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  • 中文名:翟麗
  • 國籍中國
  • 職業:教師






一 . 學術專著與教材
1. 翟麗 著. 新能源汽車電磁兼容性設計理論與方法[M].北京:機械工業出版社,2021.
2. 翟麗 著. Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric Vehicle[M]. Spriner,2021.
3. 翟麗,王志福等編. 車輛電磁兼容基礎[M]. 北京:機械工業出版社,2012.
4. 翟麗 譯. 電氣工程手冊 電力電子.電機驅動[M]. 北京:機械工業出版社,2019.
5. 翟麗,張碩,管繼富編. Fundamentals of Modern Control Theory[M]. 北京:北京理工大學出版社,2023.
6. 翟麗 譯. 無線充電技術和電力傳輸的未來[M]. 北京:北京理工大學出版社,2018.
7. 參與編寫《電動汽車工程手冊 第一卷 純電動汽車整車設計》第2章 整車電磁兼容技術,機械工業出版社,2019.
二. 代表性論文
1. Li Zhai, Chengping Wang, Yuhan Hou, Chang Liu. MPC-Based Integrated Control of Trajectory Tracking and Handling Stability for Intelligent Driving Vehicle Driven by Four Hub Motor [J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(3) :2668-2680.
2. Yuh Ming Mok, Li Zhai*, Chengping Wang, Xueying Zhang, Yuhan Hou. A Post Impact Stability Control for Four Hub-Motor Independent-Drive Electric Vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(2):1384-1396.
3. Li Zhai, Chengping Wang, Yuhan Hou, Yuhan Hou, Yuh Ming Mok, Xueying Zhang. Two-level optimal torque distribution for handling stability control of a four hub-motor independent-drive electric vehicle under various adhesion conditions [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2022.
4. Li Zhai, Chengping Wang, Xueying Zhang, Yuhan Hou. Handling stability control strategy for four-wheel hub motor-driven vehicle based on adaptive control for road adhesion [J]. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2022, 16(5): 586-601.
5. Li Zhai, Shuangjie Yang, Guixing Hu, Mengyuan Lv. Optimal Design Method of High Voltage DC Power Supply EMI Filter Considering Source Impedance of Motor Controller for Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, 72(1): 367-381.
6. Li Zhai, Shuangjie Yang, Guixing Hu, Mengyuan Lv. Design method of wide-band high-current air-core inductor EMI filter for high voltage DC power of motor inverter of electric vehicle[J]. IET Power Electronics, 2022, 15(15): 1725-1740.
7. Zhai Li, Hu Guixing, Song Chao, Lv Mengyuan, Zhang, Xueying. Comparison of Two Filter Design Methods for Conducted EMI Suppression of PMSM Drive System for Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021, 70(7): 6472-6484.
8. Zhai Li, Hu Guixing, Lv Mengyuan, Zhang Tao, Hou Rufei. Comparison of Two Design Methods of EMI Filter for High Voltage Power Supply in DC-DC Converter of Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 66564-66577.
9. Li Zhai, Xueying Zhang, Zeda Wang, Yuhming Mok,Rufei Hou,Yuhan Hou. Steering Stability Control for Four-Motor Distributed Drive High-speed Tracked Vehicles[J]. IEEE Access,2020,8:94968-94983.
10.Hou Rufei, Zhai Li*, Sun Tianmin.Steering Stability Control of a Four In-Wheel Motor Drive Electric Vehicle on a Road With Varying Adhesion Coefficient[J]. IEEE Access, 2019,7:32617-32627.
11. Zhai Li, Zhong Guangyuan, Cao Yu, Hu Guixing, Li Xiang. Research on Magnetic Field Distribution and Characteristics of a 3.7 kW Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles under Offset[J]. Energies 2019,12(3): 392-412.
12. Rufei Hou, Li Zhai*, Tianmin Sun. Steering Stability Control for a Four Hub-Motor Independent-Drive Electric Vehicle with Varying Adhesion Coefficient[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(9):2438-2454.
13. Li Zhai, Rufei Hou, Tianmin Sun, Steven Kavuma. Continuous Steering Stability Control Based on an Energy-Saving Torque Distribution Algorithm for a Four in-Wheel-Motor Independent-Drive Electric Vehicle[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(2):350-368.
14. Zhai Li, Yu Cao, Liwen Lin, Tao Zhang, Steven Kavuma. Mitigation Conducted Emission Strategy Based on Transfer Function from a DC-Fed Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles[J]. Energies, 2018,11(3): 477-493.
15. Zhai Li, Zhang tao, Cao Yu, Yang Sipeng, Steven Kavuma, Feng Huiyuan. Conducted EMI Prediction and Mitigation Strategy Based on Transfer Function for a High-Low Voltage DC-DC Converter in Electric Vehicle[J].Energies. 2018, 11(5): 1028-1044.
16. Hong Huang, Li Zhai*, Zeda Wang. A Power Coupling System for Electric Tracked Vehicles during High-Speed Steering with Optimization-Based Torque Distribution Control[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(6): 1538-1554.
17. Li Zhai , Hong Huang, Steven Kavuma. Investigation on a Power Coupling Steering System for Dual-Motor Drive Tracked Vehicles Based on Speed Control[J]. Energies, 2017, 10(8):1118-1134.
18. Zhai Li, Lin Liwen, Zhang Xinyu. The Effect of Distributed Parameters on Conducted EMI from DC-Fed Motor Drive Systems in Electric Vehicles[J]. Energies, 2017,10(1): 1-17.
19. Li Zhai, Tianmin Sun, Qiannan Wang. Lateral stability control of dynamic steering for dual motor drive high speed tracked vehicle[J]. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2016, 17(6): 1079-1090.
20. Li Zhai, Tianmin Sun, Jie Wang. Electronic Stability Control Based on Motor Driving and Braking Torque Distribution for a Four In-Wheel Motor Drive Electric Vehicle[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016, 65(6):4726-4739.
21. Zhai Li, Zhang, Xinyu; Bondarenko, Natalia; Mitigation Emission Strategy Based on Resonances from a Power Inverter System in Electric Vehicles[J]. Energies, 2016,9(6): 419-435.
22. Bondarenko Natalia, Zhai Li*, Xu Bingjie, Li Guanghua, Makharashvili Tamar, Loken David, Berger Phil, T. P. Van Doren, D. G. Beetner. A measurement-based model of the electromagnetic emissions from a power inverter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2015, 30(10): 5522-5531.
23. 翟麗,楊霜潔,胡桂興,王淑靚.電動汽車電機驅動系統傳導電磁干擾建模[J].北京理工大學學報,2022,42(08):824-833.
24. 呂夢圓,翟麗*,胡桂興.電動汽車雙邊LCC無線充電系統傳導電磁干擾[J].北京航空航天大學學報,2022,48(10):2079-2086.
25. 翟麗,張雪瑩,張閒,王承平.基於勢場法的無人車局部動態避障路徑規划算法[J].北京理工大學學報,2022,42(07):696-705.
26. 翟麗,張新宇,李廣召.電動汽車電機驅動系統分布參數對傳導電磁干擾影響研究[J].北京理工大學學報,2016,36(09):935-939.


1. 2013年,面向新能源汽車國家戰略需求的教學與人才培養體系建設,北京市高等教育教學成果獎一等獎,第3完成人;
2. 2017年,全球化視野下的新能源汽車拔尖創新人才協同創新培養模式、體制機制改革與實踐,北京理工大學優秀教育教學成果獎一等獎,第1完成人;
3. 2017年,面向國家戰略、基於成果導向的車輛工程特色專業人才培養模式改革與實踐,北京理工大學優秀教育教學成果獎一等獎,第2完成人;
4. 2021年,瞄準國家戰略需求,應對行業重大變革:面向未來的工程卓越人才培養體系改革,北京理工大學教學成果獎一等獎,第6完成人;
5. 2021年,北京理工大學第六屆迪文優秀教師獎課題教學二等獎;
6. 2021年,北京理工大學研究生優秀學位論文指導教師,電動汽車電機驅動系統傳導電磁干擾建模與抑制方法研究;
7. 2017年,北京理工大學研究生優秀學位論文指導教師,四輪轂電機電動汽車電子穩定性控制方法;
8. 2015年,北京理工大學三育人先進個人;
9. 2007年,XX車輛電傳動系統關鍵技術,中國兵器工業總公司科技進步一等獎,第6完成人;
10. 2022年,電動汽車充電系統電磁兼容關鍵技術研究及套用,機械工業科學技術獎三等獎1項,第3完成人;
11. 2018年,無線充電技術和電力傳輸的未來,中國出版協會引進版優秀圖書獎。


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