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  • 中文名:翁國明
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電化學能源技術和功能材料的研發與套用
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學


國際期刊Journal of Visualized Experiments客座編輯
國際期刊Current Chinese Chemistry客座編輯
國際期刊Materials International客座編輯
國際期刊Journal of Material Chemistry A, Journal of Power Sources, Chemical Communications, Ionics, Energy, ChemElectroChem, Energies, Batteries, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Processes, Scientific Reports, Current Nanoscience等審稿人


液流電池是一種新型的使用液態“燃料” 的電化學能量轉換裝置。它的輸出功率取決於電堆的大小和數量,而儲能容量則取決於液態“能量液”(即電解液)的體積和濃度。因此,液流電池的規模設計非常靈活。相對於市場上常見的鋰離子電池及實驗室研究較多的鋰硫及鋅空電池等,這種液流電池更適合於大容量儲能領域。它的未來發展空間廣闊,將是可再生能源、智慧型電網、電動汽車(液態“能量液”替代汽油)、網際網路+、智慧能源的重要組成部分。但是,相對商用的鋰離子電池來說,傳統液流電池的能量密度較低。同時,目前絕大部分的液流電池使用有毒及腐蝕性強的“能量液”。因此,本課題組將會致力於開發清潔高效的新一代液流電池,探索其工作機理,並實現其套用價值。
2. 鋰/鈉離子電池及其產品設計
3. 酸鹼電池(酸鹼濃差電池)
4. 燃料電池
5. 金屬電池
6. 光伏電池系統及電池產品規模化
7. 功能材料
8. 功能有機分子材料


[1] Jason Lipton†, G. M. Weng† (equally contributed), Jason Rohr, Hang Wang and André D. Taylor*, Layer-by-layer assembly of two-dimensional materials: meticulous control on the nanoscale, Matter, 2020, Just Accepted, DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2020.01.011. (New Top Journal)
[2] Jason Lipton, G. M. Weng, Mohamed Alhabeb, Kathleen Maleski, Jaemin Kong, Yury Gogotsi and André D. Taylor*, Mechanically strong and electrically conductive multilayer MXene nanocomposites, Nanoscale, 2019, 11 (42), 20295-20300. (Impact Factor=6.97)
[3] G. M. Weng, Yu Xie, Hang Wang, Christopher Karpovich, Jason Lipton, Junqing Zhu, Jaemin Kong, Lisa D. Pfefferle and André D. Taylor*, A promising carbon/g-C3N4 composite negative electrode for a long-life sodium-ion battery, Angewandte Chemie, 2019, 131 (39), 13865-13871. (Impact Factor=12.257)
[4] G. M. Weng, Bin Yang, Chi-You Liu, Guan-Ying Du, Elise Y. Li and Yi-Chun Lu*, Asymmetric allyl-activation of organosulfides for high-energy reversible redox flow batteries, Energy Environmental Science, 2019, 12, 2244-2252. (Impact Factor=33.250)
[5] G. M. Weng*, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan*, An acid-base battery with oxygen electrodes: a laboratory demonstration of electrochemical power sources, Journal of Chemical Education, 2019, 96, 1701-1706. (Impact Factor=1.763)
[6] G. M. Weng, Jaemin Kong, Hang Wang, Christopher Karpovich, Jason Lipton, Francisco Antonio, Zachary Fishman, Hanyu Wang, Weiyong Yuan and André D. Taylor*, A highly efficient perovskite photovoltaic-aqueous Li/Na-ion battery system, Energy Storage Materials, 2019, 24, 557-564. (CiteScore=15.09)
[7] G. M. Weng*, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan*, Exploring the ionic interfaces of three-electrolyte pH differential power sources, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 320, 134526. (Impact Factor=5.383)
[8] G. M. Weng*, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li* and Kwong-Yu Chan, Three-electrolyte electrochemical energy storage systems using both anion- and cation-exchange membranes as separators, Energy, 2019, 167, 1011-1018. (Impact Factor=5.537)
[9] G. M. Weng, Jinyang Li, Mohamed Alhabeb, Christopher Karpovich, Hang Wang, Jason Lipton, Kathleen Maleski, Jaemin Kong, Evyatar Shaulsky, Menachem Elimelech, Yury Gogotsi and André D. Taylor*. Layer‐by‐layer assembly of cross‐functional semi‐transparent MXene‐carbon nanotubes composite films for next‐generation electromagnetic interference shielding, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28 (44), 1803360. (Impact Factor=15.621)
[10] G. M. Weng*, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li* and Kwong-Yu Chan, Hydrogen battery using neutralization energy, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 240-244. (Impact Factor=15.548)
[11] G. M. Weng*, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan*, High voltage pH differential vanadium-hydrogen flow battery, Materials Today Energy, 2018, 10, 126-131. (CiteScore=4.62)
[12] G. M. Weng, Zhejun Li, Guangtao Cong, Yucun. Zhou and Yi-Chun Lu*, Unlocking the capacity of iodide for high-energy-density zinc/polyiodide and lithium/polyiodide redox flow batteries, Energy Environmental Science, 2017, 10, 735-741. (Impact Factor=33.250) Featured by Chemistry World published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom and major media in China.
[13] G. M. Weng, Long-Yin Simon Tam, Yi-Chun Lu*, High-performance LiTi2(PO4)3 anode for high-areal-capacity flexible aqueous lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 11764-11771. (Impact Factor=10.733)
[14] G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li, Kwong-Yu Chan*, Cheuk-Wing Lee and Jin Zhong, Investigations of high voltage vanadium-metal hydride flow battery toward kWh scale storage with 100 cm2 electrodes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163, A5180-A5187. (Impact Factor=3.120, This paper is part of the JES Focus Issue on Redox Flow Batteries–Reversible Fuel Cells)
[15] Zhejun Li, G. M. Weng, Qingli Zou, Guangtao Cong and Yi-Chun Lu*, A high-energy and low-cost polysulfide/iodide redox flow battery, Nano Energy, 2016, 30, 283-292. (Impact Factor=15.548)
[16] Regis P. Dowd Jr., Venkata Yarlagadda, Dhrubajit Konwar, Guangyu Lin, G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li, Kwong-Yu Chan, and Trung Van Nguyen*, A study of alkaline-based H2-Br2 and H2-I2 reversible fuel cells, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163(14), F1471-F1479. (Impact Factor=3.120)
[17] G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan*, High voltage vanadium-metal hydride rechargeable semi-flow battery, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2013, 160, A1384-A1389. (Impact Factor=3.120)
[18] Huanqiao Li, G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan*, Three electrolyte high voltage acid-alkaline hybrid rechargeable battery, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56, 9420-9425. (Impact Factor=5.383)
[19] G. M. Weng, Yuzhi Su*, Zhaoqing Liu, Zhaoyi Wu, Shuang Chen, Jianhua Zhang and Changwei Xu*, Synthesis and properties of copolymer of 3-thienylmethyl disulfide and benzyl disulfide for cathode material in lithium batteries, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 116, 727-735. (Impact Factor=2.188)
[20] G. M. Weng, Yuzhi Su*, Zhaoqing Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Wen Dong and Changwei Xu*, Electrochemical properties of novel organodisulfide poly1,2-bis(thiophen-3-ylmethyl)disulfane as cathode material for secondary lithium batteries, Energy, 2009, 34, 1351-1354. (Impact Factor=5.537)
[1] G. M. Weng, Marina Mariano Juste, Jason Lipton and André D. Taylor, MXene films, coatings and bulk processing, book chapter, in the edited book of “2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides (MXenes)”, Editors: Dr. Babak Anasori and Dr. Yury Gogotsi, 2019, Publisher: Springer Nature.
[2] Huanqiao Li, G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan, pH differential power sources with electrochemical neutralization, book chapter, in the edited book of “Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability: Devices, Materials and Mechanisms for Energy Conversion”, Editors: Dr. Kwong-Yu Chan and Dr. Chi-Ying Vanessa Li, 2014, Publisher: CRC Press.
[1] G. M. Weng, Yi-Chun Lu, Zengyue Wang and Longyin Simon Tam, Complexed iodine-based electrolyte and redox flow battery comprising the same, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2020. (US Patent App. 16/558,814)
[2] G. M. Weng and André D. Taylor, A promising negative electrode for a long-life sodium-ion battery, New York University and Yale University, 2019. (Patent filing in progress)
[1] G. M. Weng, Jinyang Li, Mohamed Alhabeb, Christopher Karpovich, Hang Wang, Jason Lipton, Kathleen Maleski, Jaemin Kong, Evyatar Shaulsky, Menachem Elimelech, Yury Gogotsi and André D. Taylor. "Conductive and flexible layer-by-layer MXene composite films with desired cross-functionalities for electromagnetic interference shielding applications" In The 17th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (ICOMF). New York University, United States, 2018. (oral presentation)
[2] G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan. "Study of the electrochemical behavior of high voltage vanadium-metal hydride hybrid semi-flow battery" In The 223rd Electrochemical Society Meeting. Toronto, Canada, 2013. (oral presentation)
[1] Trung Van Nguyen, Venkata Yarlagadda, Guangyu Lin, G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan, Comparison of acid and alkaline hydrogen-bromine fuel cell systems, ECS Transaction, 2014, 58, 29-35.
[2] G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan, Study of the electrochemical behavior of high voltage vanadium-metal hydride hybrid semi-flow battery, ECS Transaction, 2013, 7, 39-50.
[3] G. M. Weng, Chi-Ying Vanessa Li and Kwong-Yu Chan, Lead acid-NiMH hybrid battery system using gel electrolyte, ECS Transaction, 2012, 41, 133-143.


2018年Elsevier出版的《Journal of Power Sources》期刊傑出審稿人
2016年義大利國際電化學獎Fondazione Oronzio e Niccolò De Nora Fellowship


