


廈門大學講師/助理教授 (2003-2008)



PhD, Xiamen University (2004)

Lecturer / Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2003-2008)

Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2008-2011)

National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center(2011-


  • 中文名:翟惟東
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:國家海洋環境監測中心研究員
  • 畢業院校:廈門大學


廈門大學講師/助理教授 (2003.07-2008.07)
National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center(2011.12-)
Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2008.08-2011.11)
Lecturer / Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2003.07-2008.07)
PhD, Xiamen University (2004.12)


air-sea CO2 exchanges and upper ocean inorganic carbon processes in marginal seas and estuaries


*ZhaiW.-D.and ZhaoH.-D.Quantifying air-sea re-equilibration-implied ocean surface CO2 accumulation against recent atmospheric CO2 rise. Journal of Oceanography, in press, doi:10.1007/s10872-016-0350-8, 2016.
*Zhai, W.-D., Zang, K.-P., Huo, C., Zheng, N., Xu, X.-M. Occurrence of aragonite corrosive water in the North Yellow Sea, near the Yalu River estuary, during a summer flood. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 166: 199-208, 2015.
*翟惟東.南海北部春季非水華期的CO2分壓及其調控.海洋學報,37(6):31–40, 2015.
*Wei-Dong Zhai; Jian-Fang Chen; Hai-Yan Jin; Hong-Liang Li; Jin-Wen Liu; Xian-Qiang He; Yan Bai,Spring carbonate chemistry dynamics of surface waters in the northern East China Sea: Water mixing, biological uptake of CO2, and chemical buffering capacity, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119: 5638–5653,2014.
*Zhai W.-D.; Zheng N.; Huo C.; Xu Y.; Zhao H.-D.; Li Y.-W.; Zang K.-P.; Wang J.-Y.; Xu X.-M.,Subsurface pH and carbonate saturation state of aragonite on the Chinese side of the North Yellow Sea: seasonal variations and controls, Biogeosciences, 11(4): 1103-1123, 2014.
Zhang Yong; Zhao Hua-de;*Zhai Wei-dong; Zang Kun-peng; Wang Ju-ying,Enhanced methane emissions from oil and gas exploration areas to the atmosphere - The central Bohai Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 81(1), 157-165, 2014.
Zhai, W.-D.; *Dai, M.-H.; Chen, B.-S.; Guo, X.-H.; Li, Q.; Shang, S.-L.; Zhang, C.-Y.; Cai, W.-J.; Wang, D.-X.,Seasonal variations of sea-air CO2 fluxes in the largest tropical marginal sea (South China Sea) based on multiple-year underway measurements,10:7775–7791, 2013.
徐雪梅;*翟惟東; 吳金浩,急性CO2酸化對菲律賓蛤仔鈣殼和呼吸作用的影響, 海洋學報(中文版), 35(5): 112-120, 2013.
*Zhai, W.-D., Zhao, H.-D., Zheng, N., Xu, Y. Coastal acidification in summer bottom oxygen-depleted waters in northwestern-northern Bohai Sea from June to August in 2011. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(9):1062–1068, 2012.
中文版:2011年夏季渤海西北部、北部近岸海域的底層耗氧與酸化. 科學通報, 57(9): 753-758 (2012)
Yan, X.-L., *Zhai, W.-D., Hong, H.-S., Li, Y., Guo, W.-D., Huang, X. Distribution, fluxes and decadal changes of nutrients in the Jiulong River Estuary, Southwest TaiwanS trait. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18): 2307–2318, 2012.
Zhai W.D., *Dai M.H., Cai W.-J., Coupling of surface pCO2 and dissolved oxygen in the northern South China Sea: impacts of contrasting coastal processes. Biogeosciences, 6: 2589-2598 (2009).
Zhai W.D., *Dai M.H., On the seasonal variation of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the outer Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary, East China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 117: 2-10 (2009).
Zhai W.D., *Dai M.H., Guo X.H., Carbonate system and CO2 degassing fluxes in the inner estuary of Changjiang (Yangtze) River, China. Marine Chemistry, 107: 342-356 (2007).
Zhai,W.-D.,*Dai,M.-H.,Cai,W.-J.,Wang,Y.-C.,Hong,H.-S. Thepartialpressureofcarbondioxideandair-seafluxesinthenorthernSouthChinaSeainspring,summerandautumn.MarineChemistry,96:87–97 (2005).
Zhai W.D., *Dai M.H., Cai W.-J., et al., High partial pressure of CO2 and its maintaining mechanism in a subtropical estuary: the Pearl River estuary, China. Marine Chemistry, 93: 21-32 (2005).


1. 中國北方海域近海酸化的時空變異及調控——典型海域比較(2013-2016,國家自然科學基金項目,NSFC#41276061,主持,在研)
2. 長江口外超額無機碳的季節變化及其秋季釋放對東海北部海-氣CO2通量的影響(2011-2013,國家自然科學基金項目,NSFC#41076044,主持,已結題)
3. 陸源碳輸入及其對邊緣海碳循環的作用(2009.01-2013.08,科技部973計畫項目“中國近海碳收支、調控機理及生態效應研究”課題,2009CB421204,後三年負責人,已結題)
4. 九龍江流域—河口—近海系統耦合變動及生態效應(2009-2012,國家自然科學基金重大國際/地區合作與交流項目,NSFC#40810069004,參加,已結題)
5. CO2海-氣交換通量評估方法(2009.10-2012.05,國家海洋局海洋環境評價項目,DOMEP(MEA)-01-10,主持,已結題)
6. 長江口海域碳酸鹽體系對大氣CO2的緩衝作用(2009-2011,國家自然科學基金項目,NSFC#40876040,主持,已結題)
7. 中國鄰近南海海域碳的源匯格局及其關鍵生物地球化學控制過程研究--深化與集成(2008-2011,國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫“全球變化與區域回響”重點項目,NSFC#90711005,第一合作者,已結題)
8. 邊緣海真光層生物地球化學過程及其對大氣CO2的調控(2005-2008,國家自然科學基金重大項目“上層海洋-低層大氣生物地球化學與物理過程耦合研究”課題,NSFC#40490264,第二合作者,已結題)
9. 長江口與黃浦江下游水域的CO2分壓、通量及其控制(2005-2007,國家自然科學基金項目,NSFC#40406023,主持,已結題)


