wilhelm Schlegel: from the “Argument Between Languages”; from the “History of Classical Literature”
Edward Fitzgerald: from a letter to E. B. Cowell
8 Longer statements
Leonardo Bruni, called Aretino: from “The Right Way to Translate”
Petrus Danielus Huetius: from “Two Books on Translation”
John Dryden: from the preface to his translation of Ovid's Epistles
Jean le Rond d'Alembert: from “Remarks on the Art of Translating,”printed as the preface to his translation of Tacitus
Charles Batteux: from “Principles of Literature”
Gaspard de Tende, sieur de l'Estaing: from the“Rules of Translation”
Johann Jakob Bodmer: from the “Ninety-Fourth Letter”in his “Painter of Morals”
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee: from the Essay on the Principles of Translation
Wilhelm yon Humboldt: from the preface to his translation of Aeschylus' Agamemnon
Friedrich Schleiermacher: from “On the Different Methods of Translating”
Ulrich yon Willamowitz-Moellendorff: from“What is Translation?”, originally written as the preface to his translation of Euripides' Hippolytus
Bibliographical references