兼任Journal of Vocational Behavior、Journal of Career Development、Journal of Managerial Psychology等國際知名期刊編委,以及Academy of Management Review、Journal of AppliedPsychology、Journal of Organizational Behavior、Journal of Occupational and OrganizationalPsychology、Human Relations、International Journal of Human Resources Management、CareerDevelopment Quarterly等國際期刊審稿人。在Journal of Vocational Behavior、Australian Journal of Management、管理科學學報、南開管理評論國內外學術期刊發表論文50餘篇。曾獲國家自然科學基金優秀青年基金項目、華中科技大學學術十傑(排名第一)、陝西高校人文社會科學優秀成果二等獎、安徽省第七屆自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎。
教 授 中國科學技術大學管理學院
副教授 中國科學技術大學管理學院
博士後 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學UQ商學院
博士後 根特大學心理與教育科學院 組織心理學
博士後 西安交通大學管理學院 工商管理
博士 華 中科技大學管理學院 人力資源管理
Wang, Q., Weng*, Q.X., McElroy, J.C., Ashkanasy, N.M., Lievens, F. Organizational career growth and subsequent voice behavior: The role of affective commitment and gender. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2014,84(3): 431-441.
Weng, Q.X., Wu, S., McElroy, J.C.The Effects of Regional Commitment and Work Commitment on Intent to Leave. 2014 Conference on Commitment. Ohio State University.
Liu, R.Z., Weng, Q.X., Mao, G.F., Huang, T.W. Industrial cluster, government agency and entrepreneurial development: A case study of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Chinese Management Studies, 2013, 7(2): 253-280.
Weng, Q. X., McElroy,J. C. Organizational career growth, affective occupational commitment andturnover intentions. Journalof Vocational Behavior, 2012, 80(2): 256-265.
Gu,J.J. Weng, Q.X.,Xie, F.H. Leadership, team and decision speed: empirical study usingcross-provincial data. ChineseManagement Studies, 2012, 6(4): 598-609.
Weng, Q.X., McElroy,J.C. Vocational self-concept crystallization as a mediator of the relationshipbetween career self-management and job effectiveness. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 2010,76(2):234-243.
Weng, Q.X, McElroy,J.C., Morrow, P., Liu, R.Z. The relationship between career growth andorganizational commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2010, 77(3):391-400.
Weng, Q.X., McElroy,J.C. HR environment and regional attraction: an empirical study of industrialclusters. Australian Journal ofManagement,2010,35(3): 245-263.
Weng, Q.X. Theinfluence of industrial clusters’ Character on talent growth. International Journal of Human Resources Management and Development,2008(1/2): 150-162.
Weng, Q.X. The roleof HR-environment on talent growth: an Empirical study in Industrial Clustersof China. Chinese ManagementStudies,2008(1):14-31.
Hu Bei, Sun Yue, Weng Qingxiong. The measure of perceived risk of employeeturnover. Proceeding of 2008 International Conference on WirelessCommunications, Networking and Mobile Computing, Oct., 2008, 1-4.
Hu Bei,WengQingxiong. Why talents concentrate to industrial clusters? Proceeding of 2008International Conference on Communications, Networking and Mobile ComputingConference. Dalian, PR. China, September,Oct., 2008, 1-6.
Hu Bei, Weng Qingxiong. The selection of city HR environment evaluation indexes. Proceedingof 2007 International Conference on Communications, Networking and MobileComputing. Shanghai, PR. China,September, 2007, 4422-4426.