



  • 作者:王佳歆 編譯
  • ISBN:9787530962015
  • 頁數:251
  • 定價:24.00元
  • 出版社:天津教育
  • 出版時間:2011-1


《隱形de翅膀(晚間版·英漢典藏版)》是美麗英文系列叢書之一。它收錄了中英對照的閱讀文64篇。這些文章有的是勵志讀物,有的是對人生的感悟……。閱讀它們,既能增強你的英語閱讀水平,也能激發你的奮鬥精神,豐富你的生活閱歷。 《隱形de翅膀(晚間版·英漢典藏版)》適合所有大中學生、英文愛好者、喜歡睡前閱讀的人以及所有希望通過文字慰藉心靈的人來閱讀。


Part 1 Life's Little Bumps疤痕人生 Learning to Share學會分享/2 Flawless bseauty瑕疵之美/6 Baseball Has a Religion Too棒球也有信仰/10 By Spiritual Handholds on Life藉助生命的精神把手/14 You’II be Good for Him你能幫助他/18 Which is More Important than Faith那些比信仰更重要的/22 A New Control of Destiny對命運的一個新的掌控/26 Two Commandments are Enough只要兩條戒律/30 Attitude Toward Work對工作的態度/34 Life Grows in the Soil ofTime生命在時間的土壤中成長/37 A Ball to Roll Around一個球的啟示/41 Causes are People原因是人/45 Fixing Up the Run--Down Places修補殘破之處/49 Growing in the Middle Ground成長在半途中/53 Building Your House建造你的房子/56 Don’t Step Out of Character不要脫離角色/59 Life’s Little Bumps疤痕人生/63Part 2 Learn to be Independent學會獨立 Change the Principles of Life改變生活的原則/68 Mature Power成熟的力量/72 A Game of Cards紙牌遊戲/76 Dreams Are the Stuff Life is Made Of夢想是構成生命的元素/80 Opportunity創造機會/84 We Can’t Just Play with Spools不能僅把線軸當玩具/87 The Greeks Had an Answer希臘人的答案/90 A Mask Was Stifling Me假面具令我窒息/94 The Cake蛋糕/98 Do You Know Your Special Talent你了解你的特殊天賦嗎/102 Philosophy from a Tugboat拖船的哲學/106 Let YourselfGo走自己的路/110 The Hidden World Around Us我們身邊的隱形世界/114 Max’s Recipe for Happiness馬克斯的幸福處方/118 Precious Legacy珍貴的遺物/122 Only One Childhood童年一去不復返/126 The Only Way to Make a Friend交友的唯一之道/129Part 3 Enjoy Difficulties in Life享受挫折 Beautiful Simile and Love美麗的微笑與愛心/134 A Morning Prayer in d Little Church小教堂中的清晨禱告/138 Escape the Dark Destructive Force逃離黑暗毀滅力量/141 The Art of Bouncing Back捲土重來的藝術/145 Roll Away the Stone挪開阻礙之石/149 Be Kind to Others善待他人/152 The Law of the Heart心的法則/156 What Makes Me Feel Big什麼令我感到偉大/160 I Call Things As I See Them眼見為實/164 The Debt of the Artist藝術家的責任/168 Good Strongth善良的力量/172 What is More Important than Money比錢更重要的東西/176 Rules ofLife生活法則/180 Dedication of the Well—beifig奉獻的幸福/184Part 4 Never Give Up水滴石穿 A Straight Wall is Hard to Build直牆難砌/190 A Spirit of Adventure Prevail久有凌雲志/194 Love is Just a Thread愛只是一根線/198 Source of Inspiration創作靈感的來源/202 Growth That Starts from Thinking成長由思考開始/206 The Thread of Permanence永恆的足跡/210 Walk Clean Around the Hill走遍整座山/214 My Father's Evening Star父親的啟明星/218 Christmas Lost and Found聖誕變奏曲/222 The Definition of Success成功的定義/226 Parachutes降落傘/230 Freedom is Worth the Risk自由相當於冒險/234 Give Part of Yourself Away放棄你自己的一部分/238 The Starting Point As a Stepping Stone把高起點作為墊腳石/241 Revelations on a Bomb Run一次轟炸中的啟示/244 Fishing Implications垂釣帶來的啟示/248


